Chapter 13:

Chapter 13- Liberade

Something To Talk About

Six months have passed, and I'm close to finishing my recovery.

"Yeah, everything is fine, and keep me in your prayers always. Life couldn't be any better."

"Yeah man, she has me lost in those eyes of hers and always there for me when I need her."

"She was that special person I've been needing. Somebody to get intimate with and be there for me at my highest and my lowest points."

I hung up.

Her coming into my life allowed me to cope with my issues and learn to accept myself being around her.

The older generation and those who came before me, I'll always have respect for you and you'll always have my praise.

This is why I'll preserve what my grandmother stood for and the ideals of my father.

I decided to make my return back to college sometime and get my bachelor's for my grandmother and make those words of her's come true.

Live up to be a man who's ready for anything for my father.

A father will always be valuable in one's life, and no matter their flaws, or how imperfect they may be, they're still YOUR father and nobody else.

I'm not perfect either, and it was wrong of me to think that of him. I can always make an impact, with my work and find those like me who might relate.

Abandon your name and become something much more. Become Liberade.

Liberade can show emotion through art and be a man who can give lessons and breed change.

I now admire the qualities, I have and the progress I have made while seeing my flaws daily. 

Whether it's my past or the thought of not being of use.

I'm struggling, but I'm making improvements.

"If I die, I die, and that's all there is to it."

No matter what I fix, there will be more problems to come that need to be fixed. It's a never-ending cycle.

I'm ready to fight them.

Ready to talk it out and make progress forward. I'll continue being here if it means that I can get it together.

Fight it all in silence and in private.

I only desire for them to have faith in me at these times.