Chapter 4:

Act 4: Perfection

The Last Human

"What is Silus doing behind there?" Asked Spes while Zero attached some round and sticky contraception around her head.
"Nothing a child like ya should know." In his iron claws, Zero held a syringe with a needle long enough to stab her heart. "Don't ya worry," he said after seeing her worried expression, "this is just gonna sting a little bit but ya'll feel good right after."
Out of Zero's eyes shone a bright light beam which shone right onto the point between the upper arm and the forearm. A shiver ran down her spine the moment she felt the cold steel touching her skin. But before she could even gasp the needle poked right through her thin skin.
"Are you going to hurt me?" She asked with tears in her eyes.
"Whadd'ya saying? Why should I?"
"Silus said that all mechanoids are bad and that they try to kill humans. Are you a bad mechanoid?"
For a brief moment, the big arms of the robot stopped working on her body, just to resume their work soon after.
"Well, he said that I'm his mate didn't he, so why should I." Zero threw a quick glance over his shoulder towards the door behind which Silus disappeared. "Is that what he told ya? That all damn tinheads are bad, I mean?" 
"Yes, right before the bad machines who tried to hurt me came storming into the apartment."
"So, since we have nothing else to do other than waiting for the analysis to complete let me tell ya a short story."
Spes smiled across the whole face and nodded.
"Not too long ago, a race called humans existed. They strived for the ultimate perfection and yet they made the stupidest mistakes, not learning anything. Lead by their own feelings they often brought themselves closer to extinction rather than perfection." Zero checked if his audience was properly listening, and indeed her eyes were glued onto him, hanging on his metallic opening which people would call a mouth, absorbing each of his words. "Anyway. One day humanity created something ya call AI which is nothing less than the mind which controls every single mechanoid in existence. But meant to be perfect those AI's soon realised that humans themselves weren't and in order to save the world from being destroyed by it's own inhabitants mechanoids decided to eradicate their creators."
"So I am the bad one?"
"Haah it's not as simple as that girl if only ya wo-"
"That's enough Zero!" Silus stood behind him throwing a shadow over the small robot and his patient "She doesn't have to know the rest yet. Well sooner or later I will have to tell her the truth though, after all as the last human being, she has inherited the legacy of her race. If she is indeed human, that is."
"Don't ya look at me like that. I don't know yet. And quit nippin' on those damn cigarettes. I still don't understand why ya started smoking. Ya hated those stinky deathtraps." Zero grumbled. 
A smoke column rose to the ceiling from the cigarette in Silus' mouth.
"Don't lie. You know fairly well why I started." Silus took out the cigarette from his mouth and looked at it, inhaling the smoke coming from the burning tip. "This taste is the only thing left that reminds me of he-"
"But this story still doesn't clarify to me why you are so friendly towards a human?" With tubes hanging out of her body, Spes couldn't help but just lie there. "Why are you so kind to me?"
"Zero said that robots are only programmed to be as efficient and perfect as possible but that's not entirely true. What I learned from my-... our creator, is that every program has its defects. Not only programs, in Nature and in life, perfection simply doesn't exist. So what do you think that happens if such imperfections show up in a mechanoid?" Silus asked
"The enforcer..." Answered the child baffled.
He nodded puffing on his cigarette.
"Well the  two of us fall under a kinda special category anyway." Started Zero "We were not programmed by Central like the others, but much rather by his-"
"Shut up Zero we don't have time for this." Silus was standing on his toes between all the rubble and scraps lying around. He was peaking out of the window from between the blinds. "Seems like I have to use some of my colleague's presents earlier than expected."
"Fuck!" Zero cursed.
"Are... are they coming again? The enforcers are they here to take me?" She asked, stuttering.
"Yes, they are..." The small robot started hammering on a keyboard panel next to her. "But we won't let them take ya kid so don't worry."
"Stop blabbering, how long do you need!?" Silus screamed with a big rifle about the size of the girl in his hand. A blue light started to slowly build up in the barrel, it looked like someone was slowly filling up a cup of water.
"Give me five minutes and I'll have the result for you."
"Five minutes! Shit." Now it was Silus who cursed.
Spes felt her heartbeat all the way up to her neck.
Shooting out of the barrel in Silus's arms was a gigantic blue ball and was it not for his mechanized body he would have flown away from the recoil. Expecting an ear-deafening sound, Spes had already covered her ears and closed her eyes. In the first few moments nothing happened, only silence filled the hut until the beam reached its destiny and burst the quietness into the crackling sound of thunder. The smell of burned metal reached her nose, even though it came from outside the hut. Flashes illuminated the night and room with a blinding light.
"Dammit, Silus be careful with that damn thing!" Screamed Zero who was still typing on the keyboard at an insane speed.
"There is no time for that, they have reached your house!" Silus had already thrown the big weapon to the side and grabbed a machinegun dangling on his back, unleashing a continuous hail of bullets onto the enemy outside the window.
"Hurry up Zero! I can't hold them back any longer!" Silus was ducked under the window in shatters with shots hitting the wall behind him laying the kitchen to waste.
"Just... one... more... second... I'm done! The analysis is finished!" Zero ripped out the cables and all the machinery attached to the girl. "Now hurry up and go! This place will blow up soon!" With his metal claws, Zero grabbed her arm and dragged her to a pile of rubble.
In the meantime, Silus had switched position to the door which was holding strong thanks to all the robust robot parts. From time to time he peaked out to the side and started shooting at the incoming enforcers.
"What was the result?!" Screamed Silus across the destruction and gunfire.
"I... I still need to check it, I'll explain it on the way!"
For a moment both stood still, looking at each other amidst all the chaos. But they didn't have any time left for explanations both jumped down the hole hidden under the rubble where Spes already waited for them, right before a giant heatwave reached far down to them with a deafening sound of an explosion.