Chapter 58:

Chapter 58

I was Reincarnated as a Spider however I still want to become an adventurer so I did despite the fear and threat of death yet I persevered and was accepted by a group of nice girls so now I will live out my dream to become a Hero and defeat the Demon King

The elves had their nation in a great forest, it was not normal nation like the human ones.
The vast forests made that not possible, instead it was filled villages spread all around.
No central government existed there either but they all listened to the greatest of elves and the eldests.
It was going well for thousands of years until the demons began encroaching on the continent.
They were dealt losses and they could not recover fast due to their slow birth periods.
Though that was still within reason.
Many centuries pass and the humans gained numbers.
They were never able to take the forests but many elves died and they were forced deeper in and towards the mountains.
They survived the attempted take overs but their population is now in danger, too proudful to mix with humans in large amounts and still sending away the elves that are born with different body consitutions.

'that is the usual elf history everyone knows and it's true but way more violent.
90% of the elves died and there are only around 20 thousand elves are left in the forest, of course there are other locations with elves but great forests are dangerous and it's difficult to spread out quickly, that's why the main elven forest is the most important since it's been cleared of various monsters'
'and what about your revenge? you were bullied and shunned for being an albino right so why do you care about them?'
'that part is overexaggerated, they do shun us being they aren't so mean, it's just the kids and I do have friends there you know'
'you have friends? that's surpising, well what's the revenge for then'
'my village was attacked by another elf'
'not humans?'
'no, it was a traitor that doesn't care about the race surviving but acquiring more power, he stole whatever was there and went away'
'I get it but it won't be easy to find him'
'I know and I stand no chance against him so that's why I left, to train myself'
'I see'
'that was 2 year ago, I couldn't get stronger since it took everything just to survive by myself, until I met the tarachnid there'
'everything has gone better since then huh but that's just proper team work' says the rogue.
'I suppose but he's definitely special'
'of course he is, tara-kun is the best' says the healer.
'we'll help you with your revenge if you want, we're nakama right'
'yeah that would be good, thank you'
It seems that talk is over, where were we again?
Oh right, heading back to the capital but that can wait for now.