Chapter 23:

Usurp pt.4 [END]

The Arbiter

Lobert had been planning to visit his mother all day, but since she was undergoing treatment, he was not allowed to do so; besides, as his mother wished, he did not want to cause any inconvenience.

So he just went to Christina and did what Vinganca wanted him to do.

When the sun had already set, the call Lobert had been expecting finally reached him.

The treatment of his mother was finished, and it was successful!

Lobert almost shit his pants with joy and he left everything to go to the hospital with Reiko.

On the way there, however, his cell phone rang again; this time an unknown number.

"Vinganca here, we've done everything on our side. Did you keep your side of the agreement?"

Where the fuck had Vinganca gotten his number, Lobert thought to himself.

Next thing he knew, she'd be showing up at his bedside at night; just the thought of it made him shudder.

But Lobert had other things to think about, so he wanted to keep the conversation short.

"Yes I kept my part of the deal." Lobert confirmed.

"Good...perhaps we will work together again in the future."

It seemed Vinganca's opinion of Lobert had improved.

"Maybe. But right now I have some other stuff to do, so if you'll excuse me." Lobert said and hung up.

Vinganca was a bit like fire, if you were careful not to get burned by her she could be a great help.

Soon to be arriving at the hospital, Reiko started a conversation in anticipation.

"Isn't that great that your mom is going to be better?" Reiko said emphatically.

"Totally! I didn't think this day would ever come, in fact I lost hope for her to get better a long time hurt to watch her get sicker and weaker."

"Slowly watching your loved ones die and not being able to do anything about it must be pretty awful."

"It’s bad, I'm not going to lie. But it's nothing compared to what my mother has to go through. Do you know what it's like to slowly lose all your strength, to lose more and more of your independence, and to feel like you're useless? To be a burden to others? I honestly don't know, but I can't imagine it feels good."

Lobert felt a great deal of sympathy for his mother.

"But let's talk about nicer things instead." Lobert continued.

"I can finally spend some time in the city with my mother again; and you Reiko, I'll invite you too."

"I'm really flattered by that." Reiko said; she didn't mean it sarcastically.

"I'd love to." She added.

The ride continued and Lobert was in a good mood, his mood even infecting Reiko a little.

It didn't take long and they arrived at the hospital, a doctor was already waiting for them.

"Mr. Natus, welcome, I will take you to your mother." The doctor said in a friendly manner.

He led them into the hospital and then into an elevator.

"The treatment was a tremendous feat by several top surgeons...I am surprised that Mr. Kleinsel even funded such a surgery." The doctor reported.

The elevator reached its destination floor and they walked down the hallways.

"I was just holding the tools for them, but it was such a privilege for me to be there."

At that moment, Lobert noticed the path they had walked was different than the one he walked last time.

Perhaps she was in some kind of rehabilitation area.

"She's still in a sensitive state, so I would advise being careful with her."

The doctor slowed his steps and finally stopped in front of a double door.

"When you walk through that door it may come as a shock, but rest assured she is still the same woman you knew."

He opened the double doors and Lobert finally saw his mother.

The world around Lobert came to a standstill.

The doctor was right, Lobert was shocked.

The reunion was not the one he expected.

The sight made his blood freeze.

The colors faded from his vision.

He heard his heartbeat alone.






He felt dizzy, his head throbbed.

He had goose bumps and sweat broke out.

His stomach twisted, he almost threw up.

The doctor's words of boasting just slid past him.

In front of him was something Lobert could call his mother, but that something made it hard for him to do so.

Among the marvels of medical progress, illuminated by bright, clinical lights, stood a container.

A transparent container, large enough for a human being.

And in that container floated his mother.

Or what was left of her.

A single brain floated in this container, plugged with a growth of cables.

That was supposed to be his mother?

Yes, that was his fault.

He had asked for it.

But surely not for this.

In this state, he would not be able to recognize his mother, let alone see her gentle smile; it was all too much for him to bear.

He fell to his knees.

Lobert needed a moment to regain his senses.

Slowly, the buzzing and the slow beeping of the medical equipment, and then the voices, came back to him.

"...Glass of water?" the doctor asked.

"N-no thanks." Lobert said.

He felt Reiko slowly stroking his back, concerned.

"What did you do to her?" Lobert asked, horrified.

"Her body could no longer sustain itself, even with our equipment. Mr. Kleinsel then gave us instructions to save your mother; he would cover the costs. So, we didn't spare any expenses and got to work. If we separated her brain from her body, she could live on with our solution until we could transfer her consciousness to a computer. So you can't talk to your mother just yet." The doctor explained.

Lobert now understood what he was seeing; a last rescue attempt, then.

"Can you leave us alone?" he asked the doctor.

"Sure thing." The doctor said and disappeared.

That transferring a consciousness was possible Lobert did not know, but it was thinkable.

Lobert took a few steps forward and held his right hand to the container, it felt warm.

Without flesh and blood there was no natural death, his mother would see him die; for he was sure, he did not want such a fate.

Even if it were possible, an endless life as a few zeros and ones was inhuman, in the truest sense of the word.

The image of Christina appeared in Lobert's head; just how she was feeling, he wondered.

He knew what he had to do, but Lobert wasn’t ready to lose her...Lobert...wanted to see his mother again...see the central districts with her...or at least just see her watching TV.

"Reiko, can you grant my request?" Lobert asked meekly.

Reiko waited patiently, Lobert needed a moment.

"Can you pull the plug for me? ...I don't think this is something I can do, I'm not strong enough."

Reiko walked over to Lobert and held his hand.

She followed the cables that went to the devices, and the cables that went from the devices, to the socket strip, where it was then just a single cable, a single plug.

It was strange how a single cable, a single plug, was the only thread on which someone's life hung, but that's how it seemed.

Reiko guided Lobert's hand and together they pulled the plug.

It was done.

Lobert and Reiko bowed their heads in mourning; it was not long ago, but he tried to remember the last time he saw his mother’s face, the last words she spoke, and the last smile she gave him.

At first Lobert felt a little relieved, then a fire lit inside of him.

Until now, he hadn't taken the whole Arbiter situation too seriously, but now he was determined; there was nothing holding him back anymore.

He would make his mother proud and make right what was wrong.

He would be the flame of cleansing and rid the city of its parasites.

He would declare war on corruption.

But for that, he would need Christina.

After making sure the brain of his mother was dead, Lobert and Reiko disappeared from the hospital and made their way to Christina.

"Hello Lobert, shall we begin?"

Lucky Lane
The Arbiter Cover

The Arbiter
