Chapter 6:

The Looming Shadow of Past

The Pride of A Banchou [Short]

“Aah…it’s almost the end of the semester…” Shou remarked as he stretched his tired body after the last class ended.

“That’s right…we will soon have exams.” Minami, who was tidying up her books, agreed.

“Minamiii, please help me study for the exams! I can’t do it on my own!” Reikou clung to Minami, already teary-eyed from the prospect of studying.

“Yes, yes, I’ll teach you as usual.” Minami smiled wryly as she brushed Reikou’s hair affectionately.

“Yay! Minami is the best!” Reikou beamed happily.

“Ryuuji, how about joining our study group?” Shou asked me, casually implying that he would also be under Minami’s care.

“Hmm…” I pondered over his question.

Up until now, I would always be the one to hold the study group, presumably because my grade is one of the best in school. However, this would be my first final exam in this school and it wouldn’t hurt to join them.

“Yeah, I think I’ll join you, if that’s okay.” I glanced at Minami.

The class rep smiled brightly. “I’m perfectly fine with that. This way, I can have you help me teach Shou-kun so I can focus on Reikou.”

“So that’s why you want me to join you?!” I playfully elbowed Shou.

“Hey, studying together never hurts, right?” Shou stuck a tongue at me.

“Ah, speaking of which, did you hear?” Reikou spoke up. “There’s a new homeroom teacher for Class 2-E. They said he looks like he’s still in his late twenties and very handsome, so all the girls are talking about him.”

“Hmm…a new teacher entering at the end of the semester? That’s quite strange.” I commented.

“Oh, I heard about him too.” Shou nodded. “Apparently he just came back from studying abroad and got a job here thanks to his connection to the principal. He’s an alumnus of this school, so he wants to contribute here or something.”

“Huh? How come an alumnus of this school managed to study abroad?” I tilted my head. I had the impression that students here didn’t come from such a wealthy background. Why would the rich attend such shabby school when they had Sakurazaki Academy next door?

“Beats me. I only heard it from my friends.” Shou shrugged.

“What will he teach, I wonder?” Minami tilted her head.

“If I’m not mistaken, he’s going to teach us English. I mean, he’s been studying abroad, so his English must be awesome!” Shou said confidently.

“Ah, that reminds me, Ryuuji-kun.” Minami clapped her hands. “Have you submitted your English homework for today? It seems you’re the only one who haven’t submitted it yet.”

“Aah, I was about to tell you that.” I smiled bitterly. “I forgot to bring my homework this morning, so I’ll do it again right now. You can go ahead and submit everyone else’s homeworks—I’ll hand mine to the teacher by myself.”

“Hm? What about your usual Senpai?” Reikou remarked.

“About that…”


With perfect timing, Ouji appeared at the classroom door, wearing his usual frowning face.

“Let’s go.” He ordered curtly.

“Sorry, Senpai, but I need to finish my homework first. I’ll go there later, okay?” I put my hands together and lowered my head as I explained.

“…I see, it can’t be helped then.” Ouji nodded. “I’ll tell Kagura-san, so be sure to head over later.”

He left without much resistance.

“Well, that was…unexpectedly easy.” Reikou commented.

Shou nodded. “I thought he was going to drag you there with no questions asked.”

I smiled wryly. “Despite his looks, Ouji-senpai is actually a considerate person.” I defended him.

“Then, we’ll go back first, okay? Good luck with your homework!” Minami waved at me before leaving with Reikou and Shou.

I sighed and started working on my homework. It was supposed to be a simple task, but the sheer quantity of the questions stumped even a diligent student like me. I had considered going back home to fetch my homework, but the idea of walking that much already tired me out.

“Geez…I know that practice makes perfect, but isn’t a hundred questions a bit too much, Sensei?” I grumbled to myself in the empty classroom. “You keep repeating basically the same question over and over again—even half of this is more than enough.”

By the time I was finished with my homework, the school was already empty. When I walked through the hallway, I didn’t run into anyone at all, which showed just how late it already was.

