Chapter 3:

Chapter 3: Acquiesce

Green and Gold

“Wait hold on, little sister?!” I say stunned that those words have exited the man’s mouth as his drinks arrive. “Correct, my name is Kosuke Okamato, and yes I am Sara’s older brother, can I just say I am thrilled to see Sara making new friends but when it comes to you my friend she looks a completely different person, and I couldn’t be happier.”

“I’m confused, what do you mean different person and not in a rude way but why does that make you very happy?” I fire back still stunned and confused at how fast this conversation has escalated especially since my drinks haven’t even arrived. “Ha-ha, let’s have a seat and I will explain everything to you to the best of my knowledge” Kosuke says as he picks his drink up and finds a spare table. “Waiter, I’ll have this man’s drinks delivered to table 30” Kosuke says in a loud boastful voice.

“Oh Sara, I’m going to borrow your ‘friend’ for a second if that’s alright?”.  “Yes, that’s alright,” Sara responds but also looking a little nervous over what Kosuke has in store for me.

Kosuke starts the conversation off after finding a table for two. “Where do I begin, you may not have noticed it yet, but Sara is completely head over heels for you, she can’t stop mentioning your name to Yukia and Ena whilst I couldn’t help but eavesdrop the other night”.                                                          “I see, it must be to do with the night I saved her from the thugs” I respond. “It is exactly because of that night, you are seen as a hero to her, a fearsome foreign warrior who can stand up to anyone with an iron fist, anyway we are losing track here, the reason I’m very happy is because she can now be freed from those dreaded clutches that hold her” says Kosuke. This guy had to have been the most energetic person alive and not to be moody but after a long shift, long words and shouting was the last thing I needed.

“Whatever do you mean by that?” I say becoming even more stunned and bamboozled than I already was. “Our family, the Okamato family is a part of the top 3 upscaled foundations in all of Tokyo thanks to my father’s wealth and hard work alongside both the Ito family and the Ashikaga family, however due to my father’s long friendship with the head of the Ito family, he made an agreement way long before you boys arrived to marry off my sister to the only son of the Ito family in the future to further expand both families, making us both more powerful beyond our wildest dreams, I don’t even know the name of Sara’s proposed ‘husband’ meaning this is solely done for money purposes and they don’t give a shit about the feelings of those involved” Kosuke says having a sip of his drink.         

In disarray over what has just been told I respond; “No way, did Sara have a say in any of this, because if not then that is shocking and absurd to go against her will like that!”.                                                                                 “That’s the worst part, this was without even a mere mention or discussion to me from my father because he knows I and a good section of the foundation wouldn’t like the idea, he decided to go along with a contract to marry Sara in an arranged marriage to a man who she has zero interest in, yes, the two knew each other for a time as they were sent to the same school and he did mention it when she was just a child but they have no connections between each other and I just can’t stand idle as she has her future gripped away from her” Kosuke angrily says.

“I completely understand your anger Kosuke, it must feel awful knowing that you could be giving your sister away to a man who only cares for her status and possibly not having the power to do anything about it” I follow up with. “My friend, I believe we can do something, that’s why I chose to sought you out today, considering Sara has developed her new found feelings for you and will no doubt express them to you soon, I want to ask a favour from you, would you be willing to spend as much time as you can with her whether it’s in or out of university, that way she will grow more attached to the point where they can’t go along with the contract because of your relationship and we can show my father a different and more ideal path where he actually puts his daughter first instead of his selfish self, it’s fine if you have any doubts but I can assure you it’s all down to if you wish to cooperate” Kosuke offers. I didn't need to think another second about my answer, the possibility of seeing Sara a lot more often was something I enjoyed a lot as I liked her company.                                                                                                                       “I like the sound of that, I’m sure myself and my friends will help however we can” I passionately reply as I do wish to see Sara more as she is a joy to be around. “I knew I could count on you, I truly believe this is the start of a new friendship” as Kosuke clinks his glass onto mine.

As we clink glasses, Kyle and Nathan join the table and introduce themselves to Kosuke and tells me the drinks went to their table instead so Kyle drunk them, in such a short period, it seems Kosuke has taken a liking to me and my friends whilst committing to offering any support he can to deal with the Ito family’s contract.                                                                                                        “So, what exactly are the Ito family like, I take it they aren’t good people based off your preference of them” I question. “Well let’s just say I myself haven’t got any good experience with them, I won’t sit here and disregard their hard work but they aren’t the type of people I would do business with or come to good terms with, you see I am a detective and I once agreed to cover a case for one of their foundation members but the man I did work on was so unsavable it was staggering, I won’t even explain how bad it was and they branded me as some kind of failure when he lost the trial, however like stated my father and the head are close friends from school so I don’t fancy giving my sister away to them or in fact anyone who she doesn’t want to” Kosuke states.

“I have a great idea to get the ball rolling, how would you boys like to attend a meal at our place as my guests, it means you can meet my parents and also show Sara that I can trust you all as we settle down and get to the bottom of it all.”                                                                                                 “Really?! That sounds a bit much for three English lads you met 20 minutes ago” says Nathan.                                                                                                      “Don't be like that Nath, it’s not every day you get asked to attend a meal by a wealthy man, I hope they’ll do a steaming cottage pie like our carer used to make” Kyle buts in. “Well like said I’d be honoured to have you all attend, so I will see what I can do, and Isaac I will also make Sara aware you will be attending, shall we say on the 6th January at 8pm?” Kosuke offers. “Sounds good to us!” us three say, filled with excited energy over visiting a mansion for the first time.

Time flew by and Kosuke needed to get back, not without taking the time to shake our hands and give me his contact details for the arranged meal next week as he bids his farewell and exits the bar in style into the black and white town from the weather.

“He’s quite a nice lad isn’t he?” I tell Nathan and Kyle. “Yeah, despite his status he doesn’t rub it into people’s faces about who he is or what he does and that I can respect” Nathan follows as he lights another cigarette outside.        “I’m concerned about your health pal, you’re going to catch cancer if you don’t pack it in soon” Kyle says worried for his friend’s health.                          “If it releases me from you quicker then so be it” He responds as Kyle pulls a sad face in retaliation.

It was getting dark and I offer to walk Sara home again as Nathan and Kyle say their farewells to Yukia and Ena saying they can’t wait to have them over soon after Kosuke secretly organized without Sara knowing as the sisters take a different turn to go last minute shopping allowing mine and Sara’s relationship to grow more, it seems the sisters are on board with Kosuke and aren’t happy with Hozumi’s contract so things were running smoothly but not until a mysterious female figure with long light pink hair from the other side of the street notices me and Sara walking home and makes a phone call.

“Hello, it’s me, I’m ringing on urgent business to see if you have noticed this new man who has been hanging around your son’s soon to be bride” the woman says with a tone over the line. “Mhmm I didn’t think so, well just a heads up that this could potentially jeopardize your deal with Hozumi, I’ll report more when I’m back, okay goodbye” as she hangs up in disgust. “Alas this poor young lad could be in danger, and he doesn’t even have a clue what’s about to happen” she says and walks off going about her day.

Taylor Victoria