Chapter 13:

Lex Credendi


“Ack.” Pain shot through my bones as my mind returned to reality. A sense of strangeness overcame me as my eyes adjusted to the darkness placed all around.

An unfamiliar room awaited me, not a soul in sight. The only light came from a barred window far above. Only hazy memories awaited as I tried to collect myself. How did I get here? Where was Nari? Kono?

I leaned against the dark stone walls as the haze in my head slowly became a thing of the past. The Corruption Checkers! Everything came back in a flood as I stumbled from the shock.

No, now wasn't the time to overreact! What would Nari do here? Staying calm was obvious, but what else?

I racked my brains for inspiration. Knowing her, she’d try to take this slow, get all the information she could. Honestly I didn't have many other options in the barren cell anyway.

The only other object of interest was a metallic door placed square on the opposite wall. A little hatch extended near the bottom of the door, assumedly for mealtime. Another slot stuck out near eye level. Probability for eavesdropping or something of the sort.

Rattling keys made themself known in the quiet cell as the door swung open. Beyond a single Corruption Checker stood against the metal wall.

“Follow me.” Without saying another word, he led me out of the cell, his gun pressed against my back.

We walked along cell after cell, sealed away without a peephole in sight. Screens were installed next to the doors. On each one what was assumedly a live feed of the cell broadcasted, watching their every move. This was a Fides rehabilitation center. There wasn't another place on earth with such a design.

With a tap he turned me out of the rows of cells into a white hallway. Despite the bright lights there wasn't a single window in sight, not since we left my cell.

“Go in.” He stopped me at a door like any other; gray without any identifiers in sight. I turned the handle and slowly entered.

Inside the room was almost as dark as my cell, with only a single light hanging above a metal table. Two heavy looking chairs laid across from each other.

As my eyes adjusted I saw a figure cross legged and relaxed in one of the chairs. He wore a gray blazer with a matching hat covering his face.

“Hey you’re scaring the kid. Ease up a little will you?” His easygoing tone caught me off guard. It was almost calming, despite the situation.

“Yes sir! Sorry sir!” The Corruption Checker bowed, then quickly exited the room.

“They never learn, do they son?”


He laughed. “No need to be so nervous. Now come take a seat, we have a lot to talk about and only so much time.”

I slowly made my way over towards the opposite chair. Despite his attitude, this was still a Fides rehabilitation center, and I was still a prisoner. Whatever his angle was I couldn't let my guard down.

“What’s your name kid anyway? They never tell me the important details, I swear.”

“Makoto Takahashi.”

“Takahashi? That’s not a name you hear much these days.” He leaned back in his chair and looked towards the ceiling. “Did you know Makoto, they used to say names much differently back in the day.”

“They did?” I couldn't find his angle, not yet at least. Maybe he didn't have one. Yeah that could be it! My mind was racing with fear, but why? So far they hadn't done anything to me, and showed no signs of doing so.

I could feel the tension slightly leave my body as my heart rate slowed to a more natural level.

“Craziest thing. Back in the day your last name always came first. You’d be called Takahashi Makoto by the public. Heck all your official documents would read the same. Such a strange system don't you think?”

“Why did it change then?”
“You got Fides to thank for that. They wanted a new Japan, not as focused on the traditions of old that had shaped the country for generations. So naturally they changed society to match the countries which they considered ideal at the time. Granted Fides’s goals have drastically changed over time, but the same core values are ever present.” The man sighed, tugging at his collar.

“What’s your name then? Only fair that I have the right to ask.”

“Right you are. I’m called Dallas.”


“Not a very Japanese name right? You see, back when I was young the concept of a country like ours was a foreign thought to me. Instead all I knew was the world I grew up in, a country called America.

When my parents brought us here, it was eye opening. A world without the conflict that ever plagued my home country. Ever since I’ve lived around these parts without a second thought.”

He rummaged under the desk and pulled out a contraption of sorts. Blue lights flew back and forth on illuminated paths. Attached to the end was what looked to be a dish of sorts, the type you would see on a satellite.

With a whirr it buzzed to life, contraptions spinning around and going in and out. It was like nothing I’d ever seen before.

“Now to get the annoying part out of the way. What are you here for Makoto?”

“Here for?”

“You know, what did you say or do that caused those stiff airheads to drag you here?”


“There's no use lying by the way.” He gestured behind me, where a camera was watching our every move. “They’ll let me know if that’s the case.”

Not like I was planning to lie in the first place. If I just told him how it accidentally slipped out it’d all end up fine. Dallas felt reasonable above all. The second I explained we would work something out.

“I messed up. I said the Truth was wrong, something I neither believe nor defend.”

“Well well well, that's rather serious indeed.” Dallas took a deep breath and rested his hands on the table. “Luckily we have a simple way of verifying those claims of yours.”

“Please! I’ll do anything to clear all this up.”

“You seem like a good kid Makoto, and we all make mistakes. Have you ever heard of something called the Lex Credendi?”

My body froze. I knew the Lex Credendi all too well. Rei’s words about the device echoed through my head, a device that could determine if someone believed in the truth with a single look.

“Ah, from that look I see it rings a bell. Those internet rumors must be getting out.” Dallas picked the device off the table. “Well that saves us some unnecessary hassle.”

“So how does it work exactly?”

“It’s rather simple from my limited understanding. This little thing scans your brain waves and evaluates your commitment to the Truth. Can’t say I know many of the detales but that’s the gist of it.”

“That's it?” This was the Lex Credendi, the biggest innovation of my life! This was exactly what Fides needed to finish their vision of Japan; so why did I feel nervous? Just a month ago I would have almost shouted in excitement. Yet nothing of the sort was anywhere in my mind.

“Well those smart folks down in the lab could explain all the technical jargon, but that’s the jist of it. All that aside, you ready kid?”

“I guess…” Fear shot like ice through my veins. I had to pass, there was no other option. But, what were my chances? Hell I was here for admitting the Truth was wrong.

Nari’s words came back to me; no more delusions, yet those same delusions would have made this a non issue.

“Just stand still for me as we get this over with.” He hefted the device in his hands, pointing it like a gun. Streaks of red swam over the dish as it lit up like a star. Wind bellowed in the small room, the light above swaying violently.

And just as quickly as I started, the room reverted back to normal. As the light slowed to a standstill Dallas glanced at the back of the machine.

I knew my fate the second his face contorted into a small frown. “Ah, that's a shame. I had faith in you kid, I really did.”

With a snap of his finger two Corruption Checkers burst into the room. “Take him to Kanto, his rehabilitation needs more than we can provide here.”

“No!” I tried to run to no avail as they snatched my arms up into their hands. My eyes met Dallas’s pleading for anything but this.

“Sorry kid, it’s for your own good.” With a slam, the door came to a close and they dragged me away.

                                                          — Seeded Earth end —