Chapter 1:

Betraying himself


A black corridor...Couldn't see anything with the darkness, just dark. I tried to walk few steps out of curiosity, my legs were numb just like my brain at that moment. I walked for a bit, searching every room, rolling my sad and tired eyes.

My conscious was betraying me...Maybe the devil was waiting for me.

Every step gave a sound louder than the other, this place had terrifying silence...It was not like nobody was there but that someone was making me crazy, maybe myself was around the corner just waiting to eat his prey. If my brain didn't comprehended it, I even less.

It was like a circus...let's be more honest and call it hell, shall we?

I took a few more steps down to the pit.

At the lower level, there was a room, an enlighten room, maybe God was making a prank and I didn't knew it.

Entered the room.

Nothing, absolutely nothing there, only a glimmer of light lighting the place, at least my soul has some light left, isn't it?



I heard a voice from outside the room, a feminine one, one that I couldn't never forget.

"You liked it? Didn't you?"

"Who are you?"I said.

"Don't talk to me, you retarded piece of shit!"

"I'm not asking again, what is your name?"

"So, you don't know the name of your lovers, doesn't really surprise me why nobody loves you."

"Looks who's talking!"

"Are you really comparing me to you? Are you serious? Can't anything you say make a little sense?"

"Just shut up!"I replied.

"Ahahaha, you really think you will go unpunished just by ignoring me? I'm sorry but life is a bitch, just because you like it doesn't mean she will forgive you."

"Where are you?"

"Why are you asking? The dog is still hungry for some more of this meat?"

"I didn't mean to sound like tha-"

"And you meant to sound like what? Are you not happy enough for raping my soul, our souls?"

"There's never a single day that I don't remember that, you damn well know that I regret everything."

"Is that so..."She said.

Her voice disappeared, looked like I could take a moment of relief.

A thing was appearing at the of the room, it was not an animal, even less a human but something else. It was black mud, the room began to be flooded by the strange matter. 

I started panicking.

What I was going to do? The mud doesn't stop, the corridor and all the rooms were full of it. I had to go to the second level.

There, the mud was running in that space, I couldn't do anything, no exit, no hole, nothing.

Maybe my destiny was to drown there.

The mud was freezing me, swallowing me.

Every part of my body is now dark mud. I didn't look human anymore, at least I appeared one when I was still one of the living but not now that the judgement has come. 

I couldn't breath, there was not escape to the torture.

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