Chapter 10:

New World

The Worst Hero

The blood running down my face needs to be stopped. Also, my arm is hurt too. As I walk through that forest, but weak, tired and hungry I felt. Getting my wounds fixed and getting food was more urgent, but I also had to worry about the monsters.

After a while, I found a clearing where I decided I could take a little rest. I didn't have any first aid equipment, so I'd have to make do with what I had.

I covered the wound on my head with my coat, and the wound on my arm with my shirt. If it was winter in this world, doing this would be dangerous, but since it was summer doing this was my best option.

I needed water and food, so I decided to go a little deeper into that forest.

I found some fruits that existed in my world and, the ones I didn't know, I didn't even touch to avoid taking risks.

I also found some water coming from a stream, but I knew these little groceries wouldn't last long.

As I walked through the forest I made marks on the trees with stones, so I would know my way back. With that, I was able to get back to the clearing with no problems... or almost no problems.

My wounds were hurting so much, they needed to be treated. I practically dragged myself to the clearing, that's when I heard a strange noise.

As I approached the clearing more I was sure:

It was a monster.
