Chapter 14:

The Fifth Act

Four Seasons With You

Witnessing the pitiful state that Angelica's in, I took her out of the nightclub and asked her to accompany me to a nearby bench surrounded by fresh air.

Although the scenery isn't that much better than when the sun was about to set, the illumination from the lamps painted the roads with a subtle glow that relaxed Angelica. I was worried that she wouldn't like it here but seeing her relieved expression after telling me what happened calmed my mind.

Angelica told me her story. A story of a young girl—an actress from a unique theatric who struggles all the way since her mother's passing.

It must've been really hard for her. That feeling of isolation and pressure coming from the responsibility that you have to bear after experiencing such cruelty is something that not most people could handle.

She struggled all by herself while thinking about her brother. And without their father's warmth, Angelica had to do everything by herself for their sake. She would definitely do anything in order to survive seeing that giving up won't solve things.

"Here..." I spent another money to buy both of us a can of coffee.

"Thank you," Angelica took it.

The vicinity was desolated. It was like we were trapped in the middle of a dismal stage without an audience, wearing nothing but bleak and empty feelings.

Angelica had run into such a difficult phase while simultaneously carrying responsibilities as an older sister. I, on the other hand, had to discard my own existence from the primary group and struggled alone because I couldn't have them following such a troublemaker.

Both of us have our own problems in this stage of desolation. But that doesn't mean that I should stand idly and empathize with her until the very end of this act.

That's not how I should act after coming this far. I've already reached the bottom of Angelica's vast ocean.

"Does your father know about this? I mean, have you already told him?" I asked, taking a sip of the canned coffee.

"He doesn't. But I'm pretty aware that he's going to hear it since Joey has already seen me," she answered.

"You mentioned that he rarely goes home, how are you guys faring up?"

"Well, when he left us, he decided that he would send us money every month. Think of it like a monthly allowance for both of us to share. Everything depends on that income including our weekly expenses, groceries, internet, electricity, water bill, and tuition. But..."

"It's not enough...?"

Angelica nodded.

"That allowance could take up most of the expenses but not both of our tuition. Joey and I have a dream to pursue and one of those is to graduate successfully from our school. Of course, we know our circumstances. Joey didn't want me to stop because I'm a graduating student and he's in the third year."

The little brother knows that even though it's hard for them right now to pursue graduation, that doesn't mean that one of them should stop. He probably sensed that Angelica was going to stop in order to focus on him but Joey didn't want that because she was close to finishing her year.

Hmm, but still... although I already know the primary source of their problem, things didn't add up for some reason.

Why would her father suddenly leave them even though he knows that things will wither in long run? He should be aware that leaving Angelica and Joey wasn't a wise choice to make after their mother's death.

It's the same as abandoning them even though he's supporting them from the shadows. What they need right now after all of that cycle of turmoil was the present support of their father. But that didn't happen. He left them instead.

"Angelica..." I called out to her.


"Do you know why your father left?"

"Hmm... I'm not quite sure but I think he struggled to look for a job here so he decided to move out to look in the capital instead. Why?"

Sure enough, it's true that the main capital of this region has enough vacancies for job offerings. Her father could've found a job that would increase his share since he's working under a sea of opportunities.

So why? If that's the case then why would he deliberately send incomplete income to both of them? He should've known that the two are enrolled in a private school so he should be sending twice the amount. Did he fail after looking?

"He didn't say anything strange right? Or like, he didn't tell anything before leaving?" I asked again to make sure.

"Strange? There's nothing that I could of... we don't really have a way of contacting him right now except for the emails that he sent every month," she answered.

Mail? At this age?

"Hey, can I check what the mail looks like?"

"Umm, I guess so... he didn't really leave that much message."

After giving me permission, Angelica brought out her phone and showed me her email records. I noticed that three of them have been marked as important. That's probably it.

"Here's the one that we received three months ago. And then this is the second one last two months, and then the third one was sent just a few weeks ago..."

Each of them has an attachment of the bank account that Angelica is going to use. There's a small message greeting them and asking if they're fine.

But there's something strange about the emails themselves.

"You received these emails the same day when you received the money, right?" I asked.

"Yeah. I guess Dad wanted to check up on us via sending these after the allowance. Is there something wrong?"

"Ah no, nothing. I'm just relieved that he didn't forget about you two even though he's busy..." I lied. I couldn't let Angelica get dragged into this one.

The reason why is because someone's working behind the scene to set this stage.

Those three emails didn't have the same return email address.

What I find weird is that the emails are generated randomly at such precise intervals.

The first email return address was:
The second email return address was:
The third email return address was:

All three return emails were different from each previous email that she received prior before he left.

Why would he do that? Is there any reason for him to change his emails every month? Or maybe her father was just bad at remembering his other emails?

"Mmm, although I don't understand what Dad is doing right now, I'm happy to receive his message every month..." Angelica trailed off as she looked in the starry sky.

It was then I noticed her face contorting into a frown expression. Her lips quivered as she gritted her teeth. Tears yet again began to form in her eyes, silently remembering all of the things that she experienced... all of the obstacles that she had to pass...

"...What should I do, Nathan...?"

