Chapter 22:

Step Three


“Makoto, take this!” Rei chucked an earpiece out from the driver's side window as the truck zoomed away.

“Bang! Bang!” Gunfire rattled around the room. More bullets than I could count flew over my head, like locus heading towards a field of grain. The glass shattered and metal clanged, yet not a single head fell, nor was there a single drop of blood that caught my eyes as the truck drove off into the Japanese wilderness outside the safety of the walls. Truly it was a sight to see.

Coming back to my senses, I quickly put the earpiece on. “Makoto, you there!?”

“For now.” I muttered under my breath. My heart was pounding. Fides soldiers ran around the room and out the garage, giving chase.

“Leave the girl! It's not like she can get very far.” A gruff voice echoed out from one of the men, a commander of sorts if I had to guess, considering the lavish metals that donned his uniform.

I didn't move a muscle, I couldn't! If they saw me as a threat, I was done for.

I watched as the room quieted down. Eventually, not a footstep could be heard. “What's the situation?”

“Not looking good!” Rei’s audio felt garbled like he was speaking in the middle of a typhoon.

 The rattling of bullets rang out in my ear. “We'll be fine though. You’re the issue right now.”


“Nothing you could have done. You still have your pack?”

“Yeah, right here.” I hefted the black bag over my shoulder. Inside was the syringe Rei had given me just hours ago, along with the gun.

“Good. You’re gonna have to use it.” There was no need to define what “it” was. With a shaky hand, I grasped the cool syringe.

“Are you sure about this? Is there seriously no other way?” Despite my worry, despite the world crumbling down around me, I almost felt… elated. I wanted to take the drug, no matter the cost.

“Do you have a better idea?” He shouted over the mic. I didn't say a word. “That's what I thought. Now, it doesn't last that long, so you’ll have to get a move on the second it takes effect.

“I wouldn't want it any other way.”

“Good, now there's still another way out.” Rei proceeded to explain the path, a fury of left and right turns, going upstairs and back down. His voice slowly became more garbled as time went on. “Fuck, we're losing connection. I'll make this quick. Once you reach the door, there should be a small sedan waiting outside. We've hijacked it so it should drive itself towards our destination. Good luck.”

Static overtook his somber words and the earpiece went silent.

“Well fuck, you're not really leaving me with much.” There would be no rescue here, no help was going to come. It was all up to me and my own skill. “Here goes nothing.”

With a shaky hand, I jabbed the syringe into my thigh and injected the cool clear liquid within. My body shuttered, a chill washing over my skin. I knew it’d work fast, but god damn.

And just as it started, the sensations ceased. I slowly glanced down at my legs and slightly lifted them up. Perfect, it was perfect! If I didn't know better, I’d say they were just fine.

No, I wouldn't waste time admiring my legs. If Rei was to be believed I didn't have much time.

I hopped up and glanced around the room. If there was a time to head out, this was it.

Alarms rang in the halls as I ran. Rei’s instructions repeated themselves in my head. “It's a right here, then a left once I reach the door.”

I’d lucked out so far. Despite the clear hustle and bustle of the base, I had not run into a single person so far, guard or otherwise. Naturally, that wouldn't last forever, but for now, it was all I could ask for. The less people I ran into the better.

And just as I thought that my luck came crashing down.

Within the hall was a work of art. Blood was splattered everywhere, and there were several bodies laid to rest below. In the center of the mess stood a beautiful girl. Her red dress flew in the hall's gentle breeze. Black hair adorned her pristine face, a very, very familiar face.


She gleaned up and put on a small smile. “Ah. Well, I guess the secret’s out.” It was then I noticed the two bloody knives within her hands.

Neither of us said a word. How could I!? She’d been on my mind as this mysterious serial killer. Yet, she had been right under my nose the whole time!

“Did Rei know?”

“So you guessed. Welp, what do you do?” She smiled. “Yeah, we kinda sorta have been working together this whole time.”

Here she was, sitting in a pool of blood, yet acting as if she didn't have a care in the world. “But why? Why kill all those people? Why write those messages in their blood?”

“Rei, I guess.” She slightly tilted her head. Honestly, it was kind of cu- No, I needed to snap out of it! “It didn’t start like this, you know. Rei approached me, gosh back when we were kids, and wanted my help with a simple job. As time went on we just got bigger and bigger. Now here we are.”

“That doesn't explain it! You’re standing in a pile of bodies, yet look perfectly fine!”

“You’re not wrong.” Akane glanced down, taking a quick step out of the pile of blood. “I'm just used to it now. If we want to take down Fides’s so called truth, getting our hands dirty is part of the process.”

“Over there!” Behind me, a squadron made its way into view, guns raised. “That's the serial killer!”

“You don't got long Makoto. I'll buy you a bit of time, but then it's all up to you.” Akane dashed towards the guards, faster than the wind. It was superhuman, no, it was inhuman. I could only stare in awe as she massacred the soldiers where they stood, dodging bullets left and right. They never stood a chance; No human could.

“Makoto, run!” Akane shouted as she stood stout, waiting for her opponents.

With a single look back, I ran down the hall.