Chapter 40:

Where’s Your Resume?

(Outdated) Simular Beings

The circuitry in Bread’s arms was exposed from the lion attack. As a temporary fix, Coach opted to cover up the damage until they could find some replacements. He placed a few scraps of metal onto his arms and started welding away. Each and every spark caused Bread to wince.

“Why does it hurt?” he asked. It wasn’t even skin. Just like the warmth of the sun, he was feeling everything from heat to agonizing pain. Biologically, it didn’t even make sense. There were no nerve endings in metal; that kind of tech shouldn’t have been possible yet. Were his records somehow outdated?

“Honestly, I don’t even know what to say to that, lad.”

“Not important,” Val cut in. “Bread, how did you do that? You know? When you shocked the lion?”

“I don’t know…” That spark… It had happened before. That weird taste in his mouth—it was just like that time when he had shocked Coach. Blueberries, beef jerky… And he saw those visions. It felt unreal. As if he were the lion. It didn’t feel like his own.

He didn’t understand. Was it some part of his new body that was making all this happen? But which part was it? His fingers? Toes?

“Can you control it?”

He shook his head.

“Maybe it’s the new core?” she surmised. “No, that doesn’t make sense. Coach, you said that something like this happened to you before, right?”

“We’re done.” Coach removed all his tools. “I don’t know, lass. I don’t really know what’s going on with his body anymore.”

Bread glanced at his arms. They were the same as before except for a few new scratches and patches. He’d had them for a while now, these arms. He was used to his new body. But sometimes, it felt so foreign to him…

Coach grabbed his hands to inspect his patchwork.

Suddenly, Bread felt a tingling—then a sudden surge of energy. “Coach!” He tried to warn him, but it was too late. An electrical shock wave blew out the lights.

Coach collapsed on the spot.

“Coach!” Val rushed to his side. And then—

He could taste… ice cream? And the smell… It smelled like earth and rain. And scents of smoky cinders. He saw fireworks—flashes of dandelion vibrance. Meerkats were prancing through the sandy dunes. Then he saw Val. She was running towards him. Her shirt was torn to shreds; there was blood gushing out all over her front…

“W-what?!” Coach yelled.

Bread broke out of his trance.

“I’m up! I’m up!” Coach jumped to his feet. He looked around madly. “Where’s the fight at?!” He pulled up his fists, ready to throw hands.

“This!” Val exclaimed. “I’m talking about this! This is exactly what happened to that lion!”

“Okay.” Val brought out an assortment of locks the next day. “Smart locks, electric locks. I got a bunch of ‘em ‘cause—you know, my side gig.”

What was she doing?

“Try it.”

“Are you sure about this, lass?”

“I am.” She turned back. “C’mon, Bread. Try it out.” She handed over a lock. It looked like a traditional keypad. “Just—fry it or something. Like short circuit it.”

He stared at the digital contraption. What did she exactly want him to do with this? Electrocute it? He didn’t even know where all that energy came from.

His records told him these types of electrical explosions—especially ones that could turn off light bulbs from a distance—shouldn’t be possible without a significantly powerful source of energy. He remembered hearing that his core was military-grade. Records told him that was potentially an incredible source of energy. But then was his previous core also high quality? Could he really recreate what had happened before?

Val stared at him with such intensity. Her fists were balled; she was still bleeding through the bandages around her stomach…

No, he couldn’t let her down. He had to at least try.

He closed his eyes and concentrated hard. Electricity, come to me… He didn’t really know how else to do it. That tingling in his arms—he just had to recreate that feeling. Just tighten your grip… and feel…


Did it run out? Please! Just like before! He clenched his teeth with enough force to grind boulders. The synthetic ligaments in his arms compressed and tightened. I need you to work! Why wasn’t it working?! How did he do it before?


It was instinctive before. Like the lion, Coach… It was all done naturally without him knowing. Naturally… He started to relax his arms just a little. He took a deep breath and exhaled.

Calm down. And just concentrate…

The tingling! There it was! He held onto the feeling and willed for it to surge into the object. Before it disappeared, he pushed the unknown energy through his hands and out his fingers. It felt like ice cubes were sliding through his chest and forearms.

A spark flared up, encompassing the lock in a blinding flash. And then he felt it. As if he were connected…

There were no short circuits. No overflow or blowout. Instead, he was intruded with an immense flow of information. It was just like when he had received his inner records. It all started flowing into his mind, washing through like a cold, river stream.

Everything about the lock, he deciphered. He could see all of its inner workings—the circuitry, the online database for DNA recognitions, even the applications used for software updates. He could even determine the physical components—the smooth rotors, jagged deadbolts, numerous maze-like magnetic pins, and the metal cylinder that held everything together…

He unlocked it. Without much effort, the intricate device clicked open. Not even a system error.

The access was clean.

“Wow.” Val whistled. “Now that’s something. Oh, we can use this. We can definitely use this.” She started packing her bags. “Bread, you’re coming with me. We’re going to test some limits today.” She jogged towards the door, motioning for him to follow.

“Where are we going?” He was already so tired from the ordeal. It had taken so much out of him.

“Are you really taking him out, lass?” Coach scratched his head. “Isn’t this too much for the boy?”

What was Coach referring to?

“No, this is perfect. He’s gotta learn to live on his own someday.” She grinned. “Bread? It’s time for some job-shadowing.”