Chapter 0:


Living on B-612

Space: a vast territory full of possibilities. There are so many planets, asteroids and galactic systems that remain a mystery even for the brightest scientists and astronomers. Asteroid B-612 was that kind of planet: small, located in an unknown galaxy  outside The Solar system. On this tiny sphere lived a young blond boy who was thoroughly taking care of it: getting rid of the pesky baobabs, watering the little field poppies and cleaning his two active volcanoes. He was nicknamed by a man who crashed his plane in the desert, The Little Prince.

One day, "exactly at the sunrise" a completely different flower showed up on The Little Prince's planet. It was a gorgeous rose with four thorns. The Little Prince was in awe by the appearance of his new companion. She was an exciting and beautiful guest whose petals spread a wonderful fragrance all over B-612.

However, the rose showed her true colors as soon as she met The Little Prince: she was arrogant and had a habit to invent ridiculous stories that were meant to impress him. This lead to Little Prince's departure from B-612. After saying her goodbyes, a tear-eyed rose remained all alone on the tiny asteroid.

While the Little Prince was busy with his interstellar journey, the Rose stayed in her "glass globe" finding comfort in her memories with her devoted and naïve protector. Let's see what she has been doing in his absence, shall we?