I turned my head to face her. In the past, I couldn't bear to hold my tears when I see someone in anguish. My heart was so fragile that I would cry at every little thing.

But I wonder why? Why can't I cry anymore after knowing Angelica's feelings?

"Joey told me that he doesn't want to see me anymore... Nathan I... I messed everything up! I'm tainted in his eyes! Now that everyone knows, I won't have any face to show anymore..."

Angelica cried all the way again. She was lost and couldn't sort out her mind after that painful discovery.

"I just... I just want both of us to graduate... Why...? Why couldn't I make things right...?" Angelica closed her eyes.


"What should I do... Mom?"

With a flick of my arm, I silently pulled Angelica's delicate body in front of me and embraced her.

She was trembling, just like a confused wanderer who couldn't find shelter on a cold dreary night.

"...Huh?" it must've surprised her. Her startled eyes reflected my own face as I peered straightly at her.

If someone's lost in their own predicament, the best solution to stop them from panicking is by having someone stay on their side.

I hugged her without any permission. But even though I find it embarrassing and risky, Angelica managed to calm herself down.

She gradually pulled my shirt, tightening her embrace as if she didn't want me to let go. She then buried her face in my chest while I supported her head with my hand.

"Don't worry. You didn't lose any face, Angelica. In my eyes, you are far too admirable." I consoled her.

She's probably not aware of her own position up until now and all the commendable sacrifices that she had to make in order to move forward. If that's the case, then I'll let her know.

"Your brother may not understand right now... why you're working at such a place, why you're trying hard to hide it... but I'm sure that everything's going to be fine."

"... sniff sniff"

"For me, Angelica is a strong big sister who doesn't give up. You're the main character that will persevere until the end of your story. Not many people could do what you've done for the past years and you've made good work. And for that, I highly respect you..."

I gently pushed her away and then I guided her chin to look upward and stare at me.

"You're the best sister Joey could ever have and no one can replace your determination and spirit. That's why... I want you to look forward and do not give up."

After that, we spent a little more time thinking about things. Angelica was still snuggling beside me as she rested her head on my shoulder.

It seems like she's now calm.

"T-Thank you..." she spoke up.

"Hmm? For what?" I asked.

"You know, for umm... for staying here and listening to me... it really made me feel better." the way she said that has some tinge of embarrassment but I didn't say anything because she looked cute.

"I'm just glad that you're feeling better now..." I responded with a smile.

"But still, now that Joey knows. I don't know what to do now..." Angelica turned to face me.

"The first thing that you should do after this is to quit this Hostess job to ease Joey's mind. I'm sure he's as devastated as you are right now but nothing will happen if the two of you wouldn't see each other." I suggested.

"You're right, but umm... if I quit this job, I won't have any money to pay for this month's tuition..." she seems a bit hesitant. Good thing I prepared an option.

"Angelica, I work in a cafe just a few streets away from this place. Just like you, I'm also working part-time in order to sustain myself. Fortunately, Mr. Finn was looking for another employee right now to work on the 2nd shift. The pay's also good as well and he's generous. Do you want to work there with me?"

I'm so grateful that Mr. Finn attached that poster sign. If I can utilize this opportunity, I could protect Angelica with the help of Mr. Finn.

All that's left to do is to quit this shady establishment.

"A-Are you sure I can join you...?"

I can still sense her doubt so I grabbed both of her hands and covered them with mine.

"E-Eh?! N-Nathan...?"

"Don't worry. I'll vouch for you. Mr. Finn and Miss Crisanna will help you with the things around the cafe. You don't have to stick in this establishment because Mr. Finn could top the pay." I said.

"O-Oh... okay! I trust you... so um... can you let go of me now?"

"A-Ah! Sorry!"

Crap! I went too far!

"I-It's okay... umm..." Angelica seemed more bashful and calm now than before. That's a good sign.

I noticed her stealing glances so I turned my head in embarrassment. Just seeing her cute face made me nervous for some reason.

"Thank you so much, Nathan..."

The night ended with Angelica's genuine smile. I thought she and Ayumi seemed a bit similar but the circumstances are different.

I'm just glad that both of them are fine now that I took care of things.

Now then, it's time to take care of that other thing...


Ring ring

"It's me. How's it going?"

Standing in front of the large window in a dark building was a mysterious man clad in all black.

The office was abandoned and the lights were all turned off, embellishing a mysterious atmosphere throughout the mirage.

"She met with a guy and took off somewhere else..."

"I see. If she made a decision to quit, threaten her and if that doesn't work, abduct her. I've already prepared the place for the grand finale." the man's tone dropped.

"But Manager, if we do that, they'll find out. Especially that man."

"It doesn't matter. They're all involved now anyway. Using her as the scapegoat won't change anything."

"How about that guy who's with her and her other companions?"

"Just ignore them. They wouldn't know anyway..."

"I understand. We'll keep an eye on things here..."

After ending the call, the man approached the large window and looked outside.

He could see the cityscape from the distance, extending through the overlooking.

The night was dreaded with mystifying darkness revolving around a single case. For the sake of revenge, this man will do anything in order to bring justice to the one who saved him.

"Hihi... Hahaha!" his creepy laughter echoed around the room.

Time for a little surprise, Angelica...