Chapter 5:

Arc 1 - Chapter 4: The Aware one

Six Holy Knights

*A portal opened up into a desert, throwing out the young mage, stranded in the middle of nowhere*

"Seriously? What the hell would Seth be doing here?"

Still confused, she continued to search around the proximity, trying to identify where the Holy Knight is. It only took her a few seconds to realise, he was nowhere to be seen.

"Dammit, he's gone already..."

*Just as she said that out loud, a dagger placed itself against the mage's neck, the other around her belly, as though she had just been targeted by a bandit who was more than ready to strike*

The Mage remarked:

"Hmpf... You always liked fancy entrances didn't you?" 

A cheery voice responded:

"Of course, I can't just let people track me down so easily. Besides, how could I know it was you after me and not someone else?"

"You've made that many enemies?"

"Woops... said too much."

*As the figure dropped their hands, releasing the mage from the fixed position she was in, her orb flew up, equal to her eye level*


*The orb along with the mage teleported elsewhere within the proximity, revealing the figure that lingered in the background during this sneak attack*

"Look's like you've still got a ways to go to hide yourself from me."

"What... How did u figure it out so quickly!?"

"Well, you didn't think the mentor would just send me to a random location you'd be nearby when he knew exactly where you'd be at a certain time?"

"Well, well, well... What a cheater you are, you spoiled the fun."

"Hmpf, still as childish as ever."

The tone of the mage shifted to a more serious one, as she then mentioned:

"The Holy Knights are being called upon."

"What for!?"

"The Mentor believes the demons are planning an invasion, on a huge scale."


"He said it should be in a few weeks however, he is not certain on this, which is why he sent me to recruit you all back now, in case the invasion happens earlier than he predicted."

"Really... Well I guess my fun's over then. Have you found any of the other knights?"

"The Mentor sent me to collect you first, we will be going for Mark next."

The Holy Knight responded, with a grin on his face:

"Lover boy? How interesting... I heard he set up a bar that seems to be quite popular, would be fun to see him in action."

*Suddenly, a portal opened behind the two knights, and just as the two knights looked back, a swarm of demons flew out, full assault towards the knights...*

Six Holy Knights
