Chapter 64:

Ane's Training?

Ane And His Seames

Rain was pouring down in a forest and Ane was doing pushups within the mass of nature. "4999."he growled as he did one more. "5000!" he yelled; doing one more. He exhaled and lay down; rain dripping and flowing all around him. "T-that's it. This training barely affects me anymore." he said; sighing. Ane eyed his hand and clenched it. The rain stopped. 

Ane sat on a tree branch; whistling. "Hey Ane." Lana said as she landed next to him.

"Hey Lana." he replied dryly. Lana tilted her head.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"It's my training. It's becoming unfruitful." Ane answered.

"Well why don't you train another way?" Lana suggested.

"What other way?" Ane questioned; eying her. She shrugged and Ane sighed.

"It'd be better if you had a teacher...once more." Lana said slowly. Ane saw a flash of Conner and his eyes were shielded. "I'm sorry I mentioned it." Lana stated but Ane shook his head.

"It's okay." Ane said.

Lana and Eina were in the hot tub together. " want me to come up with a solution?" Eina asked. Lana nodded.

"Please." she begged. Eina smiled.

"You don't have to ask me twice. I don't see why not." she remarked; patting Lana on the head. Her friend pouted and then Eina smiled. "I've actually been thinking about Ane's training too. That Linx guy has a dragon eye so if Ane plans to learn new techniques using that eye; Linx is our best shot." she stated.

"But...doesn't Linx lack control over that very eye." Lana asked.

"Kinda true but that doesn't matter. He has it contained now." Eina said.

"Hm; I wonder." Lana said; holding her chin.

Ane was shirtless under a waterfall; doing pushups on the water surface. "Hey...Anneee!" Lana yelled as she came from the forest.

"Oh; it's you." Ane said as he sat up straight to watch Lana who stood far across him. "What's wrong? Scared of the water?" Ane asked teasingly. Lana blushed.

"No...not really." she said.

"Well get over here." Ane said; spreading his arms. Lana blushed and ran into them chuckling. They both smiled as Ane fell back. Ane swung Lana into the water and she splashed him with water. Ane backed up and wet the girl back and she giggled before rising her hand slickly. Water covered Ane completely and he clapped it away. "Now that's playing dirty." he remarked; grinning.

"Is it?" Lana asked; poking her face innocently and then smiling. Ane grinned and Lana clung onto him; staring him in the eyes. Ane gulped and approached the girl's lips.

"This again." Lisa growled as she stood above them; pouting.

"Oh hey Lisa." Ane said; laughing nervously. 

"I told you I'd come train with you but I guess you made other plans." Lisa snarled; watching away.

"I just came to tell Ane something." Lana scolded.

"Oh really? What is it then?" Lisa inquired.

"Ane...I have a suggestion for a teacher for you." Lana remarked. Ane folded his arms attentively.

"I'm listening." he said.

Lana, Lisa and Ane were soaring through the air side by side. "You know you didn't HAVE to come right, Lisa." Lana remarked.

"Tsk." Lisa responded. "As if I'd ever leave you and Ane alone." she growled before flying closer to Ane. Lana pouted and Ane sighed.

"We're here." he said as he flew down. The trio landed on a farm which stood in front of a large luxury like building; all in the midst of a forest.

"Who knew Ms. Goldenburg was so rich!" Lana said; staring in shock.

"I predicted it. The way she acts all high and mighty while bouncing those damn boobs of hers all over Ane!" Lisa mumbled grumpily. Ane laughed guiltily.

"Why hello there?" a feminine voice remarked. The teens watched forward and saw nobody. "Down here." the voice called. They watched down and saw a cat with golden fur and green eyes.

"So cute." Lana said; blushing.

"I'm not always cute. Don't read into it." the cat hissed back. Lana backed away and Ane gently patted her. Lisa watched away pouting and Ane eyed the cat.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"My name's Nina." the cat replied; licking it's paws.

"Where's Faith, Nina?" Ane inquired.

"She isn't here." Linx said as he landed effortlessly. He now wore black fingerless gloves, a white shirt that was unbuttoned, a grey shirt and brown pants under.

"Oh, Linx. You're actually who we were looking for." Ane remarked.

"I'll leave you two to that. Girls; I'll show you around." Nina said; walking off. Lisa and Lana nodded at Ane and walked off too. Linx eyed Ane silently; hands in his pockets.

" my sensei." Ane begged; bowing down. Linx's eyes were shielded.

"Not a chance." he said after a moment of silence. Ane looked up in shock.

"Why not?" he asked.

"I'm not suited for that type of things. Plus I don't want anything to do with the dragon who is so uncontrollable that a mere eye of his is impossible to maintain." Linx stated; clenching his fist.

"But it wasn't the dragon's doing. They took the blood from his eyes without consent or warning." Ane said.

"Tsk...whatever." Linx said; turning away.

"Come on. You alone possess that eye and won't kill me! I saved you so you should help me in return." Ane said. Linx's eyes were shielded and wind blew between the two. He groaned.