Chapter 40:

The Dragon's Rage

Ane And His Seames

The dragon roared as it hovered over literal galaxies with a smirk. Ane dangled himself out from the creature's head and stared down lifelessly. "Destroy Everything." Ane commanded.

"I didn't need your permission!" the dragon yelled; smirk growing.

"Wait!" a feminine voice yelled. A millimeter of the dragon's eye loomed over the girl in an instant and she gulped shakily. "S-size d-doesn't matter." she stammered.

"Is that so?" the dragon said as he shrunk to a size that still allowed him to lay down atop a galaxy as he did ever so casually. He grinned at the girl.

"P-please get off that." the girl cried.

"Why; is this your birthplace? One of the planets in here? Is it the green one, the; you look more of like brown planet's residents down there." the dragon taunted as he eyed the galaxy beneath him.

"P-please; I beg of you!" the girl plead.

"It's fair that I destroy your homeplace though. You did interrupt me." the dragon said; stretching his claw and dangling it over the galaxy with a smirk.

"I came here for a reason actually!" the girl blurted. The dragon eyed her silently. "I-I...I came to slay you!" the girl exclaimed. The dragon's smirk grew.

Ane opened his eyes and shot up as Lana jumped onto him. "Owww!" he yelled in pain until his face landed in the girl's chest. "That's soothing." he stated; folding his arms and nodding. Lana went red.

"Um, Ane?" she inquired. Ane checked himself and backed away; clearing his throat.

"I'm sorry!" he yelled; bowing.

"It's okay." Lana said; smiling.

"So...I was having another memory." Ane said; watching the roof reminiscently.

"Did I stop..." Lana began and Ane nodded.

"But it's okay! I'm sure it'll come back soon!" he yelled; jumping off the bed with a reassuring grin. Lana nodded slowly and Ane patted her on the head.

Ane and Ene lay next to a fountain lifelessly. "Sooooooooooo boring!" Ene complained; groaning. Ane groaned in response and then the two boys when back and forth with their groans until they noticed the area getting flooded with people. Ane sat up briskly.

"Why are we here anyway?" he asked.

"I think it was the girls." Ene replied. Ane held his chin and lay back down.

"It's so boring that events that happened minutes ago feel like hours ago." he complained.

"Yuppp." Ene said; sighing. He then turned and saw a sexy; busty woman stumble to an alleyway. Ene laughed victoriously and shot to his feet. "Till we see again buddy!" he shouted doing a thumbs up before pacing after the woman. Ane face palmed and turned to notice gold particles forming an arrow in an alleyway; directing him. He went to the particles slowly and turned the corner to meet Ms. Goldenburg and Sid.

"Glad you could join us." Faith remarked; smiling.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Ane thought; sighing and eying the woman. Sid gazed at Ane. "Where have you been bro?" Ane asked; returning to gaze.

"Many places that do not matter right now." Sid replied as he stood. "A one eyed creature is hunting for you. It's currently in the left of the city and isn't exactly trying to hide it's....abilities from humankind. It'll be here sooner or later; which still isn't a good thing." Sid explained.

"A one-eyed creature....hunting me." Ane thought; holding his chin. He sighed. "So you want me to take care of it then." he said; looking at Ms. Goldenburg who smiled in response.

"I can't join you guys though. Business to attend to." she said after. Ane rose his brow at Sid.

"Tell the others we head out early tomorrow before there's any more disturbances from this thing." Sid answered; turning away and walking off.

"Why's he so uptight?" Ane whispered.

"Most likely because he lost against that creature. It's a pride and sense of justice thing most likely. "Letting" the creature destroy the city." Faith replied.

"Is that so? It's not his fault though but if this creature can beat him then it must be strong." Ane remarked; watching up in thought.

"Yup." Faith said. She smiled as she gazed at Ane and then hugged him. "Good luck." she said; backing away from the blushing Ane.

"Y-yeah." he stammered.

"See you in school." Faith said; vanishing into gold dust.

Ane, Sid, Lana and Eina were flying through the sky. ""I still think it's risky flying in the open like this." Lana remarked.

