Chapter 4:

Blood, Sweat, Memories?

Life After Death

‘Six Years Later’

‘Yawn’, I moved out of my bed.

“A lot of things have happened over the last 6 years”, I thought to myself. I learned that body modification on this world seems to be normal. There are some people who are not compatible with the technology altho, My mom Kairi is on of them.

Then there are those who are super compatible with the technology, like my father Dante. Those kinds of people modify themselves untill there basically robots almost.

Then there is the everyday technology that far surpasses everything I knew from Earth. There are A.I. cars, A.I. humanoids, and also A.I. pets. The average intelligence level is also higher here then Earth as well. “Out of it all the pets have to be the coolest”, I said while rubbing my chin.

I turned the page to a magizine about body modifications. “Since I have advance machine affinity from the lucky draw, does that mean I will be super compatible like dad”, I thought out loud. I shuddered at the thought of having a solid metal body. I walked downstairs to the kitchen to get somthing to eat.

“Luckily the menu here isn’t much different from what i’m used to”, I thought while whistling. I started making a omelette when my mom walked in.

“Ronin, your awake”, Kairi said with a surprised look. “I figured you would be sleeping in since todays the day you get ‘Cam’ tested”, she said while opening the fridge.

“What’s Cam testing?” I asked with a curious look.

“Did your father not tell you?” She asked. I shook my head no. “O well it’s where a docter test your compatibility for body modifications”, Kairi explained.

I shivered for a second. “How do they test?” I asked.

She looked at me and smiled, “they inject you with small little nano bots to see if you have a reaction. If you do, they terminate the nano bots on spot and you dispel then naturally. If you don’t, they check different frequencies to see how compatible you are”.

“What if i’m not compatible?” I asked.

“Well if your not you would be just like me”, Kairi smiled brightly.

I knew the there was darkness behind that smile. The people on this planet place compatibility at the top of the discrimination list. The higher you are the better, but my mom only had a compatibility rating of 5 out of 100. Who knows what kind of hell she may have endured in her lifetime.

“What was dad's compatibility rating?” I asked.

“Hmm I believe his was 76 out of 100”, she said. This being the first time I herd his number I was quite shocked at how high it was.

The average median for compatibility is 44/100. The higher end of the average is 65/100. While lower end would be 22/100. “With Dad’s score he should have been very well off, but why was he a mobster”, I wondered.

Seeing like she read my mind mom suddenly said, “but your father never cared how high his compatibility was. He always just did whatever he wanted”.

“That’s right”, a low voice came from the living room. Me and mom both jumped. “Scared ya didn’t I”, Dante said coming into the kitchen.

Kairi smacked him with a towel she was using to wipe the table. “One day your going to give me a heart attack”, she said.

“They have artificial ones now you know”, Dante joked.

Kairi smiled and looked down. “Your leaking fuilds hun!” She gasped.

“Yeah I got in a bit of a scuffle with the Railgun Troops last night. They tried to rob one of our gambling dens”, Dante coughed out. “Figured ied take Ronin to go get tested at the docs while I get patched up”.

“Ok use Herbert”, Kairi said. Herbert was a A.I. car. He talked in what reminded me of a English accent.

“You know i would rather drive myself, then to use that car. I swear he dosnt’t like me”, Dante scoffed out.

“Tuff nuts your to injured to drive with Ronin. Learn to take better care of yourself an you wouldn't have to”, Kairi mouthed back in a playful manner. Defeated, Dante gave up and loaded me in a older looking car with black windows.

“Where to Mr. Dumb as I mean Mr. Dante?” the car asked.

“Take us to the docs”, Dante said while grinding his teeth.

Ignoring Dante completely the car said, “ah young master where to?”

“Take is to the doc’s you rust bucket!” Dante growled out at Herbert.

“Yes sir”, Herbert said in a gentlemanly voice before driving off. Herbert was unique, as he was a car that Kairi built.

“Mom may not have had any compatibility with the technology, but she sure knew how to build it”, I thought to my self. In my six years of life i’ve tried to soak up Kairi’s knowledge of the technology in this world. I have looked through some of her blueprints laying around. From what I can tell there research is far above what Earth achieved.

The eco footprint here is much smaller. The materials used are mostly recycled, at least 65 percent of all parts are. They barely use any fossil fuels. They use a hydrogen based fuel system. From what I can tell they use light fusion to run most of their technology. “That puts planet Mashin at least 100 years ahead of Earth”, I thought to myself.

Seeing that I seemed to be lost in thought Dante asked, “you nervous kiddo?” I shook my head yes after snapping out of my deep thought. “It’ll be fine son, you won't feel a thing”, Dante said with a kind smile.

“Ok”, I said. Going back to thinking about all this new technology i’ve been learning about from my new mother. She has taught me how to read and write the blueprints of this world. She also taught me how to use the tools of this world as well some are significantly different from my old planet. “i’m looking forward to learning how to build a fusion core”, I giggled to myself like a evil scientist.

On the other hand my new dad has been teaching me to fight pretty hardcore. Ever since i learned to walk he has been teaching me fighting techniques. “One thing I can say for certain is different, the fact that the technology makes fighting a whole lot less physical”, I thought to myself while suddenly realizing something exciting.

“I have regained some of my memories!” I almost spurted out.

“You ok?" Dante asked looking at me.

“Uhh yeah I was just excited about spending time with you”, I quickly came up with a excuse for my sudden emotional shock. I quickly began to recall everything I had remembered. “Let’s see I remember minor minewt stuff such as most of Earths technology, some cuisine, and a name.

“Who is Mika? Was she my wife I coildn’t remember or my mom? Was she a friend or the one who shot me? To many un answered questions”, I told my self in deep thought.

“Sirs, we have arrived”, Herbert said in a intelligent voice. 
