Chapter 6:

The Royal family and the first medal

I became a healer in another world

A week had passed since my arrival to the Kingdom of Vreadonyth and I've really enjoyed my time here. I learned from Jeroth that the main theme of the kingdom is it's architecture. I noticed how equally great the normal citizens and the nobility's residences are.

When I walked to the church, the priestess Junko was looking after a young boy.

"Good day miss Junko."

"Ah! Young Ayumu. Could you do me a favor?"

"Gladly. What do I have to do?"

"This young boy is ill and I need to make some soup that destroys any harmful substance like snot, but I am lacking an ingredient."

"What is the ingredient?"

"Slime balls."

"That's a surprising ingredient to have."

"It may be, but because of it, the harmful substances get destroyed. Plus the soup is delicious and warms your body nicely."

"Understood. I'll go get some slime balls for your soup."

"Thank you."

I then leave from the church and head out to the fields. The wind gives out a gentle breeze and it carries a few flower petals through the air.

When I arrived to a small hill with Silva and Snow, we found alot of different colored slimes and they were eating flowers and some were even jumping around.

"I guess we have to fight them."

Just before I was going to attack them with my staff however, they started dropping slime balls off their bodies.

"Eh? What's going on? Why are they doing that?"

("Master, we should collect those instead. I don't want to hurt these cute little Slimes.")

"Uh, sure."

I then start collecting the slime balls that were dropped. Seriously though, am I collecting their waste or is there something I'm missing. I then take a slightly bigger jar I bought yesterday and drop the slime balls there. Strange, the slime balls don't merge together, interesting.

After collecting enough of them, I return to the church where Junko was already waiting.

"Ah, welcome back and thank you for helping me out."

"I'm glad that I was able to be some assistance to you."

I then hand her over the jar of slime balls.

"So do you have a clue why the Slimes dropped the slime balls?"

"Ah, there's an easy explanation. Since they were probably eating something like flowers or herbs, they drop them to make sure they don't grow to be too big."

"Oh I see, and I guess because the Slimes eat herbs or flowers is the reason for using the slime balls in the soup."

"That is correct. Anyway do you want to continue helping by making this soup with me?"


We then walked to a side room of the church which has alot of utensils and two cauldrons. The other has water in it and fire under it. There is also a table at the centre of the room and on it is a vase with a red flower.

"So what do I do?"

"Could you chop those carrots and onions into small pieces while I'll go get the meat, milk and spices for the soup?"


As I started to chop the ingredients, Junko left the room to fetch the rest of the ingredients.

Cooking huh. I was never able to try it out before becoming ill, but since I've been making my food after reincarnating, it's been fun.

As soon as I was done with chopping the carrots and onions, Junko came back with the other ingredients.

"Oh, you alredy chopped them. That was fast." (Junko)

"It didn't really take that long since there was only three of them each."

"Thank you for your quick assistance Ayumu. Now we can start preparing the soup." (Junko)

We then started preparing the food. We first put the carrot and onion slices in the water and then rotate the water with a wooden spoon. After that we add the meat along with the milk and add some of the spices in and wait for a while. After a little waiting we finally add the slime balls in the soup. I notice that the slime balls immediately melt inside the soup.

"Phew, it's done. Now we just have to give this to the child." (Junko)

"Can I go give it to him?" (Ayumu)

"Of course. Here you go." (Junko)

I then started feeding the soup to the boy. The young boy started eating the soup slowly but surely.

The boy started to look more healthy after I had fed him the soup. His eyes shone brightly as he stood up and started jumping around with excitement.

"Yay! Thank you Miss Junko and Mister Mage! I feel way better already!"

"I'm glad you're feeling alright. Now go on home to your family so you won't worry them anymore" (Junko)


The boy hugged both of us as a thank you and then went rushing outside from the church. That... really was fast. I wonder if that was some type of special skill or normal talent.

"Anyway, I should be heading out now."

"Hold on, I still haven't given you your reward."

"Well you can give me the soup's recipe if it's fine for you."

"Sure! I've memorized it completely! Hold on as I go get it!"

