Chapter 17:

Shifting into Neutral


During her next patrol, Sedona found (or was given?) yet another pretty stone. She de-toxed it, then tucked it aside in her quarters. Maybe she could use it in her quest to get close to Pariss. The very next day was Tokyo’s concert. In the meeting room, Sedona sat next to Accra. On Accra’s other side sat the assistant for Pariss, Indiga.

Accra introduced them by talking about Sedona’s cat. And Sedona could not stop looking at Indiga. He was normal enough looking, except when he smiled. Because when he smiled, two dimples popped out in his cheeks. It made his whole face light up and Sedona couldn’t help but smile right back. She found herself doing everything she could to get him to smile.

Which wasn’t hard, as it turned out they had a lot in common. First, she found out that Indiga had a robotic dog. This kept them whispering for nearly an hour, telling each other funny pet-parent stories. Then, somehow, the subject of paintings came up and to her delight, Sedona found that he too loved landscape paintings. How perfect!

She only realized how much they’d been talking together when there was a break in the concert. Poor Accra, Sedona was horrified at how much she had ignored her. Not only had she ignored her, but they had been talking back and forth over her. She must not have been able to hear any of the music.

“No worries,” said Accra with a big grin. “I’m glad to see you’ve enjoyed the music so much.” Laughing, she reassured Indiga that she’d bring Sedona along with her to more events.

During the break, Tokyo discussed the instruments used during the concert. Sedona, still feeling guilty about neglecting Accra, paid close attention as Tokyo explained that all the instruments were percussive ones – small tap drums, bells, and chimes. She explained she had a small collection of antique ones that she kept in her apartment.

When the concert was over, Sedona tried to keep track of Indiga, but he was quickly swept up in a small group of people. Accra led her over to introduce her to Tokyo. As Sedona thanked her for the invitation to the concert, she pretended an interest in Tokyo's antique instruments.  Tokyo immediately invited her to the small after-concert dinner.

Tokyo’s quarters were large and lovely and the dinner was a friendly event. Although she wasn’t seated anywhere near Indiga, Sedona still managed to have a good time with the other music fans. Later in the evening, she wandered over to look at the wall full of robotic fish that swam in a tank on the far side of the lounge. She was admiring an especially colorful fish when Tokyo joined her.

Tokyo spoke quietly. “Sedona, I realize this is a delicate subject but … I wanted to let you know - I’m aware you were an InVivo baby. I was one also.”

Sedona was surprised. First, that Tokyo even knew about Sedona’s birth status. And secondly, that she would speak so openly about it. Most babies in the city were artificially fertilized, then tucked into special growth tanks until they were ready to ‘hatch’. They were InVitro children, created the ‘normal’ way. But the geneticists always kept a small control group of children who were carried to term within a human mother, then delivered by live birth - these were called InVivo babies.  

Sedona was aware that most city-dwellers disliked the process of mothering and live birth,  considering it an aberrant custom. Both the process and the offspring were often called ‘dirty’ because the mothers were totally isolated throughout the maternity. The mother's distended body, was thought to be ugly, so they were hidden away. The babies were delivered while the mother was unconscious and she never got to to see her child.  But truthfully, the isolation was  to protect the mothers from both nasty gossip and the very real threat of infection from the ‘dirty’ general population.

Delicately placing her hand on Sedona’s upper arm, Tokyo whispered, “I have a small 'v' tatoo on my arm, just like yours. And I too was taunted in childhood. It’s why I wanted to speak with you about it, knowing you’d likely feel some connection to the problem. Because, very soon, we may need to increase the number of InVivo births.”

Sedona’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. 

Tokyo nodded at her expression. “You may not be aware of this, but the Genetics department is under my administration. We’ve been having unexpected trouble with the standard InVitro program. There's an increase in problems, and both Pariss and I are deeply concerned.”

“But how I can help?” asked Sedona. “I know nothing about genetics.”

“For now, I just want you to know there's a potential problem. We may have need of your scouting skills in the near future. I believe it could benefit us all if we're able to bring more wastrels into the city, and we'll discuss this more at a later date. I’m so glad that you’ve met Pariss and that he likes you. He needs more supporters right now. And we’re both hoping you can have a softening effect on your sponsor.”

Now Sedona was really startled. “Do you mean Lundun?”

“Yes, we’ve been alarmed by his growing aggressiveness. The three city administrators were always meant to work together for the good of the city. But over the past few years, Lundun has become increasingly competitive. To the point where he is taking actions that can damage the city and destroy our peace and safety.”

Sedona was silent, remembering Lundun’s recent need for secrecy.

Tokyo could see that Sedona was thinking about something. “Perhaps you’ve noticed some things already? Maybe it’s something small and simple, something that makes you uncomfortable? All we ask is that you let Pariss or I know if you become aware of something alarming, or even just … worrisome.”

Sedona nodded in agreement and Tokyo squeezed her hand in thanks. “I’d better go talk to my other guests now, or my chatting with you will draw too much attention.” And she glided away.

Finding herself still near the wall tank, Sedona had to admit how rattled she was by Tokyo’s disclosures. She turned to watch the fish swimming while she tried to settle herself down. The fish were lovely – all sparkling colors and graceful movement. Sedona found it hard to believe that at one time the earth was nearly covered in water. And that water contained thousands of fish like these – but LIVE ones - not robotics. 

Accra and Indiga came up to stand behind her. Even though Sedona was aware they were there, she wasn’t ready to say anything yet. All three of them watched the tank, mesmerized by the fish gliding through the water. Finally, Sedona sighed, breaking the spell.

Accra spoke first. “Tokyo asked me to invite you to Pariss’ chess match in three days." Indiga smiled slightly at this news, revealing just one of the dimples in his cheek. Sedona was so intrigued by the single dimple that all the intrigue bouncing around the city was washed completely out of her mind.

Anyway, she was sure she’d have plenty of time to worry about all that!