Chapter 2:

He’s My What?!

Heart Strings of the Vampire King!

Chisaka Kutsuki

Gina paid for the tickets, she said she didn’t mind. I’m not sure if any of the teachers realized we weren’t at the festival, but I was beginning not to care. This is far more exciting anyways.

“It’s almost time! He will be out in minutes, my love.” Gina swooned, I swear there was a heart eyes filter in her face, could just be my imagination.

The crowd was cheering and buzzing, fans standing on their tip toes and had light sticks in their hands, and posters made with Vampire King’s face on it with hearts and flirty messages. One said ‘my vampire daddy’ I was cringed by that. What was that supposed to mean anyways?

“Having fun?” Takumi glances at me, I smile and nod a quick ‘yes,’ could Takumi get any cuter?

Suddenly the crowd gets crazy loud, screams in my ears and I could see Gina’s eyes watering with joy. Takumi cheered along with the rest of the crowd. Then the stage lights go wild, colors of red and a back screen of the dark woods and blood effects.

The Vampire King steps out onto the stage with an electric guitar in hands and a mic on his neck. He had dark hair and auburn eyes, effects makeup on, a dark jacket with glittering rhinestones atop a tight white button up shirt, although showing half of his chest. He was utterly beautiful.

And he was-


My face goes through many shades of purple, my body half limp, and my heart racing fast in my chest. The other half of my soul string was… tied to him.

”Impossible!” I nearly scream, but the crowd was too loud for anyone to hear

Soul bonds are fake. The string of fate doesn’t work. It doesn’t know how long a relationship will last. It doesn’t know if the other person is toxic—it never knew that my dad would leave us.

But then why does a famous star carry the other half of my string? There’s no way I could be with him. He’s absolutely gorgeous, but he’s part of an entirely and completely different world than I am. He’s in magazines, bulletin boards, skincare commercials, heck even on tv! And he’s the best singer in Japan. I could never match with him.

I couldn’t keep my focus for the rest of the concert, I was in a shock and panic. There was no way this famous singer, with billions of fans, every girl's wish list boyfriend could possibly be my other half. I was barely visible to the people in my class, and he was standing on a stage before crowds of people cheering his name. Before I knew it, my soulmate turned from the crowds of cheering people, sweat beading off his perfect face… and he was gone.

The concert was over.

“Oh my gosh, he’s so perfect! I’m sorry but I’m in complete fan-girling mode right now! Did you both see how hot he was?!” Gina was still starstucked even as the crowd died down after the concert.

“We can tell, Gina. Beyond the amount of girls trying to get him to look their way, that was honestly so much fun!”

“Right?!” Gina nods to Takumi. “What’d you think? Chi- Chisaka!” she looked way too proud to remember my name. “Don’t you think that he and I would make the perfect couple?”

“Y- yeah!” I smile softly, simply agreeing with Gina. She was trying to be nice to me at the very least—I think.

“I don’t think he’s exactly in your league, Gina.” Takumi protests.

“You don’t know that.”

“He’s a star…”

Gina crosses her arms and pouts. If Gina wasn’t in his League, there was not even a slight chance for me. The string of fate is false, yet again.

The three of us head out of the concert area, my mind stuck in the clouds, still not recovering from seeing the other half of my soul string. As soon as we got to the festival area, all of our school’s classes were already lined up to get on the buses.

“Where in the world were you guys?!” Ms. Ishioka runs up to us, seeming panicked.

“We were at The Vampire King’s concert!” Gina replies. So, maybe the teachers did realize we left the music festival after all…

“You all had me so worried, that wasn’t part of the school trip, but you could have at least told us where you were leaving to, at the very least. I thought you guys went missing.”

I mean, we kind were… I mumble.

Ms. Ishioka sighs of relief, “I’m glad you made it back in time, get on the bus.”

Just as prompted, Gina, Takumi, and I get on the bus. Half of the ride back, Gina talks about the concert and the other half, I read my manga. A few times, I actually chime in while listening to Takumi and her talk. They weren’t the worst people after all, Gina was just a bit… different.

Even after we got back from the Festival, I couldn’t stop thinking about The Vampire King, I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that he was my other half. I decided something, after thinking upon it the rest of the day.

I had to meet him.

I didn’t know how, but I had to meet Ryota Mochizuki, The Vampire King.

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