Chapter 2:

Nothing matters in the end

Short stories

"Since you found this, it must have been centuries. Looks like you are the lucky people. This is a map of treasure hidden by king Edwardsville and his queen Dianaville during the 14th century. I am Barry Philly, during their rule I was asked to make a map for the treasure, but I failed to create a proper one. This map is the only thing that is left to find the treasure. It still may be understandable, please forgive me."

The room was silent only for time being.

"Are we supposed to believe something this old and how do we know it is even true?" said Siam.

"Yes, he has a point. How is it even here? It's way too old to be found and the paper is decomposable" said Elaine.

"umm.., by the looks it does look like paper but this is way harder than a paper perhaps, something like a metal or glass," said Len.

They like to call him Len instead of Lenardian Fitzgerald Throndsen.

Elaine asked Wilfred "Where did you even find something as stupid as this map and that too you brought it to us." "I am outta here, it's useless."

"I am coming too, wait!" said Siam.

After a pause, Len asked, "so, where did you find it?"

"Two days ago my aunt came for dinner and she is an archeologist. She had sent me to get the chocolates from the car, and while I was getting the chocolate from her bag, this fell out of it. I meant to give it back but I wanted to show it to you guys once" said Wil. " I told about this to mum she said you can give it to her when she will be coming to celebrate her promotion ."

"Can I take this for the weekend? " asked Len.

"Yes, my aunt won't be coming before a week."

Wil and Len have been best friends since second grade, they called their duo "THE ICONIC". Later when they joined high school Elaine and Siam joined their group they changed their name to "THE SOUR'SS".

The double SS is for the stupidity of Siam and Wil. It turned out that Siam was more stupid than Wil, Len thought.

Len was the scientific type, Elaine was smart and quick and WIl was the funny type and a little less stupid than Siam. Siam was the silliest and the stupidest of all.

After the weekend.

After school, Len gathered all Sour'ss. Len told them about the discovery he made for himself and others at the weekend.

"This map, which you guys think is made up of paper is actually made up of glass and the paper is inside of it. So, the texture didn't go." He continued " The studies say that glass can be kept safely for years to come and it's not decomposable. The one example that I found was about Egypt, there they found pieces of glass that is from the thirteen century. And my guess is that Wil's aunt and her team found this and they are currently trying to figure if what is said in the map is true and this discovery isn't made public yet."

"So, this map could be true?" asked Wil.

"Not so sure but yeah" replied Len

"We will only know if we try to find it," said Elaine.

Everyone was surprised that Elaine said those words.

In no time they all packed their bags and hopped onto their bicycles and met each other at Wil's house.

Elaine asked boldly "Len where do we start?"

Len looked at the map but there was nothing, no clues at all, or a map that was not drawn the way it was. Even if they tried to follow it, they wouldn't reach anywhere. The directions and everything have changed since that time. Following the map was an impossible task to do.

"We should take a rest for today," Len said looking down.

"WHY?" said everyone.

Len replied, "We have no clue, We can't continue unless you want to follow this old map of cities."

"We can check it out, we can keep driving our bikes through the city, after all, we are doing it for fun. If we don't find anything, Wil can give it back to his aunt," replied Elaine.

"I did not see this coming from you Elaine," said len.

They drove for hours until it was eight in the evening, that's when they gave up. Where ever they were trying to search it up all they saw were building and buildings. There little hardwork didn't pay them back. So, Wil returns the map back to his aunt when she came and apologized for giving it back earlier. 

A month later 

Wil saw his aunt on news giving out speech with the same map that he gave her a month ago.


Short stories
