Chapter 19:

Coming to a Conclusion

My Wife, The Devil

David sat there, staring up at the sky. Everything around him felt like he was floating. It was as if the rules of reality did not matter. He slowly sat up, realizing that he was dangling in the sky itself. There was a brief moment of panic as he flailed about. However, he slowly realized that wherever he was, it was not like home. He was on some kind of ground and wasn’t falling.

As he stood up, the human looked around. It did feel like heaven, but he couldn’t see a pearly gate, other angels, and most importantly, there was no sign of Morgan.

“Morgaaan!” He shouted, walking around in search of his fiancé. He wandered the space over and over, failing to find her. He did not give up. Even as panic set in his mind, he knew that she wouldn’t have been killed. She’s not dead… She’s here somewhere… Nothing could kill her…

The further he searched, the more hopeless it seemed. It only fueled him to go deeper. Then, in the distance, he found a barely discernable figure. With no hesitation, he rushed forward, screaming. “Morgan! Morgan!!”

Over and over, he called her name until he finally saw it. Standing there, staring into the abyss with a blank expression, was himself. The figure didn’t turn around, but David knew himself when he saw it. His body shook at the sight and his mind threatened to snap in two.

Get a grip! Skinner’s voice shouted to him. You should know who that is! Now, tell Him what you’re here for…

David snapped out of his downward spiral and focused. He came this far, and he wasn’t leaving yet.

“God… Right…?”

The doppelganger spoke in a perfect replica of his voice. “You focused quite quickly. Then again, what should I expect with a figure such as him living in your soul.” The figure turned and walked to David’s left, morphing into Skinner. “Indeed, it is I, the Creator of all things, the Beginning and the End…” He did not try to look at David as he rubbed his chin.

“Yeah, I read your book. I’m not an idiot…” David muttered back as he stood firm. “I’m here for-”

“For the Morningstar, yes. I am aware.” He walked in a new direction, appearing as Jacob. “I apologize, but she must remain here. Her spirit must be cleansed.”

“Cleansed? You’re killing her???” He tried moving forward, but his body froze before he could try attacking the shapeshifter.

“You misunderstand, My child…” God muttered, holding out a hand. “Morgan is a special kind. Born of two fallen angels and having been taught love and kindness, she will be remolded into an angel. A proper angel, who will be fit to lead Heaven’s armies and prevent an incident such as this from occurring once again.”

Motioning two fingers upwards, Morgan’s body appeared encased in a glass case. She was frozen in place, trapped in a tender sleep. White light radiated from her chest as her demonic features began turning to dust.

David became livid and began smashing his fist against the impenetrable glass. “Let her out!” He demanded, punching and kicking fruitlessly. “Let her out! Let her out, dammit!”

“Be not afraid, Moreno…” God morphed into Casey. “You will still be with her. Her love for you will not die. Only her memories of being a denizen of Hell will become dust.”

“I don’t care!!” David glared as he began stomping toward God. His body froze, but something was pushing hard to regain control. “I love Morgan as is! I don’t want her to lose what made her special!”

His body forced itself against the forces keeping him in place. “She never asked to be a demon, and she didn’t ask to be an angel! You made that choice, just like everyone made choices for us! Let US choose our path!!”

God watched as David finally made one step forward. He was breaking free, and the rage in his eyes showed he had difficulty being constrained. He would easily have done the same to him as he did Morgan. However, the words David spoke to him.

God would sigh and cross his arms, morphing into David’s father. “I suppose this was my failure. Not heeding your words so that you might be a powerful force… I ignored what would happen if you went against my teachings.”

There was a moment of tension between the two. God stared at the human before him who was threatening to beat him. It wouldn’t hurt, but the defiance of it after He gave David so much success…

No. Not success. Security. He was successful, but not fulfilled. He just existed to work. That was, until…

God looked at Morgan. He considered what releasing her would do, and how Armaggeddon would most definitely start after what occurred. He shook His head. That was for fate to decide.

“You know, David…” He quipped, morphing into David’s mother. “With this choice… Heaven will not come. You will be damned.”

David shook his head. “That’s fine. I’ll be happy. Better than to be miserable in Heaven.”

“Very well.” God nodded and cracked his knuckles. “If it is any consolation, I apologize for what the angels have done, and will be condemning them to Hell for their insubordination.”

“Actually…” David spoke up, holding out his hand. “I… I want to ask a favor. Do with me what you will, but instead of sending them to Hell…”

God looked into David’s eyes as he hesitated. The Great Creator knew exactly what the human wanted to say and smirked. “Well, that is an interesting prospect. You know this is a new age, and my Son has stated that he wants forgiveness to be our belief. I suppose I could make that work.”

With a wiggle of His fingers, God held one hand up, ready to snap his fingers. “Good luck, David. I expect things to work well for you.”



David blinked as he looked up at the sky. It all seemed like a dream to him. Had it not been for the smell of sulfur and the sound of emergency vehicles, he would have believed it was. He didn’t move from the spot on the grass as he muttered softly.

“Morgan… Are you there?”

A gentle, familiar voice returned to him. “Yeah… I’m here.”

David stared at a passing cloud for a long time. “We… We really rushed this, didn’t we?”

“Perhaps…” Morgan responded. “I just… I didn’t have anything but my work to live for, and you…” She paused. “You showed me there was more. I didn’t want to lose that.”

“Well, like…” David slowly sat up. “We can still be together. I’m not going to say no to you, not after everything we’ve been through.”

Morgan turned her head to look at David, who was watching as demons helped humans around the park. “Do you truly mean that?”

David turned slightly with a smile. “Yeah… Let’s try this again. What do you say?”

He held out a hand to her with a comforting smile, and with no hesitation, she jumped onto him. As they embraced in a close hug, the destruction around them seemed meaningless. The world seemed meaningless. It was only them, relaxed on a patch of grass as they relaxed.

“... Do you think Bonnie’s going to be mad about how much money is going to be needed repairing everything?”

“I mean, combined with the fact we wasted a whole wedding? Definitely.” Morgan laughed, and David joined in.

Doctor Sleepy