Chapter 18:

First Order of Business

The Devil I Know

“So… we don’t have to eat outside.”

“…It’s nice out here,” I answered Fujiwara-san’s non-question.

It was Friday now, three days since we’d gotten approval from Miyano-senpai and Nakamura Sensei. The other requisite members of the council had apparently agreed with Senpai’s appraisal, and we were now an official club.

I think.

We’d met in our new clubroom each day since, but hadn’t accomplished much. Kusumoto-san insisted that a movie night had to be a movie night; otherwise it was essentially null and void. So our “first order of club business” was instead set nebulously in the future as an off-campus goal. Something for the weekend, that could only start if it was at least past 7 PM.

For now the club was mainly just a nice, low-key environment to hang out in. Kusumoto-san would occasionally pull up info on various Yokai and urban myths out of books and online searches to excitedly explain them. We’d talk. Maybe study or do some homework. 

Well, two of us would study and do homework. Evi and Kusumoto-san were less invested in that idea. Which is fair.

We were settling in. Getting comfortable. Finding what worked for us. In these few days, outdoor group lunches had also become part of the routine. The beginning of this week had been a tumultuous cluster of new things and people… but I liked these new things and these new people. 

Huh. Weird.

“I know you said you’re fine in the sun. But still.”

“I’m in the shade,” I waved her off. “I’m in the shade.”

“It is nice being away from people,” Evi joined in.

“So anti-social. Honestly,” Fujiwara-san sighed. “Not you Miyashita-san, I was referring to Evi-san over here.”

“You can refer to me,” I said, “It’s okay.”

“Right. Of course.”

“If you all decide to eat in your classroom… Could I still come by?” Kusumoto-san asked, knocking the tips of her chopsticks together like drumsticks.

“I don’t see why not.”

“Thanks Yaya-chan.” She hammered out an imaginary drum solo.

“…I-I would still rather eat out here.”

“If Rin says she’s fine, I believe her.” Evi gave me a supportive nod.

I nodded back. “Thanks Evi.”

She clicked her tongue.

Fujiwara-san drooped in resignation as Kusumoto-san patted her shoulder sympathetically. I appreciated the thought, but I still wouldn’t feel comfortable in class. Even with the four of us all together, I wouldn’t be able to speak normally like we were now. Not with everyone else there.

That said… this was nice. I actually had friends. Sure things weren’t perfect, but we were getting along. I felt a great deal better than I had just a few short days ago. Better than I’d felt in a long time.


I’d been putting something off.

I’d been stalling.

I joined this club for a reason.

Well, multiple reasons, I suppose.

But there was a specific one I hadn’t mentioned yet.

I wasn’t sure if it was time, but...

No. No this was it.

I’d already talked to Evi.

Time to do this.

“Hey, so, uh, since we’re a club now.” I turned to Evi.“I was wondering if I could bring something up? Something to take a look at, I guess. Maybe.”

“What’s up Ri-chan?” Kusumoto-san eyed me expectantly.

Evi answered in my stead, “The night before my first day here, I met Rin on the train.”

“Oh. I thought you’d known each other longer,” Fujiwara-san remarked.

“Y-yeah?” I asked.

“You are almost always together,” she continued.

“A-are we?”

“You’re always together!” Kusumoto-san agreed.

“Aya. Aki. I’ve known all of you for less than a week,” Evi stated matter-of-factly.

“And yet you already have a favorite. Sigh,” Fujiwara-san actually sighed the word “sigh” out loud.

“…Evi’s right, it’s been less than a week. Th-that uh, that timeframe clearly doesn’t allow for enough data points to form any real sort of evidence-based conclusion...”

“Oh no, Rin, you’re definitely my favorite.”

“Haha, ha, uh, w-what?”

“No offense to the two of you,” Evi motioned towards our friends.

“None taken. Hopefully we’ll close the gap someday,” Fujiwara-san responded with mock wistfulness. “Until then, Aki-chan and I will simply remain over here under this tree, crying forever.”

