Chapter 10:

The Second Act

Four Seasons With You

The mood in the neighborhood has been outright gloomy. I'm not sure of the details but rumors of a notorious syndicate were leaked in the community just a few days ago.

People have been talking about it and I noticed that a few of them is advising the young ones to stay home after school. I don't usually heed an adult's advice because I can take care of my own but it's different for others.

I instantly remembered what happened in the Student Council office last time. A 4th-year female student named Angelica has been staying late for quite a while without prior knowledge of her motives. Chesca and Joey suspected that she is working part-time or that she applied for something in order to solve their financial crisis.

However, I have a feeling that her case is much deeper. And now that there's a dangerous organization lurking around the district, it's alarming for us in the council to know that Angelica might get herself involved in a crime.

"Breaking news! A man has been found dead in his apartment at 10:00 pm last Saturday. Authorities have confirmed that the man was inciting a secret transaction with the renowned Infinity Syndicate as evidence of contacts and coercion was leaked through a data breach."

While sorting the cups, I watched the TV and listened intently to the ongoing case. I could see that the customers are also interested since all of them are watching as well.

"The police didn't expect the syndicate to resume their operation after last year's arrest. It was suspected that there are multiple pillars extending from overseas and through the locals and they advised the citizen to remain wary of their surroundings."

"Yikes, that's scary. I should probably inform my siblings!"

"Me too..."

"This is kinda problematic, living alone is dangerous."

Of course, this would invoke public panic.

It's not uncommon for syndicates to have many connections. You won't be able to bring down a whole organization if you're not going to apprehend the main group who's controlling the pillars. I'm pretty sure the police know about that.

"The notorious syndicate is also known as Infinity marked with the symbol of ∞. They are a group of individuals that promotes the illegal trafficking of drugs throughout various insiders and have caused multiple distributions. Marco—the previous drug lord and leader of the syndicate—was apprehended last year thanks to a journalist that managed to track down their hideout..."


"...However, before the police could bring him to imprisonment, Marco ended his life with a gunshot through his head. The authorities are currently trying to figure out if the said Marco has an accomplice to continue their operation. This is NEWS201."

And so the news has ended.

The case was actually more brutal than what I have expected. I was wondering why I didn't hear such news when I was still in the backend but I guess I'm too stressed out at that time.

"Hah... what a world." Mr. Finn shut the TV down with the remote and stood at the counter. "It's reassuring that you already left the group, Nathan. Who knows what would happen if you stay in there..." he sighed.

"I guess it's luck that saved me. Anyway, do you know something about that Syndicate, Mr. Finn?" curious about the issue, I decided to ask him.

"Hmm... I'm not really knowledgeable about last year's incident but I heard that the group was known for illegal transactions," he answered.

"Ah! I've heard that they're also good at hiding..." suddenly, a beautiful mature woman entered my field of vision.

Miss Crisanna joined me for tonight's shift. Her reason for that is that she's bored and she doesn't want me to handle everything.

"Good at hiding? What do you mean, Miss Crisanna?" I asked.

"I read from an article that they're pretty good at hiding, that's why they're hard to track down. And then this journalist or someone from the force reported that he figured out where the main hideout was thanks to a code," she answered

A code...?

"If they're using codes and changing hideouts, that means there's someone smart leading inside, right?"

"Yeah, I guess criminals are starting to get more clever these days. We have to be careful too and protect this shop..." Mr. Finn sighed.

"Don't worry, Sir Finn! I'll do my best to protect it!" Miss Crisanna saluted.

"No wait, you can't do that, Miss Crisanna. Leave that kind of job to Nathan..."


So someone resumed the operation that closed last year because of Marco's suicide. Hmm, but why would the accomplice wait for another year to continue it? Even if the connections are severed now, there should be plenty of branches out there to continue what the organization started.

Oh well, there's no point in thinking about it.

For starters, I need to make sure that Angelica is somehow safe and that there's nothing shady going on behind the scenes.


"Haru... are you there?"

"Yeah, I'm here. What's up?"

"You're good at programming and hacking, right? Can I ask you to gather transcripts of records and case files from a year ago? There should be something from the Archives or through government official websites..." I leaned on the wall.

"Eh? Do you want me to access their information illegally? I can do that but I'm not guaranteed to be safe after this, you know...?" Haru sounded worried but I know that it was just a pretense. This man's knowledge about computers surpasses even those who studied Electronics and Computer Science.

"You're a first-rate hacker who could fake identity and has multiple funneling systems for protection. In other words, you'll be fine..." I replied while monitoring my surroundings.

"Easy for you to say... I don't even know why you need case records from last year. Is this connected to the one you've been back then?" he asked.

"Nope, it's different this time. I just want to check something..."

"Alright, this is a bit tough so I'll need a bit of time. When do you need it?"

"As soon as you finish compressing them. Just send them to my email afterward."

"Roger, I'll update you soon."

Hearing the beep, I ended the call and put back my phone in my pocket.

Today was supposed to be another briefing with the council so I stayed late again to attend. I am a bit exhausted because I was out all night studying for our preliminary exams. But well, it's not like I'm dumb to not understand everything. I'm just skimming through the lessons and reviewing everything.

I am an average student who doesn't stand too much. That's how it should be. If I can protect this current peace until I graduate then... I supposed it would do me great. Everyone's going to be happy.

Reaching the council's room, I knocked three times on the door. "Come in..."

