Chapter 3:

Can you be my friend?

A countryside boy moved to mansion as a servant of a noble girl

After knowing what's going on with rain kimihiko run towards the woods to go into the town even if its raining. He rans through scattered muddy road and slip many times and he stands again then start running through the forest. 

I wouldn't stop, i will ran straight to the town. There's no second chances i need to see her, the rain starts to get heavier and heavier. The air blow were so strong and the trees were dancing to the blow of the wind addition the strong thunder, i didn't care i ran and ran and ran to the point i reach my limit and not expecting to, my ran were so slow and i start swaying my hands, from that i tripped over the tree and lie down in the middle of forest while raining. I keep standing up. 

"Stand.... Stand!... Kimihiko stand!... If you cant then die anyway" Kimihiko tired speaking. 

I try and try to stand up but my legs can't keep up anymore, due to running nonstop i was passed out and heard a carriage getting near to me. 




I wake up in a large carriage and im in a lap of beautiful woman, she's beautiful, in a white dress and with long hair panache hairstyle. Her boobs we're big too and i think her age is in the 40's. Of course after i woke up i stand up rapidly and apologized. 

"S-sorry for intrusion!!" Kimihiko speaks while bowing. 

"My, My its ok take a seat" the woman speaks diligently. 

"W-why am i here?" Kimihiko confused asking. 

"We've found you in the middle of the forest while raining, my husband carry you here, he's in the 1st carriage and were here in the 2nd so just relax, i know your going to town right? Anyway my name is Mitsuki Aira". 

"T-thanks for taking care of me, my name is Kimihiko Nobunaga". 

The two were keep talking until the carriage reach to town square. 

"Thanks again for the ride Ms. Aira!" Kimihiko Nobunaga. Kimihiko thankfully speaking. 

"You're welcome..." Aira speaks. 

The carriage leave now and kimihiko starts to find the hospital, the rain keeps heavier and heavier. Kimihiko stays in the shade of the store.


"There's no time i need to keep going". 

Kimihiko rushed to the town while its thunderstorming he keep running, every inch of the town to find the hospital and while he keep running he see the bully from the other day and accidentally bumped to it, the two were droved away. 

"Where would you looking at brat!" the bully speaks. 

"M-my deeply apologies!" Kimihiko speaks. 

"W-wait... I know you! You are the one who cover his self as god in the forest to protect that girl hahaha to think i will see you here again". Bully speaks

The bully grabbed my shirt and punched several times. 

"Take this you wimp! Now my clothes are muddy due to your own dumbness" the bully speaks. 

The bully throw kimihiko in to the wall and leave.

"Fucking loser" bully speaks. 



I was in the corner thinking all along why i was so weak, dumb, shitass. I dont know, i keep standing up even my whole body numbingly while walking. As i walk towards the street i see a woman looks identical to rain in a window of a large building, i went to the front of the building and it was hospital. I enters through it, all of the person's there has their attention on me, i didn't mind them at all and walks in to the attendant. 

"E-xchuse *Haa* *haa* me is there any patient h-here named rain in the hospital? Kimihiko tired asking. 

"W-well there is in the third room, room 20 i think but you have many bruises and you face were all beaten up." Nurse speaks. 

"T-thanks mam.. Im o-okay" Kimihiko speaks. 

I climb up to the stairs and walks to the floor as my blood from my left hand were drooping. 

"Whats with that boy? He's beaten up" nurses speaks. 

Kimihiko doesnt mind them and he finally reach the room 20.

"*coughs* it is... I need to enter" Kimihiko speaks. 

He slowly opening the door of the room and see a girl in a bed, full of bandage in her bed and she looks like literally rain, Kimihiko is full of mud in his clothes and his face were beaten up. 

" h-here?!" 

The girl looks at kimihiko and confused. 

"You're ok mister?" rain speaks

"Uhmm... W-who are you?" rain speak. 

Kimihiko shocked and drove in to the door. 