“Yaya-chan and Aki-chan, best crying friends forever,” Kusumoto-san wiped an invisible tear from her cheek.

Evi laughed in spite of herself.

“Anyway. Rin thinks she saw something strange happen on the night we met. She’s already told me about it, but you might be interested.” Her demeanor shifted as she prompted to me to go on.

“When we met, it was 12:12 AM on my phone. We had a whole conversation. Evi can confirm that it wasn’t short either. It was -at minimum- a couple of minutes. But when I looked again it was still 12:12 AM. Like no time had passed.”

As I spoke, Evi’s face became more and more serious.

“I-it was late. But, uh, I don’t think I imagined it. And, like, I don’t think my phone is broken either. At least, I haven’t noticed anything since. But um… Okay, well I just thought that we could check it out maybe? Together?”

I tightened the grip on my now empty bento box, as though doing so would somehow help assuage the pressure building in my chest. It didn’t.

Their words did.

“Ri-chan, that is so cool! We have to investigate this!”

“Sounds… interesting…”

“D-do you guys believe me?”

“Well,” Fujiwara-san paused, “I’m not sure I would say that, but it does sound like a good potential first excursion for our club.”

Evi clenched her jaw. It looked like she wanted to say something more.

Fujiwara-san pre-empted her, “If we’re going to investigate the train at night, then we should probably head out somewhere during the day…” Her eyes lit up, “Miyashita-san, have you ever been to karaoke?”

“…Do I seem like someone who would have…?”

“What!? You have got to go!” Kusumoto-san exclaimed.

“Miyashita-san. Evi-san. Aki-chan and I know a place that’s really great. They’ve got a huge song selection, comfortable seating, good food… a wide assortment of teas. ”

“…Interesting,” I echoed.

“Oooh fun!” Kusumoto-san leapt off of the bench, “Okay, okay, movie night can be our second order of club business. First order of business is now karaoke night!”

“We’re meant to be going during the day, Aki-chan.”

“Karaoke afternoon!”

“Correct. Evi-san, any thoughts?”

“It could be fun. Yeah,” she said shakily. Brightening slightly, her voice steadied. A wry skepticism crept into her next question, “So just to confirm. We’re all completely sure that Aki should be the president?”

“Do either of you want the position?” asked Fujiwara-san, a line of inquiry pointed straight towards Evi and me.

“N-no! Not at all, no.”

“…No,” Evi admitted reluctantly.

“Well I want to be Vice President, so she's it by default.”

“I’m right here you know,” Kusumoto-san grumbled, “I can hear everything you’re saying.”

“We know,” Evi shot back nonchalantly.

“Anyways, Aki-chan’s the most dedicated and enthusiastic. Always bold and direct! I’m sure she’ll be a great Club President. I’d rather be support.”

Aw, thanks Yaya-chan!”

“I-I think you can do it too, Kusumoto-san!”

“Thank you!”

She looked at Evi.

“…You are the best available option.”

“I’ll take it! Thanks E-chan.”

Fujiwara-san pulled out her phone.

“I can send you the details later once things are set up.”

We all exchanged numbers. Myself only slightly embarrassed to reveal that the only people in my phone were Evi and my mother. Okay. Maybe slightly more than slightly embarrassed.

“Oh my gosh! I can’t believe we haven’t done this sooner!” Kusumoto-san’s pigtails shook as she rubbed at the back of her neck. “Sorry! I guess I forgot to ask with all the excitement of club-making going on.”

“Don’t worry Aki-chan. I wasn’t sure when to bring it up either. I didn’t want to be too forward with Miyashita-san,” she jolted, “Or Evi-san! Her as well! Both of you… I was concerned about both of you.”

“Good save,” I offered.

“It seems like Aya is doing most of the actual work,” Evi commented offhandedly.

Kusumoto-san crossed her arms. “It’s called delegation, E-chan. Look it up sometime.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

They grinned.

Even in the shade, I could see that it was a beautiful day.

Steward McOy