Chapter 17:

The Big Day

My Wife, The Devil

David took a breath, looking in the mirror. The nerves of today were natural, but something felt like it was going to be wrong. In fact, everything felt like it was going wrong. He paced back and forth in his room, biting his thumb.

A knock on the door snapped him from his minor panic. “Master David, are you ready?”

David shook his head and looked at himself in the mirror. Everything seemed to be in order. “Just about, Sebastian. Can you run a check in case a missed anything?”

“Very well, sir.” Sebastian walked in, dressed up in a black-and-purple suit much as David had. He paced around David while his head nodded in confirmation. “It appears you did a fine job.”

David sighed in relief. “Thank you, Sebastian. I feel like I might have done something wrong. Come on, we need to get moving.”

Sebastian nodded slowly and watched as David walked out. As soon as he reached the door, the imp spoke up. “Master David… Are you positive that you wish to have me as your… Best man?”

David stopped and turned to face him. “Yeah, man. Look, I know the other guys were good, but you’ve been a massive help to me since we met. I genuinely don’t think I could have made it this far without your guidance.”

He smiled at Sebastian, who simply nodded to him and then looked in the mirror. “Very well. If you wouldn’t mind, I need to run a check on myself. I must look my best for my Mistress’s wedding.”

David nodded and left, leaving Sebastian to look at himself in the mirror. He was grateful that David had left, as he did not wish for the human to see the troubled expression and clenched fists he had.


Since their wedding couldn’t be held in a church for obvious reasons, the smartest thing for them to do was hold it at the family home. It was easy to access, they had a lot of property, and since there weren’t any horses to worry about, they could use the whole property.

The Lords of Sin made sure to have everything set up to exactly their specifications. The decorations matched the royal purple theme, the security set up a perimeter of matching guards around the property, and the musicians quietly played the best music possible for the guests attending. Those guests spoke in a hushed whisper as they slowly found their seats. Everyone from family to close friends was in attendance. Even some reporters were trying to sneak past the security line.

David slowly made his way down the aisle. The faces of the many people he knew who actually supported him smiled at him. It was an odd feeling seeing how many people actually were actually looking forward to seeing him get married. As he reached the alter, he turned around. At the end of the rows of chairs, Morgan was riding upon Mateo with a smile on her face. She slowly petted the horse, who let out a snort of joy.

The disguised demon descended to the ground with grace. She was, ironically, like an angel as she moved. The veil covering her face gave off a mystery and allure everyone admired. Photos were taken as she walked across the aisle with Lucifer next to him.

David’s eyes focused on Lucifer. He seemed… Calm. At peace, almost as if he had finally resolved something in his mind. To anyone else, it was a sign that their future father-in-law had come to terms with the wedding. David was not in that mindset.

As the ceremony played out, He kept his peripheral vision on Lucifer, who watched as the “priest”, a disguised demon himself, performed the ceremony. The former King of Hell just stood there, a smile on his face. It wasn’t cruel or malicious, it was a normal smile. Nothing made him more nervous.

What is he planning?, he thought as he kept his eyes on the priest. There’s no way he isn’t planning something…

Quite right, Moreno… Another voice popped into his head. It definitely matched Lucifer’s low tone. Before David could look, it continued. Try and make a move, and your friends and family will be seeing Hell.

David locked up. He was in a no-win scenario, only able to listen as the demon continued to speak. Well, I suppose I should fill you in. You see, I’m aware of Lilith’s efforts to try and keep me from starting the second Armageddon. I know it was her influence that made the denizens of Hell more distracted. However, she is very good at covering her tracks. I could never prove it, and if I tried to kill or stop her, it would only backfire and lead to a revolt.

David continued to stare forward with a blank expression as Lucifer continued. However, I found 2 names regarding those she worked with, one Gabriela and one Bethany. According to some snooping, the three were a sort of trio. As such, I would sometimes intercept her letters and send in false information. Just something to sew the seeds of chaos for a time. And now that I’ve tended to them, it’s time for the harvest…

David tensed up. He wasn’t sure why, but he had the feeling that something was aiming right for his head at that very minute. He was about to die.

Thank you for playing right into my hands…


David wasn’t sure what happened, but his body reacted before his brain. Before he knew it, he and Morgan were on the ground, and the priest had a fist-sized hole in his chest. He slowly turned into his original demon form and collapsed on the ground in a pile of black dust.

When David looked up, he saw the source had come from the roof of the house. At first, he couldn’t make out what was there, but focusing showed that someone was on his roof.

Morgan was shocked, but David quickly kept his body on his fiancé. Flying down from the roof, Bethany and Gabriela pointed guns at everyone. A number of angels came down with their own blessed firearms, subduing the guards with ease.

“Alright, you sinners…” Bethany growled out as she stepped towards the altar. “The show’s over. We’re not letting this wedding go through.”

Morgan shot up, launching David onto his back. “Who are you to try and stop me, angel?? This is MY day and you will not ruin it!!”

“Shut up!!” Bethany pointed her golden rifle at the Devil, rage in her eyes. “You’ve done so much to ruin the people of this earth, I shall not allow you to spread your corruption to us!!”

David watched as Morgan bared her claws, ready to strike down the angel. He didn’t know much about what holy weapons did to higher demons, but he could only guess from the pile of dust beside him. Morgan… Gone… He couldn’t allow that. With no concern over his own safety, he threw himself to his feet and became a wall between her and Bethany.

“What are you doing, human??” Bethany shouted. “Out of my way! Your part in this is done!!”

“I was never part of this PLAN!!!” David shouted at the top of his lungs, staggering Bethany a tad. “You used a drunken decision as a pretext to try and prevent Armageddon with no way out of it! You USED ME!!” He huffed angrily, trying to keep himself from lunging at the armed seraphim.

Bethany was hardly moved, staring down at David with determination in her eyes. She waited for him to move away so she could fire. When this didn’t happen, he shook his head. “You’re really going to make me do this, aren’t you?”

“You can walk away now. All of you can. Just leave and never return. It can be in the past.” His eyes pleaded with Bethany to not go through with it, but only got a head shake.

“You know nothing, mortal. Especially when it comes to lying.” Cocking the guns, she took aim at David. If she couldn’t get him to move, he was shooting through him.

David simply shut his eyes, ready for the shot to come. He kept Morgan from interfering. He wasn’t going to let her get killed and wasn’t going to let her start the war. He only hoped that she could keep a level head when it all ended for him.


Doctor Sleepy