As I opened it, I saw a new figure sitting on the sofa. Together with him are Chesca and Joey while Fuyumi and Kylee are entertaining them.

"You're late..." Kylee stared daggers at me.

"Sorry, had some things to do... Anyway, what's going on?" I asked.

"Ah, let me introduce you. This is Sir Raymond from Class 4-Amity. He is the adviser of that class and an English teacher." Fuyumi introduced me.

"N-Nice to meet you... You probably recognize me from the faculty."

Yes, that's right. I know this man. He's the new English teacher that was hired not too long ago before the first semester started. Apparently, he's quite known for being timid and clumsy because of his frail and unhealthy body.

"You're not sick, right? Sir?" I asked.

"N-No... cough cough!"

'"No, you're definitely sick!"" Kylee and I shouted.

But although Sir Raymond's appearance is that of a listless man. He's actually quite smart. All of the English teachers from the upper faculties have high respect for him for his abilities.

Well, if you exclude the fact that he's always stumbling or tripping out of nowhere then he's actually quite a fine man. Sir Raymond is the kind of teacher that might seem clumsy but he can nurture you properly. His soft personality can put you at ease if you're having trouble with your studies.

"So uh, what's Sir Raymond doing in here?" I asked.

"Well, we considered what you said yesterday and told these two about the possibilities..." Fuyumi answered.

"Assuming that Angelica might've been doing illicit work willing or unwillingly, we figure that it would be best to inquire about the problem with Sir Raymond since he's her advisory," Kylee added.

So much for not interfering with their internal problems...

But I supposed that's fine. Now that the news is all over the place because of that notorious Infinity Syndicate, it would be better to place restrictions and be serious about this case.

"Hmm... Miss Angelica is a bright student of mine that excels in English. It's surprising to think that she will do something like that out of the blue. Would you two mind if you tell me what's going on?" Sir Raymond began the questioning.

Nodding at his request, Chesca and Joey explained again what happened while Sir Raymond listened intently. I'm not sure about this but I have a feeling that he didn't get most of it but whatever.

"T-That's a lot of information to take in... cough!"

"Are you all right, Sir?" Kylee poured water on Sir Raymond's cup.

"T-Thank you, that makes me feel better... Still, Miss Angelica's case seems to be unordinary. If she can't tell you two about the problem then maybe I can talk to her. Would that work for you?" Sir Raymond asks.

"Yes. I'm sure my Sister will tell everything if there's a teacher involved. Thank you so much, Sir Raymond..." Joey bowed.

After discussing the case for a while, the two left the council and we walked together with Sir Raymond.

I supposed there's no need for us to help anymore because we already got a teacher involved. Everything will be easy if an adult is to handle it.

"Sir Raymond...?" Fuyumi called out to him.


"Do you have any idea of what might be troubling Angelica? Joey said that there's a possibility that they have a financial problem but now that I sort things out, it's weird that she's not telling them what she's doing."

"I apologize, M-Miss Ayumi. Even I don't have any idea. The case is still unclear and we don't really have evidence that she's really doing indecent things, right? The only solution I can do for now is to try and talk to her..." Sir Raymond heaved a sigh.

"If it doesn't work, maybe we can call her parents and ask them about it?" Fuyumi suggested.

"I'm not sure if that's going to be optimal. Miss Angelica and Joey live alone and their parents are working overseas..." he answered.

"I-Is that so? I guess it would be hard to establish contact without them having prior knowledge of what's happening..."

True. Even if you call their parents, it's not like ringing them would solve this case immediately. What they need right now is counseling in case Angelica is actually working secretly. And Sir Raymond will act as a guide for them.

But well, I have a bad feeling about this though...


I strolled late at night again to get some fresh air.

I've been doing this kind of walk at night frequently to have some change and to clear my mind. Now that preliminary exams are near, I have to make sure that I'm in the right frame of mind.

Or so that's what I thought—

"Hah..." I bought another can of coffee from a nearby vending machine and made my way through the alleyway again.

I was curious if the Nightclub is open again so I decided to check it.

Upon arriving at the abandoned vicinity, the lustrous signboard radiating with glossy rays of pink lights entered my field of vision. The sound of the beat reverberated through the place yet again and it looks like a lot of people are coming to enjoy themselves.

I checked the time and it was 8:00 PM. Are they going to party again all night? If that's the case then I'm actually quite jealous.

While drinking, I noticed something moving from the corner of my eye. It was a shadow at seemed to move from the opposite direction of the club.

I normally had my guard down but I'm aware of my surroundings right now considering the circumstances that I'm in. My previous experience taught me a lot of things and because of that, I developed some kind of instinct that tells me if there's something wrong or not.

After throwing the can in the bin, I silently followed the shadow through the abandoned building. I made sure to kill the sound of my footsteps by crouching and moving to the corner.

Two men in black, one has a suitcase, the other one seems to be an insider...

If this is what I think it is, then I hit a jackpot. But I have no reason to involve myself in this deal and apprehend them by myself.

There are probably merits if I actually reported this but I don't want to ruin the peaceful life that I have right now by luring these criminals to my turf. Best if I just leave it alone. I'm not even entirely sure if this is an illegal transaction they're talking about. I'll just embarrass myself if this is just business talk.

As I slowly turned around, I heard a footstep coming in from behind my back.

"—!" another shadow grabbed my shoulder and sealed my mouth.