Chapter 40:

The Battle For Fortuna Part 1

White Knight: King of Eos

The Next Day

After a day traveling the trio finds the final base of the Fortuna region. “You guys ready?” Leo asked. “It’s now or never.” Suki said. “Everything we’ve been doing in this region has led up to this.” Chozen said. “Don’t you guys think it’s odd?” Leo asks. “Is what odd?” Chozen asked. “How this tower is in the center of this region.” Leo said. “Are you guys gonna keep talking or are we gonna decide how to get in?” Suki said. “Right. It seems like sneaking in is out of the option so there’s only one way to get in.” Leo said. “Please tell me what I’m thinking Leo.” Suki said. “We fight our way to the top.” Leo said. Suki smirks. “Are you sure Leo?” Chozen asked. “Yes. It’s time we go berserk.” Leo said. As the trio walks to the main entrance of the tower and kicks down the door they knew that the final battle for Fortuna began. 

“Oh shit it’s them.” A Nighteye said. A group of Nighteyes run towards the trio and then Leo slaps his palms together, puts his hands on the ground and says “Earth Style: Concrete Spikes.” Spikes form out of the ground and goes through the Nighteyes. “Holy shit Leo. That’s gruesome even for you.” Chozen said. The spikes go back into the ground and the trio hears a strange noise. “Do you guys hear that?” Leo said. Chozen follows the sound and finds a walkie talkie beneath the dead bodies. “Come in first floor, come in first floor. What’s your status? I repeat, what’s your status?” A Nighteye said. “The status is that we got our asses kicked by some junkies.” Chozen said in a different voice. “Junkies? Oh fuck don’t tell me it’s the group that’s been destroying bases in this region.” The NIghteye said. “Ding ding ding asshole. You’re our lucky winner and as for your prize you get one decimated tower.” Chozen said. Chozen then breaks the walkie talkie. “Let’s go.” Chozen said. The trio walks up to the elevator but Leo stops them. “Hold on guys. Let me check what’s going on in the building.” Leo said. Leo slaps his palms together, puts his hands on the ground and says “Earth Style: Spatial Awareness.” Leo senses multiple Nighteye’s throughout the floors and at the very top he senses the commander. “I found him. He’s at the very top of the tower.” Leo said. Chozen presses a button to call the elevator. As the elevator arrives the trio plans on what to do. “I got a plan.” Suki said. “What is it?” Chozen asked. “Since there’s 100 floors, how about we split up and kill everyone on each floor and try to find out things as we go?” Suki explains. “I think that can work.” Chozen said. “Alright it’s settled we’ll split up and kill everyone on each floor.” Suki said. “Yea but make sure to check in and we all meet at the top.” Leo said. As the elevator reached the second floor the trio goes their separate ways.