Chapter 16:

Love TKO Friendship.2.0.

The Great Investment

The backstage of the podium was bustling with scurrying students and rapidly-gliding clothing racks; the air filled with a mix of anticipation from the designers that were about to go on and relief from those that just finished. In the latter category was Taisa, now gleefully putting away her creations, liberation and respite pervading her from head to toe. She had finally graduated, the diploma and her project portfolio serving as testaments to her years of hard work and mental fortitude.

Still, she couldn’t ignore the feeling that her happiness would be short lasting.

A touch on her shoulder brought her back to the present. Turning around, all of her elatedness dissipated when she saw the owner of the hand.

“Hey… Congrats, Tai…”

“….thanks, Vic.” She only met his eyes for a few seconds before making herself busy with putting away more clothes.

Victor intently watched her, not remembering a time when his nerves were so high-strung. And around Taisa of all people; the person he was most comfortable with, who he had shared deep secrets and bad jokes with, the person who made him smile and tingly all the time... And now he was terrified of every minuscule spasm of her face, every sound that left her mouth.

“They looked good out there…Your designs. Like 'New York fashion week'-worthy.”

“You don’t have to say that if you don’t mean it.”

He agitatedly waved his hands in front of him, “No, no. I mean it! I watched like 3 hours’ worth of old footage from New York spring, summer, winter and fall fashion week. I’m practically an expert by now.” The last hopes clung to his lighthearted joke.

Smiling meekly, she placed another pair of pants in the box. “IT scene that boring that you’re looking to break into fashion?”

“Nope, that’s your thing. Congrats again, you deserve it.”

She hummed and nodded, delicately tracing the cardboard edges of the box.

“About the money-“

“Forget about it. You can pay me whenever you can, however you like. Even in 5-cent instalments. It doesn’t matter to me.”

He took another deep breath, “Look, I know congratulations; or apologies; or stupid jokes are not enough to make up for the things I said. Or for all the suckish things I’ve done or said over the years. I could say I’m sorry until the end of time and it still wouldn’t be enough. But I’ll still keep trying though…”

Raising her eyes slowly to meet his blue ones, she hesitated for a moment, but then asked what had been on her mind for the past month “… then why did you say it?”

Apprehensively, Victor took a few steps closer to her.

“I don’t know… It was a sudden thing, I got mad, like, almost instantly at…”

“At seeing Xander?”

“At the thought of losing you.”

Surprise furrowed her brow, “What made you think you’d lose me as a friend? Just because I made a new one?”

He sighed, shakily running his hands through his golden wavy locks. “Sometimes I just don’t know if you’re aware of how much you mean to me…” he tentatively placed his hands on her shoulders, “…or how I feel about you.”

This exhibition of emotions and confessions was unlike Victor, and it unsettled her. Studying him carefully – the pleading look, the subtle jerkiness of his hands, the shakiness of his voice – it all suddenly clicked.

“You were jealous.”

He looks away, uncomfortable, “Yes.”

“…and not as a friend.”


The novelty of the situation was still sinking in, rendering her unable to register Victor’s slowly approaching face. Catching on to his intentions, she awakened with a jolt and drew her head back sharply.

“Don’t. P-please don’t. I-I’m sorry…”

At her stammering rejection, Victor took his hands off her shoulders and used them to cover his face.

“I knew no one could be that oblivious…” He groaned, “I’m sorry. Again.”

“It’s fine…weirdly enough, you coming on to me was not your worst offense.”

“Jesus, Tai, you’re not making things any better.” The hands dropped to reveal a sad smile.

“I still want us to be friends. Don’t think I didn’t miss you just because you were the world’s most inconsiderate asshole.”

“Yes, that is me- undefeated champion of the title.” The girlish giggle she emitted almost dissipated all the bitterness of the rejection. Almost.

“So… can we start over? As better people this time?” Taisa expectantly tilted her head to gauge his response, black tresses slipping past her shoulders.

“Sure thing. Here comes Friendship.2.0.” He dazzlingly grinned.

“Pfft. You and your IT lingo…But yeah, we can work on Friendship.2.0.”

“So we good, for now?

“For now.” She twirled around, going back to her clothing rack to pack the last of her things.

“You know there won’t be a next time, don’t you?” she asked over her shoulder. Knowing full well the extent of her words, Victor tensed and mechanically nodded, “Yes.”


“I’ll leave you to it, then. Maybe we’ll get together later for celebratory tacos. Whenever you feel like it.”

“Sounds good.” All was beginning to feel alright in the world again.

As Victor was making his last steps out, the pettiness that was inbuilt in his genes decided that it should start acting up again.

“Oh. I forgot to ask. Do you know why someone would try to pass as you and pay your debt to me?” Oh, petty until the very end.


“I got an anonymous transfer with the note ‘Here’s your goddamn money. Tai.’ But I figured it couldn’t be you, unless you started using new apps that I don’t know of?” Like he would miss the opportunity to drag Xander down. He knew that she could deduce the sender; he was the only other person that was present at that time.

“No, I don’t use any of those apps…”

“Ah, well, lemme know when you find out who it was.”

And with that Oscar-worthy performance, Victor exited the scene and left a bewildered Taisa with her thoughts broiling.