Chapter 38:

Two Betrayals

Ane And His Seames

"What are you?" Nathan asked; backing up.

"That doesn't matter." Ane replied as he approached his opponent. "Another guy with a fancy title; that I'll end." Ane remarked as he clenched his fist.

"Come on dude, you can spare a guy right?" Nathan said. Ane glared back.

"Would you have spared the girls." he responded; dashing forward. A huge snake shot from the ground and shot at Ane who rapidly turned and rose his blade but his body thumped. 

"I don't know how you survived by "Honey Trap" but you won't survive this!" Nathan shouted.

"Shit." Ane thought as the poison was about hit him. Hands of water pulled Ane aside and an injured Ray dove and snapped the man's neck instantaneously in midair. Ane sighed and lay down. "It's over." he said; smiling at Lana and Ray who were now next to one another. The girls nodded at Ane and Ray turned to the injured Sal sadly.

"He'll be okay. I'm sure." Lana said reassuringly. Rachel nodded.

"Quite the interesting specimen indeed." Doctor Stampy said as he watched Ane from a huge screen.

"So I was right. You're interested in Ane; not Eina." Elliot said as he entered the room.

"I guess I can't lie to my son. He does bare my intelligence." Chris said turning to Elliot; smiling.

"Is that so?" Elliot asked; eyes shielded.

"What's your plot?" Chris asked. A smirk spread across Elliot's face as electricity flowed through his body and a flash spread across the room. Elliot was in front of his father, with an evil look. His hair was slightly spiky and he had red eyes. Elliot swung his hand at Chris and the place froze for a second as Elliot seemed to move faster than the light since the area around him was darkened. Blood sprayed from Chris who screamed in real time; several holes in his body as he fell to his knees. 

"My genius...isn't yours...father. If it was, you'd see this coming, no?" Elliot inquired as he nullified his powers and stooped before his father; glassed blocking his eyes. Chris spat blood and eyed his son sadly.

"I...knew this was...a possible future yet....I never'd do it." he replied. Elliot kicked the man into the screen he was spying on Ane with.

"Oh well." Elliot remarked; smirking. He then eyed up and flashed away like lightning.

Finn(lazy villain from earlier chapters) was casually walking through a hallway; the staff on his back. He approached a door that wrote "Head Office" on it. A woman with light blonde hair with a brown strand in front of it stood at a window inside. "Hello Finn." she said as Finn entered. "What is it?" she inquired as she turned to the older teen.

"You're as impatient as ever. What a drag." Finn stated; scratching his hair.

"Well it's a side effect of using my power. Every thing just seems...too slow." the woman remarked; eying her shaky palms.

"So Ms. Quicksilver or should I just say Lola; I came here for a rather grave reason." Finn said; eyes shielded. Lola gulped and sweat poured down her face. "I've come to retire." Finn remarked calmly. Lola's eyes were shielded.

"So that's what it is." she said sighing. Finn said nothing. "You know as well as I do that those who retire must be killed." Lola added.

"For the secrets of S.O.I.T not to get leaked around; yes." Finn said.

"This is really unfortunate. Another genius lost from S.O.I.T." Lola stated; a tear falling down her face. Rays of light seemed to bounce off the walls and approach Finn. Time seemed to freeze and Finn exhaled slowly as he rose his hands slightly. A dark spiral appeared before him and expanded as time seemed to flow again. The darkness covered the rays like a wave and loomed over Lola. "Just die please." Finn said dryly as he clenched his hand and the darkness closed onto Lola and stabbed her. Finn eyes were shielded and he suddenly seemed to block what seemed like nothing. He stopped defending and grabbed what seemed like thin air. Lola then seemed to appear all the places Finn had blocked previously at once and then at the area the boy was gripping tightly momentarily.

"Just as I thought." Lola said smiling. The staff slowly formed into a living shadow which chuckled as it lifted Finn's cloak to then reveal silver armor which had some elemental energy surging through it. "That armor is your fancy staff and you used your shadow as a decoy staff. The armor your actual staff has formed into is quite pesky considering it lets you move at the speed of light. The ere fact that your eyes already could was disadvantageous to me too." Lola said. The shadow chuckled.

