Chapter 47:


So What If I'm a Girl

"L-Lan Du, what do you mean come back in one piece, is it somewhere dangerous!If so, we'll go with you, we can be of u-"

"Shut up, pretend you heard nothing, if the twins find out about this, not even the latest technology can identify who your are after I'm with you three"Lan Du said coldly

Ling Shou stopped speaking, he felt a sense of fear rising, it wasn't like usual where Lan Du is half joking, this time, he was dead serious.To the point they didn't know who she was.

"Tomorrow, after the auction, we will meet up with the twins and Hong Ling, not a word about what I said or I'll skin you alive"Lan Du closed her eyes and slept peacefully immediately after, as if nothing had happened.

The three could only nod heir heads even though they knew Lan Du wasn't looking, under her threats, even a tiger would huddle in fear.

The night passed slowly and when the sun rose, Lan Du was up and packing her belongings.Some were emergency food supplies and others were just clothing.By the time she was done packing, her room mates were barely up and rubbed their eyes.

"Lan Du, what are you doing so early in the morning"Fatty asked

"Packing, what else?Is your eyes so blind you can't even see?"Lan Du replied harshly

Fatty shook his head quickly with a nervous expression.Lan Du then picked up a golden card and placed it into her pockets.She then glanced over at fatty and the others.

"The auction is in a few hours, get dressed and we'll have breakfast outside"Lan Du said calmly

Tie Wang was the first to get up

"Why are you two so slow, if you don't dress up in the next five minutes, I'll have you leave in your pajamas"Lan Du said with little patience

The other two shivered and changed their clothes as fast as possible.

Lan Du gave them each a kick to speed up the process and waited outside for the time being.She glanced at the auction invitation in her hand and remained silent for some time.

"Seems that today will be the last day I can spend time with them for a while...heheh, I'm gonna miss these idiots"Lan Du glanced back at the dorm door and smiled.

After a few minutes, fatty, Tie Wang and Ling Shou walked out all neat and tidy.Lan Du gave them a look and nodded before taking the elevator down.

"Lan Du, have you ever been in an auction?"Fatty asked

Lan Du shook her head

"I don't have that much time on my hand to waste"Lan Du replied

The three somewhat understood what she meant, to get to where she is today, she must have spent every day training her body.They didn't know what fuelled her determination at such a young age, but it must be something she wants to achieve.

"Lan Du, why did you start training so early on?"Tie Wang asked, he too was trained at a young age, but nowhere as exaggerated as Lan Du.

Lan Du rubbed her chin as she walked

"To beat someone up"Lan Du replied casually


The three of them laughed

"Beat someone up?With your strength, who can't you beat up"Fatty laughed

Lan Du gave him a light smile but her fists made a cracking sound

"There are plenty that I cannot beat, my target is very specific and is not someone I can touch as of how I am now"Lan Du replied

Fatty shivered when he heard her knuckles crack

"yes yes, I was wrong"He said hastily

They then took some time to eat.Lan DU invited them to a teahouse where they had a small meal.After eating, they headed out towards the auction.

They soon arrived after a few minutes of walking, they stopped outside the auction house, it was so big that it took up the entire street and is even separated into sections.

"Tell me anything you want, if its in my limit, I can buy it for you"Lan Du added

The three gave her a grateful smile but shook their heads

"We already troubled you enough, we can't let you buy for us as well"They rejected the offer on the spot

Lan Du nodded but in her mind, she was still going to buy something for them.After all, she is going to leave soon and might not see them for a while.

When they approached the entrance, there was a security guard that stopped them.Lan Du searched through her pockets and took out an invitation.

After verifying the invitation, the guard gave her a bow before letting them through.The inside was very well decorated and there were antiques around.There was also other devices thats been released recently and other things that Lan Du has never seen before.

"Lets go find a seat, the auction is about to start"Lan Du said

Before they could enter however, a lady walked over.

"The owner has already arranged a seat for you, please follow me"She bowed and said respectfully

Lan Du nodded, she saw a perverted face on her room mate's faces and glared that them.

"Embarrass me and I throw you out myself"She said coldly

The three immediately retracted their gazes and played innocent.Lan Du sighed and followed the lady to a large room.There was a large balcony towards the inside where they could see the whole auction area.

"Welcome, lad, how is it, ain't bad is it"A jolly laughter rang through the room.

