Chapter 2:


The princesses destined fate

  In the morning a maid showed up. She started to dress me up. I was seeing my reflection In the mirror. I was wearing a beautiful pink dress. My nanny than grabbed me and started to feed me. I didn’t like the baby food. Tho l enjoyed the milk. After feeding me, she went to finish up her work so that than she could play with me. I was really happy when she came  to play with me. She was giving me so much affection. How could l not be? That was the second person in my whole life to ever show love to me, play with me as a child, laugh with me…. I believe that my (Luce’s) nanny was like a sister to my (Luce’s) mother so that means she was like an aunt to me (Luce)! Out of happiness and love l said a word, “NANNY” And my nanny was shocked bc l was only 1 in a half months old. That’s to young to say your first word, but l had a grown ups mind in a baby’s body. Since then my nanny considered me a prodigy. And the word expended like crazy. From my nanny to the maids, from the maids to the palace workers , from the palace workers to the whole empire!! 

   I started walking when l was 5 months old and started to read and write when l was 2 years old. Of course the language was different from my first life thats why it took me some time to write and read. I always heard the maids talk when l was a new born so l understood the language. l started to learn to read and write when l was 1 year old. And after that l started to go to the library more often and tried to learn other things like mathematics, management, laws, history, geography, etiquette etc… By the age of 5 l was a child with all the knowledge needed to manage a country\empire. I knew what would happen to me when l would become 18 years old, so l thought l needed a plan to escape that fate. I decided to go with two plans. First Plan A to try to be fathers daughter the crown princess and not a disgrace to the family. And Plan B if plan A doesn’t work than when l am sixteen l will escape from the palace and run away! I hope it doesn’t come to plan B! As much as l hate father l still want his love and for the first time to have a father!