Goncalo 1234

Goncalo 1234

registered at: Aug 10, 2022
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    Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2022

    Hi guys, most of you know me as Shn. I'm a writer and a cosplayer.
    A self-published author of "The Guardian of Hope." Drafts available, up until Chapter 28~ Links below for the paperback and ebook~ Follow me on IG: erii1776 Find me on Discord: Erii#5151
    What? Got a cigarette?
    Hello! I used to be on Honeyfeed way back then but had to retire due to some personal stuff. Now I'm back and I hope to enjoy all these brand new changes and new additions the page has to add. You can find me at RoyalRoad as well!
    For me, it's book.
    I'm on discord @tear.drops Twitter and MAL below :D
    I like to read and write. I also like cats.
    Every time I look at the lines, the colors, the shapes that make up Kirby… I see perfection. In this world, we need examples of what not to do, what not to be, how not to act. But so too do we need moral paragons who can show us who we could be. So we must cherish him. Business: otkrlj6@gmail.com
    I don't know what to say about myself, I just like telling stories, so please enjoy.
    A makech is a bejeweled beetle. I'm just a writer. --- makech17 @ instagram&twitter
    Hello, my name is Cyrix (Pen name TENCY). I'm a college student from the Philippines. I love to write fiction and it is one of my dreams to become a known author. I update every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday weekly.
    A casual writer obsessed with anime and manga :)
    Huracán, Argentina, Writing, in that order. Aiming to write the first latin-american novel in Japan. If you smiled while reading my works, I won 😊 Find me on Instagram! @shuloxwrites
    Real Name - D. C. Priest Aspiring author from England Feel free to contact me on Discord: TheGrompPapa#7575 https://www.instagram.com/thegrompfather/
    Since my childhood, I was always attracted by the thought of living an adventurous life: Searching for companions, going through mountains, forests etc., fighting and celebrating in taverns with a good cup of beer at the end of a journey. Being the only hobby where I could enjoy such pleasures, I immersed myself in the world of books and movies and finally descending deeper into the realm of anime and manga. After witnessing the birth and death of several worlds and adventures, I started to develop a strong interest and passion in creating them myself and that's how I came upon this site. In short, I'm a self-taught writer and artist who is trying to finance his life by creating stories in form of mangas and books. Feel free to join my discord or donate through my Paypal account for more free content. PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/YuumoQ Discord: https://discord.gg/sEQKUJYmG7
    Wizard without a cause https://myanimelist.net/profile/Tychaios https://vocal.media/authors/chance-jones https://twitter.com/Tychaios0
    A writer hoping to gain more writing experience. I'd appreciate it if you'd give my story a read :) Instagram: @dvverson
    Check out Wingman Squad!
    Writer, programmer, and translator. contact@vidalhernandez.com
    I have an expensive keyboard, and I don't what to do with it! [music playing]
    Anime and Manga fan for as long as I can remember. Let me know your feedback about my novel!