Chapter 17:

Efficiency Oriented

The Devil I Know

“And that’s why you should approve our club!”

“…Kusumoto,” Miyano-senpai tapped a pen against the table. Square glasses, dark brown hair that curled at the ends, and the air of a person who severely did not want to be here right now. The student council room was empty aside from her, and well, us. Apparently Fujiwara-san had pre-arranged this meeting. When? I have no idea. Senpai seemed less than enthused that Kusumoto-san was helming the discussion.

“And also, uh, the coelacanth was an ancient fish once thought to be extinct! But then it was discovered to still be alive! So! Weird things happen sometimes! And it is important to research weird things! Because they might be important things!”

“You have a room?” Her question was directed at Fujiwara-san.




“Minimal budget?”

“Yes. Here’s the paperwork,” she said, handing it over.

“Alright Fujiwara, I’m assuming you’ll be Club President then?”

“A very involved Vice President.”


Very involved.”

“Okay then.”

Miyano-senpai adjusted her glasses then began shuffling through our papers.

She pointed at Evi, “You’re a new transfer, correct?”


“Welcome to the school.”

“…Thank you.”

Her eyes scanned through the documents like a seasoned professional. An irritated professional, but a professional nonetheless.

“Everything is in order. Very good.”

She rubber-stamped our papers.

“Is there anything else or will that be all?”

“No, we’re fine. Thank you Miyano-senpai,” Fujiwara-san said warmly.

“Thanks…” added Kusumoto-san, her voice surprisingly dejected considering everything seemed to be working out.

“Th-thank you senpai!”

“Yeah. Thanks,” Evi concluded.

“No worries Fujiwara and company,” she adjusted glasses once again, “Always a pleasure.” It was hard to parse whether or not that was sarcasm.

“So… did my part of the proposal not help at all? Or?”

“It was indeed a factor, Kusumoto.”

“Thanks Mya-senpai.”

“Please don’t call me that.”

“Okay. Sorry.”

“Now if you’ll excuse me. I have places to be.” Standing up, Senpai ushered us out of the council room then locked the door and headed down the hall.

“See? All good. I told you Miyano-senpai would help.”

“…Sh-she’s a bit intense…”

“You felt it too Ri-chan?”

“I like her,” said Evi.

“Were, uh, were we bothering her?” I asked Fujiwara-san.

“That actually went pretty well. She’s kind of just like that. Apparently the rest of the council can be a real hassle, so she’s gotten used to picking up the slack. Very efficiency oriented.”

“O-oh. Um. That’s kind of sad...”

“She’s told me I should consider running for something. I don’t know though. Honestly, I think that’s part of why she approved this club. It’s low maintenance enough that in the future I could probably juggle both it and a council position.”

“...Offset the workload.”

“Exactly.” She straightened her tie. “Would you guys vote for me?”

“Of course Yaya-chan!”

“S-sure! Yeah.”



Evi smirked.

“I’ll win you over,” Fujiwara-san smiled, “Onee-chan.”

“If you keep saying that you never will.”

“Eh.” She shrugged. “Agree to disagree.”

Steward McOy