"Yes indeed." it remarked in it's raspy voice. Lola jumped back; moving her shoe to escape Finn's grasp.

"It's useless." Finn's voice said from everywhere. Lola watched around her and saw the shadow standing all around her; smirking.

"When did you put me in this illusion?!" Lola shouted; frowning. 

"That doesn't matter; you've lost." Finn said as he watched Lola who was wrapped in a shadow lifelessly in reality. Finn seemed to instantly turn around and place his palm on a huge creature's stomach. "Dark Style: Dark Explosion!" Finn yelled. A huge  explosion of darkness melted a huge radius of the building. Smoke filled the area and S.O.I.T members stood all around the newly formed crater; waiting silently. Finn jumped from the smoke; cape flying off revealing his white t-shirt, grey jacket and black jeans. He landed on a bridge and his staff landed besides him. He rested on the weapon and smirked crazily before licking his lips.

"Kill him!" a man yelled. S.O.IT members charged Finn who patiently waited. A huge man swung a club at Finn who calmly rose his staff which turned to a huge drill which pierced through the weapon. Finn then jumped up to see purple lightning shoot at him so he sent his staff which formed into a shield to then turn and reflect the electricity on some S.O.I.T members. 

"This is getting rather boring." Finn remarked as the staff landed on his back. Finn spat dark flames all around like a flamethrower and ducked a huge block of ice simultaneously. He touched the ice; causing it to melt before it flung by. The huge area of water formed landed on the teen who then let out flames which then splattered into smoke; cloaking him. A dark light was seen in the midst of the smoke and Finn then shot out; killing people like fleas. He shot flames; laughing maniacally before jumping into the air and dive back down; punching the floor. "Dark Wave!" he shouted as a wave of darkness surged through the entire room. A man rushed Finn to get kicked under the chin then slammed.

"Die!" Finn exclaimed as he strangled the man to death. Four of his fingers were on the man's neck and the other one had some tattoos on it that glowed. He placed down his finger and the man literally melted. Finn stood upright and saw an army of S.O.IT members coming into the room. "What a pain." he thought; sighing.

"Let me help." the staff suggested.

"No; let me PROPERLY join in the fun." his shadow hissed as it's eyes went full red.

"Fine, we'll just use that move." Finn remarked; an insane smile spreading across his face.

"Die!" a man roared; charging and firing a punch. Finn fell back; phasing through his staff and then through the floor. The staff turned to swords and stabbed the assailant and then remained stagnant.

"Where is he?" a woman inquired.

"We should crush his weapon!" another woman suggested.

"YEAHHH!" a man shouted. People charged but stopped as an eerie aura surrounded the area. A black hand struck from the ground and gripped the floor.

"Summoning Technique" Dark Cocoon." Finn's voice mixed with the shadow's remarked as the hand seemed to release a summoning circle. Dark flames surrounded the building like a coat and one quarter of Finn's face and three quarters of the shadow's peeped from the ground. The staff formed into a pocket knife and flung into his mouth and the boy then sunk back underneath the floor.

"Did...he just run away?" a girl asked.

"I hope so." a man said; exhaling. Finn rose from the ground elsewhere and the knife shot from his mouth.

"DIE!" Finn screeched crazily before the cocoon closed; blasting the building; the impact causing a huge gust of wind. "Calm down Shadow." Finn then said after exhaling. He turned to see Elliot about to be killed by shadow.

"Tsk." Shadow remarked as he vanished.

"The S.O.IT's genius, Finn." Elliot said; eying Finn.

"What is it, Elliot." Finn remarked.

"So you know me, huh." Elliot said; smiling. "I'm flattered." he said.

"I know many things, blah blah blah." Finn replied dryly.

"So us two geniuses both realized that "bonds" just hold us back." Elliot remarked; motioning to the debris that was S.O.I.T.

"I'm eliminating pointless bonds before replenishing my old ones." Finn stated.

"Oh?" Elliot asked; raising an eyebrow.

"Is that all?" Finn inquired. Elliot stood and turned away.

"May the greater genius prevail." he said before flashing away.

"That wasn't a normal teleportation." Finn thought. He smiled. "Oh, I see." he remarked as he vanished into a spiral.