“Excuse me, Sensei. I forgot my homework, so I did it again just now.” I entered the faculty room and handed my work to my teacher.

“Ahh, I see. You’re lucky that I still have to show the new teacher around, Shiba-kun.” My middle-aged teacher remarked. “Next time don’t forget to bring your homework, you hear me?”

“Yes, I’m sorry.” I lowered my head to him.

When I raised my face, I noticed that the faculty room was nearly empty—save for my teacher.

“Hm? Sensei, where’s the new teacher?” I asked out of curiosity.

“Oh, he stepped out for the toilet. Are you curious about him? Don’t worry, Shijima-sensei will be teaching your class as well.” My teacher answered.

“I see…well, I’ll go back now, please excuse me, Sensei.” I bowed again before leaving the faculty room.

After stepping into the hallway, my feet automatically brought me toward the unused classroom where I hung out nearly every day. As I traced the familiar path, I thought back to the time I spent with Sakuya and the delinquents this past month.

Following the end of the war with the rebels, Sakuya’s faction claimed victory and united all of the delinquents in Sakurasaki. There were still a lot of frictions between the two factions, but at least they all acknowledged Sakuya as their Banchou.

As for Sakuya’s promise to try to rely on me more…let’s just say that it still has a long way to go.

Whenever I thought about it, I unconsciously let out a depressed sigh. Being the only normal student among the delinquents, I strove to show Sakuya and everyone else that I wasn’t just a dead weight. I wanted to be truly acknowledged as part of their group.

I’d hoped that after the war, Sakuya would come to realize that she could rely on me. Alas, her treatment toward me was still roughly the same. She still sent me out to buy her drinks, or fetch something she forgot, or told me to help her subordinates with their homework…wait, didn’t she treat me even worse than before?

But anyway, Sakuya still tried to bring herself to rely on me in her own way. Whenever a fight broke out between delinquents, she’d take me with her to help pacify the situation. Well, to be honest, it was Sakuya’s fist that did most of the talking, yet she’d always give me the chance to mediate between them.

Seeing her clumsy attempt at fulfilling her promise made me more eager to help her out, and in the end, the desire to support this whimsical, yet clumsy tyrant of a Banchou started taking root in my heart.

I wonder who will show up in the base today? I hope those delinquents would hurry up and get along with each other—it’s getting tiresome to drag their unconscious bodies to the infirmary after Sakuya was done with them…” I was thinking some rude things when my ears caught Sakuya’s faint voice.

Driven by my curiosity, I followed her voice into a rarely used hallway not far from the faculty room. I stopped at the corner before the said hallway and took a peek.

Hm? Sakuya-san…?

I could see Sakuya standing in the middle of the hallway, with her back facing me. Thanks to that, I couldn’t see her face, but from the way she stood rigidly with her hand on her hips, I guessed that she was talking to someone.

“…so? Why are you here…”

Sakuya’s voice was terribly cold and distant, as if she were a completely different person.




My father stood in the middle of the room.

In this world, power is justice.

His hand was gripping a katana, still dripping with fresh blood.

We are the powerful ones.

A headless man was lying on the floor before him.

Therefore, we are justice itself.

A pool of blood started forming around the man’s limp body.

We have the right to dominate anything and everything in the world.

My father turned around to face me, who stood paralyzed in terror.

So don’t go around spouting nonsense about trusting other people or saving the weak.

His sharp, glaring eyes pierced through me, thoroughly engraving the fear of his wrath.

Lest you will end up like this useless trash.


I jolted awake, desperately gasping for air. My pounding heartbeat slowly calmed down as I realized that it was only a nightmare. The familiar sight of my bedroom helped ease my nerves as well.

“…it’s just a dream, huh?” I ran my fingers through my long hair, sighing as I regained my composure. “What a terrible way to wake up.”

I couldn’t go back to sleep after that, so I went on with my morning routine and left my apartment earlier than usual.

“Good morning, Sakuya-chan!”