"I'm Kimihiko! Rain you dont know me?". 

"Sorry.. I really dont know you so please if you dont have any important things to me can you please leave?" 

Kimihiko cries as he close the door slowly and sits outside the room. 

"W-why wouldn't you know me... Hahaha..*cries*......" Kimihiko speaks

A 2 butler came across the hall and talks to Kimihiko. 

"You... you already know right" butler 2 speaks. 

"She has a brain cancer, due from that all of her memories especially us that take care of her for the past 16 yrs. We're all forgotten." Butler 1 speaks. 

"S-so t-thats how it is...." Kimihiko sad speaks. 

"Anyway the young master after she collapsed in the stage she works on this letter and she said gave this to you and dont opens it, but please let us know what is in the inside of the mail." butler 2 speaks. 

The butler hand the the mail to kimihiko and read it. 

" Dear Kimihiko, thank you for talking to me the other day and saving me from the bully i really glad you came to me, talks with me all day in that tree. And I know my condition have gotten worse, sorry for hiding it to you and i make this mail as a ensurement when i collapsed again from my brain cancer because I'll never able to write this again, so can you be my friend if you found me with no memories beg out of me please to be my friend. And for Butler nina and Butler rito I have a request if i cant make it anymore please bury my body below in our favorite tree, im really glad i can be with Kimihiko and if im not here anymore he will feel my presence through that tree. Thanks mother Nina And Dad Rito even my mom died and dad isn't here, you two take care of me as if i was your daughter thanks. - Loving Rainy Shiraoshi. " Kimihiko Crying while speaking. 

Butler Rito (Butler 1),Butler Nina (Butler 2). The two were crying as they're like a babies. Rain comes outside the room and see the three of them crying. 

"Mr. Rito?, Ms. Nina? Uhmm Kimihiko?," Rain Speaks. 

Kimihiko stand up and held rain hands, Rains face were fluttering and looks into Kimihiko face. 

"Uhmm Kimihiko?" Rain speaks. 

"C-can you..... No..... CAN YOU BE MY BEST FRIENDDDDD!! RAIN!!" Kimihiko shouted. 

"Uhh... Eeehhhhh???! Uhmm" Rain speaks. 


The two butler were smiling at him. 

"O-ok then!! Just stop shouting its embarrassing" rain speaks. 

"*Breathes* YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!" Kimihiko shouted in overjoyed. 

"HAHAHHAHA You're so funny kimihiko" Butler Rito speaks. 

"Your all beaten up and injured let me treat your wounds" Butler Nina. 

They treat Kimihiko's wound and talks all night in the hospital, after tomorrow the doctor said rain life will just be over for 1 month. The two butler cries about the date of the doctor said rain will be gone,but kimihiko said. 

"Even if its just one months let's seize this month and let rain enjoy things right?" 

"Y-your right anyway this is not the time to be sad". 

Kimihiko goes home with rain and the two butlers and deeply apologize to Kimihiko parents, Mother hilda accepted the apology. They do a lot of things for a whole month, They go to circus and enjoy, shopping in the town, milk the cows and play many games, Kimihiko takes Rain to the tree and sit there for a whole hours and Kimihiko narrate all the things happen there. 




Its been a month passed rain had died and her body buried under the tree in the hill were they always together. Kimihiko is in there creating a artworks for his project in his school. 

"What do you think rain? Is it beautiful?" Kimihiko happily speaks. 

Kimihiko looks up the sky and lie down in the tree. 

"Its a week now after you died rain, i wonder if you still lives, we can be classmates and do assignments together right?" Kimihiko speaks while crying. 

"No, no i promised to not get emotional when im in your grave" kimihiko speaks. 

The air suddenly blows as if it was whispering. 

[Dont worry im always in your side] - spoke of the wind. 

Kimihiko teared up and cries. 

"Rain.... WAHHHHHHHH, I will miss youuuu.... Uwahhhhhhhhh".

End of chapter 3.


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