Chapter 4:

Chapter 4: Ribbon around the bomb

Green and Gold

6th January 2006, a few days had passed since Kosuke’s meal proposal to us and tonight was the night we finally agreed to meet the parents, panic was all that filled my mind wearing a black tuxedo to look the part at the thought of meeting Sara’s parents along with Nathan and Kyle as we make our way to the mansion as I remember the location well from walking Sara home. “I want your best behaviour tonight Kyle and please don’t show them the trick where you flick the spoon with your tongue and catch it on your nose” Nathan says after having a drag. “It’s a cool trick though, they might like it you never know, your one to talk though, you’ll be smelling of tobacco all evening you prick, some way to greet a noble, you better hope they enjoy lung cancer and dirty toenails!” Kyle fighting back with words.

“Fellas please just be civil with each other” as I take charge of the situation and ring the doorbell sweating buckets as we are greeted by the two sisters humbly welcoming us to the mansion in tuxedos, Kyle confused as to why they are here receives a response from Ena in quick succession.                                                “Didn’t we mention that we’re not just Sara’s friends but we’re also her guards and servants”.                                                                                                  “That’s right and we’ll be cooking for the two of you whilst Isaac meets the family so you better like my cooking or else!” Yukia fires at the lads.                  “I’m sure it’ll be lovely” Nathan tells her as Yukia attempts to hide her blushed face as she likes compliments on her cooking. Kosuke and Sara enter from another room dressed for the occasion as she hugs me telling saying I look very nice as I make sure to tell her she looks the same in a light gold dress that matches her heels and tan with her hair done up for our first proper occasion together, now this was what a woman of her class should be parading round in!                                                                                                       “I’m so glad you are here, please relieve yourself from any worrying feelings; my parents are good people within reason, besides we’re on the same side here” Kosuke says.

The trio of myself, Sara and Kosuke enter a room excused from the others as they will eat separately. Inside the dining room was a fancy long table that was very large and out there, one that screams ‘look how much money we make, it’s a lot’ along with scattered paintings and monarchs that I can tell are worth ridiculous money just from one glance as I am still taking in that I’m about to be met by the powerful Okamato family’s servants. Hozumi was at the end of the table looking like Tokyo’s godfather which he should due to his wealth and riches. Just from his presence alone with his fancy tuxedo and well sorted black hair in a combover along with a neat beard of shaded brown that match his eyes I can tell he strikes fear into the hearts of many just by being in the same room as them.

I start to feel chills down my spine as Hozumi starts the conversation after getting out of his seat and putting his cigar down. “You must be my daughter and son’s new companion, pleasure to meet you sir” he says as he firmly shakes my hand like any noble would. “It’s a pleasure to meet you also sir” I respond still shaking from the sheer power that the man in front of me holds. “I must say I’ve never met anyone from the United Kingdom, what business do you pose in this city of ours?” Hozumi states.

“I’ve recently become an English teacher at Sara’s university, I happen to teach your daughter English sir and I also met your son at the bar opposite” I tell Hozumi. “Hmm, I see, sounds like you’ve got it all under control, please take a seat, my wife will be with us shortly” Hozumi says as I take my seat on a padded cushion directly next to Sara. “Is everything okay?” Sara quietly says. “Yes thank you but I need to calm down otherwise he’ll think something is suspicious” I respond matching her voice to not draw unwanted attention.  “Nonsense!” Kosuke somehow hearing my whispers responds to my claim giving me a fearful fright as he pours me some champagne which I will never say no to as the doors slam open to a stunning woman in her 40’s with long curly black hair with a strand swaying to the side, dark blue eyes and wearing a red dress to match her lipstick. In all my years of living I didn’t think a woman could match Sara’s beauty but it’s clear to see she gets her good looks from her mother. I could tell it was her mother after Kosuke greets her after pouring my champagne which didn’t even reach the top.

“Oh my, our guest for the evening has arrived, I dare say he looks exactly like your type Sara” the woman says as Sara turns red at the sudden claim. “The honour is all mine, I am Akari Okamato, Kosuke and Sara’s mother, I believe your name is Isaac if I’ve been told correctly”. “That’s right ma’am its lovely to meet you” I reply shaking at the two beauties next to me. I honestly cannot believe I kept my composure considering the amount of power that is held in the room at this very moment, I felt like one wrong move could spell my defeat. “Please don’t be so nervous, we’re all here to enjoy a lovely meal and get to know one another, after all I’m always happy to meet Sara’s friends considering Sara’s struggle to engage with the open world” Akari says as she takes her seat next to her husband as the waiters begin to bring the cuisine to the table. Akari was the type of woman to say what was on her mind no matter the situation, I liked that she doesn’t keep anything hidden.

