Chapter 23:


B.U.T.H.O / ブットホ

"All right, soldiers!!! All hands on deck for your posts! We will leave at once for our designated locations."

"YEEEAAAHHH!!!" Shouted the scorpions.

As they all headed to their positions, the coyote approached the scorpion leader to tell her something that was bothering him.

"I think Ano is hiding something."

"Yes. It's clear that his intention is not just to stop my brother. But don't worry, that's why I'm going with him!"

"I'm not worried about him. I'm worried about you, leader."

"Why do you say that?"

"Sometimes people don't say what they feel, not for fear of being wrong, but for fear of what others might think of them."

"Stop talking in code and tell me what you mean!!!"

"I mean. You should tell him the same thing you told me. Tell him the whole truth."

"Are you crazy? If I do that...!!!"

"If you do that!!! Surely his heart will open up completely again and he will go back to who he really was. Then he will stop hiding his feelings from others."

Without looking back, the coyote walked away and got into his vehicle.

"Maybe... after the mission." Mai said, muttering.

Mai got into the Asu Industries van along with Ano, and they set course for the Asu headquarters building. Coyote and Gunner got into their trucks filled with explosives and hid the holographic drones near the demonstration points before the scheduled time. After this, they would set a course for the location where they would wait until the time to blow up the bridges came. Everything was ready to start.


After preparing in the morning, the group was ready. Everyone had arrived at their designated positions. The chameleon was at the base, inside the cyberspace, as usual. Kaboom and Ryuko would control the drones from their base in district C and would be in charge of detonating the visual, sonorous, and disruptive explosives that had already been placed by Coyote in several garbage cans of the great metropolis. Gunner and Coyote waited inside their trucks, ready to cut off the two key access points. Finally, Mai and Ano waited patiently before infiltrating the building.

Night had fallen, and with it the time for the demonstrations that had been called.

200 people were gathered at each of the 6 strategic points of the operation. In unison, the 6 drones with holographic projectors were activated. Those projectors projected the image of an unrecognizable and masked Mai Asu. An AI pretended to be a live recording of Mai, which would lead the march in real time. When the drones reached the front of the congregation, the holograms began to speak.

*Dear scorpions! Today we are here to overthrow Yu Asu once and for all and to destroy his stupid ambition to control the world!*

"THAT'S IT!!!"



*We the people deserve to know why the cyber prostheses started to fail. No more secrets!! No more monopolies!!* Continued the AI.


People cheered and cheered the AI's words.

*Today is the day that will mark a change in the history of mankind!!!! No more lies!!! No more famine!!! No more suffering!!! Follow me, everyone!!!*

The holograms began to move at each of the meeting points leading the demonstration. By this time, Asu's agents were already watching the demonstration. Little did they know that they were heading into a carefully calculated trap.

"Sir, we have full control over the demonstration. Your sister is being more cautious this time than usual. We should be careful; there's something wrong with all this."

Yu Asu's security chief was monitoring the streets and reporting back to Yu Asu via intercom. His experience serving as a security officer made him one of the best detectives in the metropolis.

"Don't worry about my sister. She'll show up soon. You just follow them." Yu said, with a malevolent smile from the security of his office.

The call was cut off.

"In this situation, it's impossible not to worry Mr. Asu. This smells like a trap to me."


Wolf and Scorpion infiltrated Asu's building through the building's garage thanks to the van the Scorpions had in their possession. They parked the vehicle in the center of the garage and prepared to make their way to the floor where Yu Asu was located.

The leader took out her master communicator and made a holographic group video call. A set of images started to project from that communicator, one for each of the scorpion members.

"Alright scorpions!!! Everything is going according to the plan!!! The wolf and I are in position!!!! Gunner, Coyote. In position?"

"Affirmative." Coyote replied.

"I'm ready, leader." Gunner replied.

“Kaboom and Ryuko, ready for the big surprise?”



"Alright guys, we're counting on you for phase 2. Stay alert on the road!!! Scorpion leader out."

The connection went dead. However, Coyote's transmitter received a call on a private line.

"Who is this?"

"Coyote, this is Wolf."

Wolf had broken away from the scorpion leader for a moment to call Coyote.

"Ah! But it is the little wolf... What do you need? It's still too early to ask for my help."

"It's not about that, unhinged!"

"Then what's wrong with you?"

Ano seemed shy. The look on his face seemed like the one he had years ago.

"You think that when we finish the operation [Blossom] I might..."

"Might what? Give me a little kiss?"

"Damn... this is embarrassing enough for me!"

"Hahaha... okay, I’ll listen to you."

Dammit!! Why am I doing this?

"You think when we get back to base I might... start calling you my friend?"

There was a short silence.


"And now why are you laughing!!!???"

Shit, how humiliating... I'll make you pay, Coyote.

The young wolf's face was red with embarrassment. However, from one moment to the next, his face let out a faint smile before returning to his usual cold expression.

"Sure you can." The coyote smiled as he spoke. "Although I think master or big brother would be more appropriate to call people that are smarter than you."