"Hey; don't worry. We're hidden amongst hill tops here. We won't be spotted by anyone." Ene said as he started flying upside down.

"Keep your eyes open." Sid remarked gruffly.

"Hey, loosen up a bit." Ene said; rolling his eyes. Sid's eyes were shielded.

"I'm gonna go ahead." he said; speeding up. Eina groaned. A huge thud came from before them and they turned to see Iy had shot from the ground and punched Sid back.

"Not Ane!" Iy screamed. Ane dove and caught Sid. "Ane!?" Iy yelled; staring at Ane who frowned back. Ene shot to Iy and punched the creature. An explosion was created; blasting Ene back and blasting Iy onto the hills below. Eina caught Ene.

"Everyone alright!?" Lana asked.

"I guess." Ene replied.

"Let's go." Ane said; watching down. Iy watched Ane; it's dragon eyes showing. The hood tore revealing the creature's shiny, leather like face with both teeth and fangs but no nose. Ane's dragon eyes activated and he held his face strain fully to then fall to the ground; screaming in pain.

"What is this?" Sid thought; staring.

"Could it be?" Eina thought; staring at Ane also.

"Ane!" Lana yelled; flying to the boy. A hand of water caught Ane as he fell and laid him down. Ene shot down and thrusted himself aside; grabbing Lana. Iy appeared where she was before and sliced. "Thanks!" Lana remarked shakily.

"That isn't what I saved you from." Ene stated. Ane roared and the crimson aura blasted from him and stabbing Iy who screamed in pain. It held the aura and shoved itself back; it's hand slicing apart in the process. Iy then jumped away; hands healing casually. 

"Regeneration huh." Eina said as she landed next to Ene and Lana.

"Is Ane gonna be okay?" Lana asked.

"Maybe." Sid replied as he landed in front of her. "We have two creatures to worry about now." he continued; frowning.

"Ane's not a monster!" Lana shouted.

"I'm not referring to Ane." Sid remarked.

"It's the dragon." Ene added. Ane was on one knee; screaming as his teeth formed into fangs and his eyes went plain red.

"Shit. Why's the dragon doing this now!?" he thought; spit flowing from his mouth as he shakily placed his hand on his stomach and turned the seal.

Ane shot awake to see himself in midair of the seal; crimson aura flooding over him. His mouth and eyes were letting out the aura which was also flowing around him unnaturally. "What the hell?" he thought; watching the cage to see the dragon pissed and the aura spitting from the cage. "Dude, what has YOU pissed?" Ane asked.

"This isn't a time to joke around, boy." the dragon hissed; eying Ane impatiently. Ane stood upright and brushed the aura off to then land on the water calmly.

"I don't know what's up your ass but I sure wanna know cause whatever it is; it wiped off that grin that's constantly on your face." Ane remarked.

"It's that eye! I shall destroy all of them!" the dragon yelled; roaring. The aura sprayed from his mouth; drowning Ane in it.

Iy pounced at Ane but got held by a tree trunk and pelted back. Iy's hand stretched into the dirt and he rebounded himself to Ane. "Talk about obsessed." Sid's shadow hissed as it grabbed Iy and slammed him into the ground. Iy roared causing the shadow to disperse.

"Tsk." Sid said as rushed Iy who eyed him angrily. Sid began to seemingly melt so Eina shot forward and kicked Iy aside. Sid's body returned to normal and he fell onto the floor.

"Noob." Eina said; smiling at Iy.

"Iy's name is Iy!" Iy yelled; strangling the girl. Ene spat a fireball at Iy which caused a huge explosion. Iy immediately charged again and clasped his hands together causing a bigger explosion.

"So he DOES produce explosive oils." Ene remarked as he and the others shot from the smoke.

"Is Ane okay?" Lana inquired.

"No way to know that." Sid stated.

"Most likely though." Ene remarked as they landed. Iy cracked his neck. Everyone was then overwhelmed by an intense aura. Ane shifted slightly and the dragon's pupil rolled over his eyes and he eyed Iy with a beastly look.

"I'll kill you!" he yelled in his new human-dragon form's voice(the voice is new, not the form).