Chapter 11:


Mirage Oasis

Ayo, it's Migiligin, The person who uses too many commas and wrote the words of this story. Or whatever that means. 

Thank you all for reading this story, I never thought so many would go and read this in such a short amount of time. With that, I am incredibly grateful. 
To be honest I only really found honey feed after my friend told me about the contest. I found the idea interesting and decided to write the story. 
During the time of writing, I was running a cyberpunk tabletop game so getting ideas for this story was really easy. Some inspiration for the story came from movies, like Elysium, and real-world places like Kowloon Walled City. 

I wasn't really used to writing in this style, I'm studying to become a scriptwriter for film and was trained to write very few words to describe things. Overall though I'd say it was a good learning experience. 

The story was short and much of what I believe could have used some work but overall, I had a blast writing this.

Special thanks to the people at my Cyberpunk game for encouraging me to finish this story. A big thank you to TeTe for not only introducing me to the contest but helping push me to the limits in order to finish this story. I couldn't have done without any of you.

And most of all a massive thank you to all who are reading this to the end. 

Thank you