On the way to school, I ran into Hiiro, who was walking to school with three beautiful female students.

“Ah, good morning.” I replied curtly.

Upon seeing me, those three immediately made themselves scarce, leaving Hiiro behind with me.

“It’s fine if you go after them, you know?” I told him, since I knew Hiiro always walked to school with different girls every morning.

“No, no, being able to walk to school with Sakuya-chan is a miraculous event that only happens, like, after you clear all the hidden routes and trigger many death flags without actually dying!” Hiiro passionately declared.

“…right, suit yourself, then.” I had no idea what he was talking about as usual, so I simply ignored him.

“Still, it’s quite rare of you to go to school this early in the morning, Sakuya-chan.” Despite all of his nonsense, Hiiro was annoyingly perceptive. “Did something happen?”

“…no.” I looked away, brushing off the memory of that nightmare. “I just woke up too early, that’s all.”

“Hmm…” Hiiro’s tone implied that he didn’t believe it, but he was also a sensitive person who knew where to draw the line. “Alright, then. Ah, I just remembered—there’ll be a new teacher coming in today.”

“A new teacher?” I turned at him in bewilderment. “At this time of the year?”

“Yeah, it seems he got in thanks to him bribing the principal or something like that. I don’t even know why he would go through such lengths—no one wants to work in Sakurasaki in the first place.” Hiiro shrugged his shoulders.

“Bribing, huh…?” I pondered over it. Hiiro’s information was usually accurate and it was making me even more uneasy. “Could it be…? No, they should’ve already given up. It’s been two years after all.


“My name is Shijima Ryouta.”

A man that looked like he was still in his late twenties introduced himself in front of the class. He was quite tall, with a well-toned body and a mature, cool-looking face that captivated all the girls. He had neatly cut jet-black hair and a pair of blood-red eyes under his glasses.

“Please call me Shijima-sensei. Even though it’s only for a short while, I’ll be your homeroom teacher until the end of the semester.”

He flashed a warm smile and the girls instantly swooned.

“I will be teaching English for the sophomore students, so I’m looking forward to our classes together.” Shijima gave a polite bow.


I froze in my seat, staring at the new teacher in disbelief.


His blood-red eyes met mine and his lips curled into a faint smirk.

Why is that man here?!

I had to forcefully suppress my urge to escape at this very moment and feigned calmness.

…so it seems that they haven’t given up yet.” I clenched my fist tightly. “Fine then, I just have to forcefully shut him up and send him back—that way, they won’t bother me again.

Once I decided so, I started planning my next move.



When the homeroom ended, I approached Shijima.

“Yes, what is it…?” He turned at me and tilted his head.

“Ah, my name is Kagura Sakuya.” I introduced myself, acting as if we’ve never met before. I didn’t fail to notice the unrest in his eyes when he heard my name. “There’s something I want to discuss with Sensei after the school is over. Will you hear me out?” I asked innocently.

“Well, today is my first day, so I’m supposed to tour around the school for a bit…” Shijima tried to evade my approach.

“It’s about what I’m going to do in the near future.” I put an emphasize on my words, implying that I wanted to talk with him. “If I don’t consult with someone, I don’t know what I’m going to do…ah, but if you really can’t help me, then it’s fine. I’ll go somewhere else for help.” I added a threat that I’d disappear again if he didn’t comply just to drive the point home.

“…it can’t be helped, then.” Shijima finally gave in. “Let’s talk once the classes are over, okay?”

“Yes, thank you, Sensei.” I smiled, yet my smile didn’t reach my eyes. “Yes, let’s talk it out, shall we?


I stood in the middle of a rarely used hallway with hands on my hips, glaring menacingly at the man before me. I had purposely waited until the school was empty before calling him out into the hallway, so that no one would overhear our talk.

“…so? Why are you here, Shijima? Or should I call you…”

My eyes narrowed.

“…Kagura Kikuchi?”

The man in front of me smiled politely.

“You may call me whatever suits you, Ojou-sama.” He gave a slight bow.