"SHUT UP!!!"

The call cut off.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Wolf, you are hilarious. I think I'm going to have a good time annoying you every day."


"Hey Wolf!!! What are you doing back there!? Hurry up, we have to continue with the plan. The bombs are almost ready to explode!"

"I know. I was just getting busy bypassing an access point for later."

The wolf followed his leader, and together they went up the elevator to begin the infiltration phase. As the door closed, the wolf's senses sharpened. Everything around him looked and felt different. All around him, everything seemed to have stopped in time. Then he saw it. Fleetingly, just before the elevator door closed completely, the young boy saw the small yellow plasmatic presence that had been watching them all week.


What? A laugh? What did I just see outside the elevator? The silhouette of a yellow kid?? I'm losing my mind by the minute. I have to finish Yu off as soon as possible!

"Wolf? Are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost. Or maybe an angel?"

The Wolf's expression changed as he saw that yellow figure in front of him. Mai noticed that the young boy's gaze turned for a moment into the gaze of someone with the biggest heart in the world.

"Yes, I'm fine. Let's get this over with as soon as possible." He said as he put on his white demon mask.


While all this was going on, the demonstrations had advanced to the key point of the second phase of the operation [Blossom]. Ryuko stopped all the drones at the same time as Kaboom raised her arm with the intention of pressing a large red button on the table.

*Dear friends!! Friends who seek a change in society!!!! Tonight is the great day when Yu Asu will cease to rule over us!!!!!*




*That's why I’m asking you one last thing. Cover your heads!!!!* Shouted all the holographic drone AIs.







People were elated and frightened by what they were seeing. A great noise and an incredible holographic flare covered the wide avenue. No one seemed to realize it was a fake explosion even though there was no shockwave.

However, Asu's guards as well as people with brain implants began to experience visions of an even worse attack thanks to the explosion of the disruptive bombs. Collapsing buildings and dead people were projected onto their retinas.

*Team 2 here!!! Requesting urgent reinforcements! There has been a large explosion that has destroyed several buildings in the area.*

*It's a choreographed attack! We have the same situation in team 5!!!! We are urgently requesting reinforcements to help civilians!!!*

"I KNEW IT!!! So this is what Ms. Mai was planning!!! So she's finally shown what kind of person she is!!! Teams 1 and 3 head towards team 2; teams 4 and 6 we're heading to give support to team 5!!!"

From an alleyway, Coyote watched Asu's multiple assets crossing the bridge he was about to block.

"Stupids!!! You have fallen into our trap!!!"


"I’m sorry to bother you all. This is Gunner here for the team. Asu assets have crossed the bridge as planned. We proceed to execute phase 3."

"Perfect, Gunner!!! Coyote, we're counting on you guys!!!" Said the leader over the comm.

"YES!!! We’ve got this!!! See you in a few minutes. Give Yu a beating before we get there!!!! Over!!!" Coyote replied.

Without further delay, Gunner and Coyote started their trucks and set a course each towards the bridge they were to blockade.

"Gunner, can you hear me?"

"I hear you, Coyote."

"Once you block the bridge, don't waste a second and set up the explosives!!!! Don't let the civilians get too close. We don't want any casualties. It's not our style."

"Sure, Coyote."

The call between these two pillars of the revolutionary group did not stop for an instant. After masterfully blocking the bridge, they both got off and started setting the explosives on their side of the bridge. But the people didn't seem too happy.



"IDIOTS!!! I'm about to blow up the bridge, so get the hell out of here immediately!!!" Coyote said as he waved one of the explosive charges.

"SHIT!!! Get out of here, he's crazy!!!"


"That's what I wanted to see."

Due to Gunner's appearance, he had no problem making people walk away. After all, they were watching a big ex-military giant, setting explosives with a smile on his face.

"How nice people are. They don't even yell at me."

While this was going on, Asu's guards arrived at the site of the supposed explosion. However, when they arrived, they only found people suffering from hallucinations and a completely intact street without any incident.

"Hey you!!! What's going on here! Why did you guys make that call earlier!!!?" Asu's security chief asked.

"BOSS!!! Can't you see? There are dead bodies everywhere! The city is burning!!!"

The chief nudged his man, who was evidently suffering from some kind of electronic interference in his synapse. Without wasting a single second, he grabbed his communicator and contacted his entire team.

"This is Chief Bee here!!! We've been set up!!! All operatives in your right mind, fall back to the central building immediately!!!"

In the blink of an eye, the 4 security teams, consisting of over 40 armored vehicles, set course for the central building by the shortest route. However, they realized it too late.

Once the charges had been placed on the bridges, both pillars ran away from the area. After checking that no one was near the explosives, Gunner and the coyote pressed their detonators at the same time.

“Gunner, are you ready?”

“Whenever you say, Coyote.”

“At the count of three. One… two… three!!”



The bridge that Gunner had blocked was completely destroyed in seconds thanks to the work of Kaboom's explosives. However, it was not the same for Coyote.



“The detonator…”


“…doesn't work..."