Chapter 1:

The Pastry Night

Short stories

Ten years ago, I lived at the end of the street named Granary. I lived in a two-story house, which was big enough for four people to live in. The garden was covered with flower beds and two huge old trees we liked to call "Grannies" as they made sure our house entrance looked like a palace and they also had apples in winter. During winter, the 'Grannies' had palm size apples. these apples were all juicy and delicious.

On Saturday, my father, my mother, and my little brother, eight years old, went to a dinner party at a friend's. They said I could stay behind if I wish to. I saw this as an opportunity to take care of the house, and later when they will be impressed I might ask them for a CD set. They sat in the car and drove off.

During the evening, it started drizzling and a few lightning came. It didn't stop, won't. The sky was getting dark and the rain became heavy and the sky was filled with fog. The lightning was still going on and this time they were harsh and bad. Lightning struck the nearby electricity tower and all the lights went out, except the ones that had generators in their house. I lit up a few candles and kept them all around the house. I tried to call up my parents to see when they were coming back but to my astonishment, the phone lines were dead too. I roamed around the house to see if I could do anything so, that I don't get bored. I went to the refrigerator and saw a piece of pastry. It was Belgium pastry, I loved those. Just when I placed the pastry and went to get the fork.

I heard a noise from the garret. well, everyone's,s curious so, I tip-toed to the garret with my teeny forky friend. Teeny forky was gonna help me if come monster shows up? Not that It would do anything to harm the creature but just to be on the safe side When I reached the garret, I saw the little, window open and two crows having their feast time. Seeing that I intruded on their time because they intruded on mine. After closing the window I went down for my pastry. This time when I got to have my pastry, I heard a knock on the door, whoever was it banged it twice. I was getting over my head. I wasn't going to have visitors at 9:02 PM. I look out the big silverware which my father used to cut the chicken into pieces for—our Sunday night. I tip-toed again but this time dear partner, the phone started ringing "trrtrrrr ". I hated that ringtone. I ignored the call and went straight away to the door with my partner "The Knife"? The Lock made a few rackets and I turned the door handle and the light came back. The door was opened by the hefty winds. I saw my parent's looks brothers' looking cold ... I saw little snowflakes on their heads. I was so busy with my pastry that I didn't even notice that the rain had stopped and it was snowing.

The triviality was seeing their faces when they saw my partner. were the days I enjoyed the most, that was the first and the final time they ever left home all alone by me.
