Chapter 46:

The Blazing Ice Forest

Ane And His Seames

Ean and Abigail were watching one another. "I think it's about time we end this." Ean said. Abigail nodded.

"I agree." she added.

"That's easier said than done though." Ean remarked; folding his arms and closing his eyes.

"That is true. We're at a balanced level and both of us are at our current full power." Abigail stated.

"So I guess I have little choice now." Ean said with a sigh as he opened his dragon eyes; an image of the dragon behind him. Abigail backed away in fright.

"I-It's you." she stammered.

"So...we meet again...Ice Queen." the dragon's voice boomed from Ean who then grinned.

The dragon's grin was spread across some stars and he then slowly opened his eyes. An entire army was revealed spread far across the void in front of him. "Is this celebration just for me?" he asked; grin growing as he laughed.

"Give it up dragon!" a woman yelled.

"It's amusing really. Some fellow "rogues" are teaming up with the self proclaimed "heroes" to take me down. PATHETIC." the dragon said chuckling.

"Silence you foul beast!" a man yelled; firing his spear after the dragon.

"That didn't even tickle." the dragon screeched; cackling. Abigail stood amidst a sea of blood spread through the void in seconds and she stared around shakily. The present Abigail screamed; causing a huge blizzard. The dragon was heard laughing as Ean's dragon eyes gleamed through the blizzard.

Abigail watched around here nervously as clattering footsteps echoed from all around. She itched her face crazily. "What's the matter? Your own attack has blinded you?" Ean teased as Abigail seemed to be poked in the back. She screamed and ice spikes shot from the ground; growing into towers. They immediately got melted.

Lisa, Eina and Sid were staring at the forest filled with forest and flames simultaneously. "How is this terrain even logically possible?" Lisa inquired.

"Flames where mist is; mist from ice that formed in such a hot area nonetheless." Eina commented.

"Do you think she's okay?" Sid asked.

"She better be. She alone can get Ane and Ene to split I'm sure." Lisa replied. Abigail's screams echoed through the skies.

"Not a good sign." Sid said; eying Lisa.

"Going in there would be suicidal." Eina added; watching Lisa.

"Trust me; I know." Lisa stated; folding her arms furiously.

"This battle better end soon and in our favor." Sid said; watching his wound.

"The pain's kicking in huh?" Lisa said; sighing. She then frowned at the forest.

Abigail stood still; shaky and bloody. "Come on? Is that it?" Ean asked seemingly from all around the woman.

"Go away!" the woman screamed. Ean laughed.

"The dragon scared you that much huh." he remarked, laughing again. "How pathetic." he growled as he uppercutted Abigail. Ean then grabbed Abigail's leg and pelted her away. "It's ridiculous those teens thought YOU could defeat me!" Ean yelled; grinning.

"Incoming." Sid said. Lisa and Eina looked forward to see Abigail soaring to them. The teens dove into the air to avoid Abigail who then rolled across the hill. She lay there; eyes rolled up.

"Tsk." Lisa said; turning to see the forest completely ablaze. "He's coming." she said.

"You...guys...are...goners." Abigail said weakly. She chuckled.

"You'll be killed too." Lisa said. "I know you fear the dragon." she added. Abigail frowned and weakly stood.

"" she said.

"Abigail...lend me your power for one attack." Lisa requested; eying Abigail intently.

"Why should I help you?" Abigail growled.

"Do you really want the dragon to reign superior?" Eina asked; stepping forward. Abigail clenched her teeth.

"Just...this once, brats." she growled as she rose her hand. Lisa turned away and Abigail's elemental energy flowed into her. Lisa's eyes glowed full ice blue and Ean soared to them rapidly. Clones of Lisa filled the sky and Ean stopped and stared.

"More meaningless resistance!" he yelled; spitting flames to be suddenly uppercutted. Lisa's clones charged from all around and Ean ducked and retaliated but still received hits everywhere. He was finally kicked back and two Lisa's uppercutted him. The original Lisa held her arm as air filled her palm before she dove into the air with her clones. "Multi Elemental Style: Combo Attack: Ice Hurricane Seal!" she yelled; hitting Ean's stomach. The boy's eyes seemed to blur.

"" he began to then split into the unconscious Ane and Ene. Lisa's clones caught them and another grabbed Lisa's legs and pelted her at Abigail. Lisa still had the other attack in hand.

"You...!" Abigail began angrily as she rose her hands.

"No you don't." Eina said; raising her hand causing vines to bind Abigail allowing Lisa to hit the woman with the seal. Abigail screamed as she seemed to be sucked into the seal slowly; gradually reforming into Lana who then fell onto the ground; eyes rolled up. Lisa was panting as the attack vanished from her palms and she then fell onto the ground; hands bruised.

"You okay?" Eina asked. Lisa nodded.

"We...we should get going." she said; watching Sid who nodded. Lisa's clones carried Ene and Ane and two were lifting Lana onto another.

"What a day." Sid thought; eying the scorched down forest and gulping.

Lana slowly opened her eyes. "Oh, she's awake." Sid called. Lana watched around and saw she was in Ane's room which now had three beds. One had Ene, another Ane and the last her. 

"They were rented. " Eina explained as she entered the room.

"Okay." Lana replied softly; smiling tiredly. "What happened?" she asked.

"Can remember?" Sid inquired; raising an eyebrow. Flashes soared through Lana's head.

"I...remember." she said softly; eyes shielded.

"Look who's awake." Lisa remarked from the window as she entered. Lana stared unhappily at her sister.

"I'll complain about your presence when Ane wakes." she said coldly. Lisa said nothing.

"I doubt either of those two will wake up soon." Eina remarked.

"How long was I out?" Lana questioned.

"A week." Sid answered. Lana sighed and lay back.

"I noticed a side effect to that power of yours." Sid stated; drawing Lana's attention to him. He pointed at his own hair and everyone turned to Lana to see a sliver strand of hair.

"That's not a good sign." Lisa thought; holding her face silently.

"Well no use dwelling on it now though." Sid stated.

"Oh right. We have to do a "mission" of Ane's." Lisa stated; sighing.

"Oh brother." Lana complained; eying the unconscious Ane.