The source of the voice was Wulan Da, the owner of the auction.Lan Du nodded

"Indeed, its a spacious place, the security isn't bad and the service is nice"Lan Du complemented with an empty expression

"Hahahaha, you're the first to say such empty words, others would spend their entire fortune to get into this room yet you sound as if you've been here dozens of times, kids these days are really not afraid of tigers"Wulan Da laughed

"L-Lan Du, its best not to offend hi, he has a lot of power in this city"Fatty trembled and said hurriedly

Lan Du shrugged her shoulders

"I complemented this place, how did I offend him, and he actually says he's a tiger"Lan Du pouted and crossed her arms

"Lan Du...sometimes I really can't understand you"Fatty said slowly

"And sometimes I wish I could beat you"Lan Du replied casually

Fatty immediately shrunk back like a turtle and hid behind Tie Wang who was furiously trying to avoid him.

"hahaha, its good to be young, don't worry, sit down and relax, I won't get angry over such small things"Wulan Da chuckled in amusement as he watched Lan Du threaten her friends.

Lan Du nodded and sat beside him without hesitation

Fatty, Tie Wang and Ling Shou chose to sit by the sides rather than the front since they felt it would be offensive to sit besides the auction host owner.

Lan Du however didn't car so she sat besides him without a second thought.She glanced at the front stage where the auction was about to take place

"Welcome!The auction will begin shortly, you may view the item list given to you for the time being!"The lady from earlier was now at the front presenting the auction rules.

Lan Du listened attentively and glanced through the item list.

"Fatty, Ling Shou, Tie Wang, anything that catches your eye?"Lan Du turned her head and asked

The three turned their heads over and looked down upon the list.There was dozens of items, as Lan Du scrolled through, she took note of their breathing pace and pupils.

She knew that they wouldn't voice out anything they wanted, she took a mental note of three items that changed their breathing pace and caused their pupils to contract slightly.The three of them were not cheap, but manageable so she smiled lightly and closed the list.

"Since you don't want anything, I won't force you to choose"Lan Du sighed and said

The three glanced at one another, they nodded and sat back.Wulan Da chuckled

"hoho, lad, you treat them quite well"He said joyfully

Lan Du smiled confidently and replied

"Of course, as my punching ba-room mates, I need to treat them well"Lan Du coughed a few times and said

"You were about to say punching bag, weren't you!"Fatty called out


Wulan Da began laughing as he witnessed the scene unfold before him.

"The auction will officially begin!The first item is a Soul Pendant, this pendant was made by one of the finest craftsman, it speeds up the gathering of spiritual strength and keeps the skin smooth"The lady at the front presented a jade pendant

Lan Du rubbed her chin

'I want to buy it for the sisters but there is only one...I searched through the list and never found a similar item'Lan Du shook her head and decided not to bid for it.

"The starting price is five thousand!"

The bids rose and soon, it was bought by a young lady at the price of seven thousand five hundred.Lan Du waited, a few items went up but none were her targets.

"Next is the Shenlong Bell, this bell creates a melodic ring that strengthens your spiritual strength and calms your mind, it was created off planet so cannot be bought anywhere else"The golden bell had a mysterious aura to it, Fatty's eyes lit up for a second but it soon faded.

"The starting price is twenty thousand!"




The place suddenly became silent, the jump was a bit much for some people

"30000!"Another shout rang out

"This bell is useful for my son, 35000, give this old man some face"A man shouted

Lan Du glanced over and saw a young man beside him.He was around her age and had an adorable little face.Lan Du glanced back at the bell.

"35000 once!"

"35000 twice!"

"35000 thr-"

"40000"Lan Du suddenly called out

Fatty stared at Lan Du in shock

"Lan Du, you-"

"What?I like that bell, why can't I bid for it"Lan Du said calmly

The man turned to Lan Du

"Sir, that bell is essential for my son's growth, please let me have it, 42000"He raised the bid once again

Lan Du smiled

"Though I do feel bad about taking it, that bell will also help with my growth, 45000"Lan Du smiled and twirled her hair as she shouted again

The man gritted his teeth

"I've shown you respect yet you reject my offer, 55000!"The man shouted out furiously

Lan DU frowned

"The bell is only at most 50000, but I'm in a good mood, 60000"Lan Du said casually

The man clenched his fists and sat down, it was clear that he gave up on the bell.Lan Du stretched her arms and leaned back on the chair.

After a few more items, the next one caused Tie Wang's eyes to light up.