“By the way honey, you know Kuragari Ito was on the phone earlier and requested your time soon, I let it go to voicemail like usual so I thought I’d update you” she begins to get the attention of her husband as Kosuke as Sara just begins to tuck in. “Ah yes I will make sure to return his call later tonight” Hozumi responds. Kosuke decides to open the floor for himself and says to his father. “The Ito family have been calling you quite a bit father, shouldn’t we refrain from speaking about such matters in front of our guest, after all it’s a situation best saved privately” Kosuke says. “I see where you’re coming from son but if Sara’s friend or should I say the man who walks her home every night is present for dinner then I believe he has every right to know about the future we have planned” Hozumi fires at Kosuke as I become wary of how he knows I walk Sara home every day.

“Well, I for one believe I speak for many in our foundation when I say that you need to take a step back from it all for some time, it seems like he’s rushing you and you know you hate being rushed” Kosuke mentions. “That may be but the sooner this is all finalized the better for all parties” Hozumi responds as his phone buzzes with the caller being Kuragari again. “Better for all parties?!, did you even think to take the time to discuss what your daughter wants for her future because the way it’s looking, you’re deciding it all for her the way you want which is plain selfish” Kosuke angrily responds. “Dear, please not at the table, we’ll discuss it after dinner, I apologise in advance Isaac, we never usually argue like this at the table” Akari says as Sara chooses to remain silent as she is scared to tell this to me, but she doesn’t know that I’m already aware of the entire situation at hand.

“Not to mention you’re putting her in the centre of this when it’s not necessary, you know she wants nothing to do with that man so why even consider it in the first place! You only care about yourself and its showing, I guess money does talk in this accursed world of ours” Kosuke critically says stamping his argument at his father. “How dare you speak to me like that boy, my negotiations with other families are none of your business!” Hozumi says as I hold Sara’s hand below the table because I could see in the mix of it all this is impacting her the most and she deserves some comfort whilst at the centre of attention as Kosuke looks like he is about to blow some steam.


“As you wish, Sara dear, we talked about this when you were a kid, now you’re grown up and can make choices for yourself, tell me what you want?” Hozumi directs towards his daughter putting her under immense pressure. Sara is struggling to get words out but feels at ease as I keep hold of her hand giving her a boost in confidence as she arises from her seat.

“You want to know the truth? Fine, I like Isaac, there I said it! He makes me feel safe and wanted, he takes the time to ask about my day and if I’m feeling well, you won’t know this, but you know the night you caught us both? He saved me from thugs all because you parade my name all over the city, well I want nothing to do with the Ito family and I certainly won’t have time for you if this proceeds, I want a normal life and I will have that chance if I’m around Isaac and his friends” Sara says with a few tears down her cheeks tightly gripping my hand. “Let’s go Isaac, I have something to show you anyway” as she runs as fast as she can through the doors pulling my hand leaving her meal behind. I have never seen such force from Sara before as I fly out of my seat like a kite, her face shows she wanted to be away from that room as quick as possible. “That took some courage considering her health, I’m going to check she’s okay, in the meantime you boys try not to kill each other until I’m back” Akari says exiting the room leaving just Hozumi and Kosuke to engage.

“Father, you know I don’t like disagreeing with you, but it had to be said because no one else would” Kosuke starts. “No, I think I’m finally starting to see your point, all this time I put the foundation first before my own daughter, it was so long ago and I keep getting bombarded with calls and appointments to get it finalised and settled, in truth I want to like Isaac as he holds this power inside that can help Sara but I just don’t know where to start” Hozumi coming to his senses tells his son.                                                    “Well please allow me to propose an offer then, it’s clear she’s going to ask Isaac to be her boyfriend after blurting her feelings at the dinner table and no doubt Isaac will accept and the two can blossom a relationship, why don’t you give Isaac a week to prove his usefulness to her and to us as a family, if for some reason it doesn’t work and Isaac is an asshole to Sara, you have permission to boast about how you were right” Kosuke proposes.

“You’re right, for some insane reason I believed Kuragari’s son was a brilliant fit for my daughter, but I now see that she doesn’t need a wealthy husband, she wants someone to show her a right path in her life” Hozumi says. “So will you give him a chance, perhaps you should make amends first before proceeding, that way you can earn his trust and he can feel relieved and calmer in your presence” Kosuke responds. “Understood, I’ll make Kuragari aware that things will change starting today for my daughter, after all she really seems happy with that lad and who know maybe I might learn a thing or two from him” Hozumi says as smiles are now lifted in the room and dinner can now be had.

 Sara taking me outside to a hill next to the mansion where a large tree was in full bloom with cherry blossoms still holding my hand to maintain closure and comfort. “That was really brave what you did back then, I’m proud of you” I tell Sara as I attempt to regain my breath from all the unnecessary running. “Well, I had you by my side, I’ve never ever gotten the better of my father as you can tell but I feel I can tackle the world with you” as the cherry tree waves with the wind in the night. “Can we cut to the chase for a second!” I speak as the wind outside gave a quiet atmosphere.