“Stop it.” My voice instantly hardened. “We’re not in the main house. In this school, I’m just a normal student.”

Kikuchi snickered as he straightened his back.

“Then, please call me Shijima-sensei, like everyone else does, Kagura-san, the Banchou of Sakurasaki Academy.” Kikuchi easily revealed my status in this school, as if showing off his intelligence-gathering prowess.

“If you don’t want to say it, then let me do it.” I stared coldly at him. “The only reason why the younger brother of the family head came here personally is because you’re desperate to convince me to go back. Isn’t that right?”

Kikuchi’s smirk faded, replaced with a cold smile. “Desperate is a strong word, Kagura-san. I am simply making sure that you will return to the house quietly. After all, the family head already misses his beloved daughter who disappeared two years ago.”

“Beloved daughter? Hah! As if I’ll believe such a stupid lie!” I couldn’t help but raise my voice at the absurdity of his words. “That man just wants his well-made, obedient doll that he painstakingly raised to return! You can go back to him and tell him to stop his futile efforts—no matter what happens, I’m not coming back home!” I glared at Kikuchi.

Kikuchi sighed. “Is that so? That’s a real pity…however, I personally think that our family doesn’t need an incompetent child who can’t even control the people under her.”

“…what did you say?” I directed my bloodlust at him, even though I knew he was trying to provoke me.

“Well, isn’t that the truth?” Kikuchi’s annoying smirk resurfaced. “You came to this school and took over as the new Banchou because you wanted to make your ideals came true. You wanted to prove that even a bunch of violent, muscle-headed delinquents can be tamed and succeed in their study like normal students. That’s why you had them attend classes and not disturb other students. But I can only see it as an immature, half-baked move.” Kikuchi shrugged his shoulders.

I took a step toward him, ready to give him a punch or two. “What do you even know anyway?!” I clenched my fist.

“This piece of paper is more than enough.” Kikuchi took out a piece of paper and held it out to me.

I snatched it from him and read its contents.

List of Students for Summer Supplementary Class.

Listed in it were the names of all the delinquent students in this school. It meant that with their current grade, they would be forced to take the summer supplementary class. In other words, a class for problematic students.

I gripped the paper tightly, holding back the urge to crumple it and throw it away as far as possible.


In the end, I could only resent my incompetent self who couldn’t even make my ideals came true.

“You see? Nothing’s changed since you took over this school.” Kikuchi gloated with a malicious smirk. “The delinquents will always be violent fools that harmed the school’s reputation, regardless of your efforts. They’re the same as us, who can only inspire fear from other people. I imagined you’ve been hiding your true identity because of that very reason, yes?”

My hand that held the paper trembled as I glared at Kikuchi. I really wanted to give him a good punch at least once, but it would only make things worse if I used violence on a teacher—and a new one, at that.

“Well, the head’s words are absolute, so I’ll still bring you back home even if you don’t want to. However, it’s not like I really want someone incompetent like you to come back.” Kikuchi glanced at me with a cunning smile. “So, how about we make a deal?”

“A deal, you say?” I repeated his words with suspicious eyes.

“The teachers have talked it out, and they agreed to hold a remedial test a week before the final exam. You can call it a last chance. That test will be for students whose names are on that list, in other words, for delinquents only.” Kikuchi explained. “So, if you can show me your ideals—that is, if you can make those delinquents pass the test and avoid supplementary class, I will acknowledge your ideals. I won’t report your whereabouts to the family, and I’ll even help you out. But…”

Kikuchi grinned devilishly.

“If there’s even one student who fails this test, I’ll tattle about you to the family. So it won’t matter whether you come back with me or not—they will take you back without any questions asked. How about it, Kagura-san?”

My mind instantly went over Kikuchi’s offer, calculating all possible scenarios and weighing the merits against the demerits. I gritted my teeth when I realized that I was at an overwhelming disadvantage. There were nearly 80 students in that list, and I had to make sure that every single one of them pass the test or I will be dragged back home. On top of that, I didn’t know whether I could really trust Kikuchi or not.

