Chapter 5:

C.A.M Test

Life After Death

Herbert slowly came to a halt infront of a deteriorating building.

I looked up confused at what I saw. It was a old building, that was falling apart. Every window was broken on its three floors. There were bricks missing in here and there around the structure. There was also a ginormous crack that ran from the main door frame all the way to the roof, were vines and greenery grew from. The only thing out of place was the main door. It looked like someone took a bank vault and attached it to this decrepit building.

“Is this the right place?” I asked dumbfoundly.

“Yeah, looks better on the inside”, Dante laughed as he got out of the car slamming the door.

“I will pick you up after your testing young master”, Herbert said in a gentlemanly tone. “I have to go get these fluids cleaned out of me from this barbarian”, he scoffed before driving away.

Dante gritted his teeth before sighing, “alright let’s go on in”. We walked up to the huge metal door. Dante lifted his hand up, and I watched his finger slowly turn into a key. He placed his key finger into a small slot just off center of the door.

A slow whirling sound started as Dante turned the key back into his finger. “Alright in we go kiddo”, Dante said as he looked around cautiously.

“Ok”, I said as I moved in the open door. The door let into a solid metal room with one other door. Dante started walking to the left of that door placing his black eye to a picture of a plant. His eye slowly opened to reveal a green laser.

The lights turned to a orange color an a fimilar voice sounded. “Welcome leader Dante”, the voice said as the wall suddenly opened up to reveal a elevator.

“In we go bud”, Dante said giving me a slight nudge into the elevator. “You know your mom built this place”, he said smiling.

“Really?” I asked in awe.

“Yes it was a long time ago before me an her got married”, Dante said smiling. “That’s why P.A. Voice sounds just like her”.

“I knew it sounded familiar”, I said punching my hand in a eureka moment.

“Yeah she is the best mechanic slash inventor I have ever met”, Dante said warm heartedly as the elevator came to a stop. We stepped out into a narrow hallway with only one door. Dante opened the door to reveal a lab, that looked as though Frankenstein was made in it. There was all kinds of tall servo looking devices and plenty of artificial human parts everywhere.

I turned to walk back to the elevator before, Dante stopped me. “Hold on kiddo it’s not that bad”, he said laughing. “Docter Shinu should be around here somwhere”, he said looking around.

“Ah Mr. Karoshi”, a voice sounded from behind us. We turned around to what, looked like a body rising from the dead under a white sheet, on a medical table.

The hair on the back of my neck stood on edge, as tho I had been struck by lightning. “Old man. How have you been”, Dante let out a hearty laugh at how scared I was.

“O i’m sorry little one I was just resting a bit. I didn't mean to scare you”, a young sounding voice came from the man who Dante called old, “are you here for the CAM test?” He asked.

“Yes he is doc”, Dante said with a smile before, also pointing out his injuries.

“Ok we will get you patched up since you are running out of synthetic blood, then we will give your son his test”, the docter gave a gental smile.

As the docter fixed up Dante I couldn’t help but, think he looked odd. He was small in stature, and not very muscular. Very nerdy looking with black hair and modified glasses. He was almost completely artificial, minus one arm that was still very human. He used that arm to perform his craft.

He fixed up Dante as quick as the wind. “Alright Ronin take a seat here for me”, docter Shinu said, as he moved some cybernetic limbs out of the way.

I sat down and followed his instructions. The docter started to inject me with the little nano bots to begin the test. There was a slight pain where the injection was.

“Ok Ronin let me know if you start to feel a burning sensation”, docter Shinu said, as he started moving a dial to change frequencys.

“Ok”, I said staring firmly at my arm.

About 30 secounds in the docter looked at me weirdly. “The nano bots aren’t responding”, he said in a odd tone.

“What does that mean?” Dante asked.

“I believe they may have been a bad set”, the docter replied before setting up a second injection. “He has some kind of compatibility since he didn’t have a reaction, so we will try again”, he said injecting a second set into my other arm.

A moment later they stopped responding as well. Confused the docter looked at me then asked, “do you feel any discomfort?”

“No”, I said plainly trying not to let out the joy I was feeling. I realized that I could control the nano bots that were injected into me. When the docter set up to do the second injection. I accidentally sent the first batch over to the second area, an sealed the wound with out anyone noticing. “Amazing”, I thought to myself.

The docter looked scared and frustrated all at the same time. “Would you like to try a third time?” He asked Dante.

“Is there any risks?” Dante replied.

“No”, the docter responded. Dante nodded to go ahead. Knowing that I could now control these I was thinking, “the more the merrier”, but I could only put the docter threw so much. I blocked the control over the third set for a bit to give me a compatibility rating.

“50 out of 100”, the docter said pleased.

Dante smiled then asked how I was feeling. “I feel good”, I said holding in my joker smile. I now had around 1500 nano bots I could use to repair internal problems in me.

The docter wiped the cold sweat he had developed off his forehead. “Is there anything else I can do for you mr. Karoshi?”

“No I believe this wraps up our trip here”, Dante said. We moved back twords the elevator to head back home. All of a sudden the lights turned to a lime green color. A alarm started sounding as well. Dante grabbed my arm an ram twords what looked like a closet. He opened the door and several video monitors sat all around.

“Shit”, Dante said with a frown.
