Chapter 10:

Chapter 10: Hot Under the Collar

What Lies Beneath the Surface

Jason tore over the pages of the book, reading story after story. They were all so good, but there were things he didn’t understand, like the kissing, and the touching, and all sorts of stuff. It must have been a book from the old world; after all, there were people getting together with people that weren’t their assigned Partners!

But what drew his attention more than the stories were the notes. Last time, she’d left him a note on the last page, sharing her thoughts, but this time she’d gone a little… overboard. Moira had written little notes to him on practically every page! Whether it was telling him that she liked that line, or that she wasn’t sure what was going to happen next, or even just a simple “ha-ha!” at a joke told by one of the characters.

It was like she was right there with him, reading every word.

Jason was so entranced by her notes that it took him a lot longer to get through it, and by the time he caught up with her he was already feeling tired. But he found the energy to keep going somehow, he didn’t want to stop so soon!

I didn’t know reading could be this much fun! Before bedtime, Jason would spend his evenings drawing things around his quarters, or replicating previous works. But now, he didn’t feel even the slightest impulse to practice his craft. His sketchbook lay forgotten on his desk, its pages cannibalized for secret notes to his partner in crime.

Finally, he got through the last of his five stories, leaving one final note pressed tightly between the pages. He yawned and slipped off to sleep. Tomorrow was the weekend, which meant no classes. A whole day of recreation time to spend watching Skye play, or study in the library, or work on his pictures.

But for the first time, the prospect of Saturday didn’t seem as enjoyable.

Jason headed out early on Saturday, walking to Skye’s quarters with his sketchbook in hand. They were going to the oxygen farm today. Skye thought that it was just a normal outing to practice his art, but secretly he was hoping that he could recapture some of that enjoyment that seemed so lacking these days. A couple drawings of the dense trees were just the kick he needed.

“Good morning, Skye,” he greeted her.

“Good morning, Jason,” she greeted him back. “Shall we go?”

The walk to the oxygen farm was nearly an hour long, which was why they could never go during the week. Because of Skye’s austere personality they usually walked in silence, but for some reason Jason found it unbearable today.

He couldn’t put his finger on what it was. But for some reason, whenever he looked at Skye, he just felt… impatient. It was the only word he could think to describe this sense of frustration running through him.

Jason wondered if this was one of the changes that they’d learned about in Health Class. Teacher Elyse had said that they would all become more aware of their Partners as time went on, and would begin feeling things they hadn’t before.

“It’s perfectly natural. And if you feel your body telling you to do something, such as violating the Rules of Intimate Conduct, please report to the nearest telescreen!”

That was a relief at least. Jason might have felt weird around her, but at least his body was behaving himself. It was hard to imagine ever feeling the urge to break the rules by touching her. He supposed he was just handling adulthood better than other people in his Generation.

They turned a corner and passed one of the gymnasiums, where hollers and the squeak of shoes could be heard. He caught Skye’s pace quicken imperceptibly slightly. A lot of people spent their recreation time exercising in the gym, but not the two of them. Skye’s physical constitution wasn’t suited for long periods of physical exertion, so the two hadn’t set foot in one since their last Physical Education classes in Primary School.

As they walked by the open door, Jason gave the room a passing glance, and then did a quick double-take. It was Moira! She and some of the other students from their class were playing a game of Bunker Ball! And from the look of things, they’d been at it for a while now; Moira’s jersey was soaked in sweat and clung tightly to her body, and her face was flushed. But as hard as she was playing he could see the grin on her face from here.


Jason snapped back to reality and turned to meet Skye’s questioning gaze. “O-Oh, sorry, I just saw some of our classmates playing a game in there,” he explained. “I thought we could go in and say hello, just to be polite.”

For a moment, a wave of apprehension passed Skye’s face. But it was gone just as quickly, and she gave a sharp nod. “Indeed, it is important to maintain a positive relationship with your classmates,” she agreed.

In spite of her words, she still made a face as the smell of sweat hit them.

Of course, it was only polite to wait for the game to end. Including Moira, ten people were on the court, two teams of five. It wasn’t an even mix of boys and girls. But because Partners were encouraged to spend their recreation time together, anyone who wasn’t as athletically inclined watched politely from the sidelines, cheering their Partner on. Jason and Skye joined them.

Jason hadn’t played Bunker Ball in years; he’d always felt a rush on the court when he was young, before growing up and pursuing his art more seriously. But it appeared Moira was still having as much fun as she did back then. She always did love the game, he remembered. Once, she’d told him that when people played it back on the old Earth, the Bunker Ball nets towered over their heads and players had to jump to put the ball in them. It was silly, of course, there was no way anyone could jump that high! The waist was the perfect height to put a net; like Ai always said, safety on the court was everything.

Moira was fast as a telescreen drone, zigzagging around the others. Andrew tossed the orange ball her way and she slammed it into the net with a triumphant cheer. Jason cheered as well, it was a swift and decisive victory.

She turned and their eyes met across the court, her face lighting up with glee. While everyone exchanged “good game”’s she made a beeline straight towards them.

“Hello, Jason! Hello, Skye!” Moira greeted them both in turn. “What brings you here? I never see you two around the gym!”

“We were on our way to the oxygen farm, and just stopped by to say hello,” Skye explained. “Congratulations on your victory.”

“Oxygen farm, huh? Yeah, that place is cool! Hey, before you go, you two want to get in on a game?” She asked hopefully, spinning the ball on her finger. She was staring right at Jason with her pleading green eyes.