“How do I know that you’ll uphold our deal?” I stared intently at Kikuchi. “What's the merit in this for you? Won’t it be easier if you simply take me back by force?”

“Well, truth be told, even now I still don’t know how you ran away from the house two years ago.” A hint of irritation flashed across Kikuchi’s face. “I’m sure that if you really want to, you can do the same thing and disappear from this school. Therefore, the only way for me to take you back is to make you willingly do so. You, who held your pride so preciously, won't back down from a deal you've made, no matter how much you hate it.”

I smiled wryly, not denying Kikuchi's words.

“And besides, if I try anything funny, I’m quite certain that you will promptly disappear. So I won’t let myself be a laughingstock for trying to catch you with underhanded methods but letting you escape again instead.” Kikuchi shrugged.

I see.” I understood his logic. I always had the choice of abandoning this school and disappear, so Kikuchi had to honour our deal if he wanted to capture me.

“Well, I’m sure the reason why you haven’t run away the moment you saw my face is because you got quite attached to this school.” Kikuchi smirked. “You can’t leave behind your pet dogs, right? What’s their name again…oh right, Pochi, Tarou, and Ryuu.” He seemed terribly pleased with himself as he flaunted his information.

“Ryuu isn’t my pet dog.” I instantly retorted. I imagined that if Ryuu were here, he’d retort, so the other two ARE your pet dogs?!

“Really?” Kikuchi narrowed his eyes. “Even though you waged a war over that boy?”

I had to hold myself back from reacting to his words. “War…I see, so that’s how he knew I was here. I stood out too much in that fight, so he somehow had gotten hold of that information.” I thought to myself. “That war has nothing to do with Ryuu. I always intended to subjugate the other faction, whether he was there or not. Ryuu is my…”

I stopped short, unable to find the right words.

Ryuu is my…my…” I thought hard, but I couldn’t find the right word. “In the first place, who is Ryuu to me anyway? A sacrificial pawn? No, I did come to save him in that war. A pet dog? No, he isn’t as devoted as the other two. A friend? No, I don’t think friends will deceive the other and send him as a bait to start a war. An acquaintance? That might be it, but we already hung out together for a whole semester, so aren’t we supposed to be closer than that?

As I was pondering over it, Kikuchi seemed to lose interest in my answer.

“Well, since this is you we’re talking about, I’m sure he’s just another chess piece for you—”

“That’s it!” I reflexively shouted.

“W-What?!” Kikuchi stepped back, surprised by my sudden outburst.

“Right, Ryuu is a chess piece of mine!” I nodded to myself. “I still don’t know which piece he is, but I know that he’s an irreplaceable piece for me. He’s definitely not a mere sacrificial pawn anymore!”

“…y-yeah…sure…” Kikuchi stared at me dubiously. He cleared his throat and tried to steer the conversation back to its track. “Anyway! What do you say about the bet, Kagura-san?”

“Oh, I’m fine with that under one condition.”

Somehow, talking about Ryuu had lifted my spirits and the fog that had been clouding my mind ever since Kikuchi showed up had disappeared, helping me to think clearer than before.

“I don’t want you tampering with the teachers, the tests, the students, or any of them. Do you get it? No interfering with the situation!” I pointed at Kikuchi.

Kikuchi’s grin widened. “Usually I won’t accept any conditions, but I’ll make an exception and accept this one. Well, let’s hope that you can help those delinquents prepare for their test in just under one month, Kagura-san.”

“Hmph, be prepared to kneel before me and admit your defeat, Kikuchi.” I lifted my chin high. “I’ll even allow you to lick my feet when I win.”

Kikuchi’s eyes flashed in anger, clearly feeling humiliated. “We’ll see about that.” He said curtly before leaving the hallway, passing right next to me.

I waited until he entered the faculty room before turning around and crossing my arms.

“I know you’re there. Come out, Ryuu.”