"This is the Light silver knuckles, it was forged by one of the toughest steels and can can even break through brick walls with ease"The silver knuckles glistened under the light

"The starting price is 32000"



"50000!"The man from before stood up again and called out

Lan Du smirked

"60000!"She called out

The man glared at her

"Are you making a fool out of me!"He roared

Lan Du chuckled

"You just happen to want the same things as me, if I wanted to make a fool out of you, I would not have done it in such a boring manner, I prefer my prey to be humiliated"Lan Du smiled playfully and fiddled with her hair.

The man began grinding his teeth in anger

"65000!"He roared

"70000"Lan Du immediately followed up

The man trembled in fury, he felt that Lan Du was against him no matter what he did.He raised his hand again to increase his bids.


"75000"Lan Du followed up yet again without any sign of hesitation

"Lan Du, why do you want the knuckles so badly?"Ling Shou asked

Lan Du smirked

"Is there any need to ask?They can break through brick walls with ease, how easy would it be 

for me to crush human bones if I have it I wonder?"Lan Du's smile grew wider which scared her room mates.

"Lan can already break bones with your bare hands, with those knuckles, it isn't breaking bones anymore, its vaporising it"Fatty shuddered and said

Wulan Da felt amused, he didn't intervene with anything and listened happily, the longer he listened, the more amused he got.It was as if this was a comedy parody for him, he enjoyed it.

The man slowly backed down when Lan Du raised her bid later to 80000, he glared at her direction in anger.Since Lan D never went to the balcony, he didn't know what she looked like, he could only tell that the person bidding was young, as for how young, he did not know.

To Lan Du, 80 000 was not a small sum, but it wasn't too much either, considering the money she 'borrowed' from the previous mission.She waited calmly for the next item to appear.

"Next is the Karmic Dew, unlike spirit Dew, Karmic Dew creates another source of strength you can draw from rather than strengthening your spiritual strength, less that 5 has been given out by the higher ups in the military division so we are lucky to even have a single bottle, Karmic 

Dew of course has requirements, once you are above the age of 14 where your spiritual strength is completely unified in your body, you cannot absorb the Karmic Dew"The lady held up a bottle with a flaming red liquid within.

A strange feeling rose up from Lan Du's heart as she stared at the Karmic Dew.

'That thing isn't bad, I have to get it at all cost'

"The starting price is 500 000"The lady placed the dew down and began the bid

"600 000!"The man from before stood up immediately and called out, this time he directly raised the price by 100 000 to intimidate the other bidders.

Lan Du smirked'Idiot, the auction started the price at 500 000 so more people would bid, for this dew, it can easily go to the millions, much less a few hundred thousand'

"1 million"Lan Du raised her bid without fear

The man once again glared at her, to directly raise it by 400 000, he felt that she had a strong background.Meanwhile, her room mates were staring at her in shock.

"Lan Du, where did you get so much money!"Fatty asked

"Extortion"Lan Du replied

Her reply left them speechless, even Wulan Da was surprised, he didn't think the lad in front of him would have so much money.

"1.2 million"The man raised his bid

"2 million"Others began to join in as time passed, before they knew it, the price was raised to 10 million.

"15 million"Lan Du called out casually, he remark left everyone speechless, to raise it by 5 

million is only something people from the large families could do!

"16 million"The man gritted his teeth and said, it was clear he was near his limit.He may be from a good family, but it could not be compared to the major families in the city.

"L-Lan Du, who did you extort?Someone from a major family?!"Fatty asked nervously

Lan Du chuckled

"Correct, I pointed a knife at his neck and forced them to spit out a ransom"Lan Du said with a carefree expression, seeing her like this, they didn't know if she was joking or not.

"Honestly, I was quite lucky, they were dumb enough to not have any guards, if not, I would't have been able to threaten the family head"Lan Du mumbled to herself

The four in the room didn't hear here but if they did, they would have fainted from shock.

"1-17 million"The man almost choked as he said nervously, anyone could tell that was his limit.Lan Du smirked

"18 million"She spoke out

No one responded

"18 million once, twice thr-"

"20 million"Someone from another room called out.Lan Du turned her head but the curtains covered the room.Lan Du frowned and sat back.

"22 million"Lan Du followed up on the bid

As Fatty, Ling Shou and Tie Wang watched, they grew more and more shocked by how much money Lan Du had.One million was already a lot for them, much less 22 million.

"25 million"

Lan Du fiddled with her hair

"It seems that person is from one of the major families, heh, 26 million"Lan Du called out