Him? Play Bunker Ball? The thought hadn’t even crossed his mind, but staring at her flushed face and small, panting breaths that made her shake, for some reason it was all he wanted to do.

“Thank you for your generous offer, but we must decline,” Skye answered for both of them.


“Just one game couldn’t hurt, I guess,” Jason said.

Moira’s face lit up with joy, looking even happier than when she’d made that winning shot. “Really? Oh, that’s just great!” She turned and called over her shoulder, “hey, Jason wants to get in on a game, any of you guys feel like sitting out this next one?”

One of the girls nodded, going to join her Partner on the sidelines. In the meantime, Jason turned to Skye, but his explanation died in his throat when he saw the look of shock on her face.

“What are you doing?” She demanded. She almost sounded mad, like he’d broken a rule.

“What?” Jason asked, confused. “It’s just a game. I thought it might be fun. It’s been years since I played Bunker Ball.”

“What about your hands?” She hissed. “Your fingers?! What if you fall, or get one jammed on the ball? What if you break something, and won’t be able to draw as well afterwards? It’s too dangerous, you can’t!”

…Oh, wow, he hadn’t even thought of that. She was completely right. People with fine motor talents like the two of them were encouraged not to participate in physical activities that could cause permanent damage.

But… he could be careful, right? Besides, it was just one game!

“I promise, Skye, I’ll be very careful,” Jason assured her with a smile. “I won’t let my hands get hurt, okay?” He took off his bag and held his sketchbook out to her, daring her to take it.

There was still worry in her blue eyes. But she eventually relented, making him promise again not to get hurt.

Like a weight had been lifted from his chest, Jason ran to join Moira on the court.

“Okay guys, me and Vikram will be the team captains this time,” Moira said, nodding to one of the other boys from their class. “You were on the losing team, so you pick first.”

“Cathy,” Vikram said immediately, choosing his Partner, of course. Next it was Moira’s choice.

She smiled his way, her eyes flashing. “Jason! I pick you!”

“Jason?” Andrew sputtered.

“Jason?” Everyone else was similarly confused.

Me?” But no one was more shocked than him. When picking teams, it was common practice to choose your Partner first, if they were available. But Moira had skipped right over Andrew and picked him instead.

“What? I always pick Andrew,” Moira shrugged. “This is Jason’s only game, so I thought it would be fun to get a chance to be on the same team as him.”

That… made sense, in a way, but Jason still would have expected she pick Andrew first. Vikram picked him next, instead, and the big guy looked even more confused, but shook it up. A few seconds later the teams were picked, and the game had begun!

Immediately, Jason felt like he was in Primary Education again. The court and the ball were smaller than he remembered, but the rush was the same. It wasn’t something he ever got from drawing. Feeling his body in motion, tense and ready for the ball to come his way, there was something about it that was indescribable.

…He wasn’t very good, though. When he made a shot, he could barely get close to the net. But Moira cheered him on all the way.

“Great try, Jason! You’ll get it next time!” She nodded, flashing him a thumbs’ up from across the court. Jason glanced at the scoreboard; they were behind by six points, but he didn’t mind. He was having too much fun to care about winning, or ending the game. A part of him wished he could keep playing forever!

Movement to the left! Andrew made a pass, but one of their teammates had intercepted! He whirled around to look at Jason, his eyes wide, and flung the ball with all his might. But his aim was off.

“I got it!” Jason shouted, running for the ball as fast as he could. He was so focused on the orange sphere spinning through the air that he didn’t even pay attention to where he was going. Or to who he was about to crash into.

Jason hadn’t gotten injured doing sports since he was a kid. Besides the one time somebody hit him in the face with a ball, it was always falling that hurt the most. But it wasn’t as painful as he remembered. Something warm and soft had broken his fall, and his face in particular was pressed into what felt like a couple of pillows. Panting for air, he pulled himself up and realized what had happened.

He’d thought the pass had been going to him, but it had been for Moira. And he’d crashed right into her.

Horrified, he quickly scrambled to his feet. Accidents and touching during a physical activity was to be expected, so it wasn’t like he’d broken any of the Rules of Intimate Conduct. But he still felt horrible about pushing her down like that, and his heart was racing in his chest.

“I… Moira, sorry, I didn’t mean to-“

“Jason!” Skye quickly approached from the sidelines, her face tight with concern. “Are you two okay?! This is why I said I didn’t want you to play!”

“I-I… I’m fine!” He lamely choked out. He didn’t feel fine. He felt… odd. He should have felt guilty about crashing into Moira like that, and part of him definitely did. But another part of him… well, it was still focusing on the sensation of his face being buried in her chest.

Suddenly, Moira sprung up, whistling. “Pheeew!” She grinned at the gathered crowd of concerned onlookers. “That was a close one!” With a laugh, she pulled down her collar and fanned herself to cool down. Jason’s eyes were locked onto her chest, staring at her… her breasts? That was what they were called, right? They were so tightly pressed together in her jersey that they made a line, drawing his gaze and keeping it there.

Then he saw it, a single bead of sweat up by her neck. For some reason, he couldn’t keep his eyes off the drop of perspiration as it slowly, agonizingly trailed down her chest, drawing a path across her flushed skin, turning down, and finally disappearing into the crease of her breasts.

His face felt hot. A stab of something he’d never felt before pierced his heart, and he began to get dizzy. What was happening to him!?