Priestess Junko then run off to one of the side rooms. Hm, I should give an offering the Goddess Mana's statue as I'm waiting for Junko to come back.

That's quite alot of offerings people have given to her, food, beautiful flowers and a few spices appear to be given as an offering. Hm, let's see. Ah, I should offer a healing potion. Luckily I keep one in my bag.

"I hope you accept my offering."

I then stood up and notice that Junko heading over here in a hurry.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

"Oh no, it's okay. I decided to give an offering Goddess Mana."

"I'm sure she's happy about it. You seem to be quite a religious person Ayumu."

"Yes, you could say that. I'm very grateful for her after all."

"Really? Tell me about it."

"I'm sorry but it's personal."

"Ah, I understand. Well anyway, here is the recipe."

"Thank you very much."

I then bow down and then start leaving. I notice as I'm looking behind myself that Junko is waving as a good bye, so I do the same and then bow down again.

When I was almost at the Sunset Guild, I notice that Jeroth with some guards came rushing out from the building. I noticed that Jeroth looked really worried.

"What's going on?"

"Hm? Oh, I'm sorry kid, but we can't tell something like that to a normal citizen."

"Ah, I understand. If it's something the king wanted him to do then it's understandable."


I then enter the Guild and sit down on the nearest table to relax for a while and think what I should do next.

*Meanwhile* (Jeroth POV)

"My King! I have arrived!"

"Guild Master Jeroth! Oh, I'm so glad to see you."

"Queen Vreadonyth, what is wrong with King Florus."

"He-He has been poisoned by Count Asher."

"What?! How could he?! King Florus trusted him and he betrayed him."

"N-N-Not only that but he's been poisoning him slowly for many months so his condition is getting worser by the minute."

Darn it! How didn't I notice this sooner! Princess Flora and Prince Freyr are going to lose their father at this rate. Ah, Princess Flora is trying to stay strong by not crying, but she ckearly can't keep it up. Her brother on the other hand is already crying.

I haven't seen Satomi for a long time and I haven't been able to contact her at all. Think Jeroth think!


"Well you seem high spirited Ayumu."

"Eh he he, I guess so. My friend Bel suggested a goal that I should aim for."

"Oh? That's great news! What did he suggest to you?"

"He suggested that I should try aiming to become a Sage of Healing. It seems to be a difficult task but I'm not giving up on it."

"That's the spirit! I'm going to support you through the end."


_Flashback end_

That's right! If anyone's up to the task, it's Ayumu! Oh I hope he hasn't left yet. But if he's leaving right this moment we don't have time to waste. King Florus' life is on the line.

"Excuse me for a second."

"E-Eh? W-Where are you going Jeroth?"

"To bring someone who can probably help out. No, I have a feeling that he can help out!"

I then leave immediately from the castle. I notice the messenger guards along the way as well. Wait... where would Ayumu be seen the most while he's been in this Kingdom? Let's see... at the Inn and at the church. I should check those places first.

I turn left and head to the Inn.

"Miss Yukikaze! Have you seen Ayumu?!"

"Eep! You scared me Sir Jeroth."


"Um, he did say he was heading to the Church when he left this morning."

"Thank you!"

Church! Ayumu has gone there every single day this past week so why would he miss out going there today.

"Priestess Junko! Is Ayumu here?!"

"Eek! D-Don't shout in a place like this Guild Master Jeroth."

"Gah! I'm sorry, but I'm in a hurry."

"*Ahem* I saw Ayumu heading to the Guild. You should've seen him yourself."

"I-I didn't. I was in a hurry when I went to the castle so I didn't see him at all."

"Aah, you shouldn't rush too much. Sometimes it's better to go slowly or you will miss even the smallest things in life."

"Th-Thank you."

And now to the Guild. Hopefully Ayumu still is there.

(Normal Ayumu's POV)

When I had been sitting for a while with Snow and Silva, suddenly a group of injured adventurers appeared to the Guild. They seem to be quite skilled, but they still got injured quite badly. I guess I should go heal them.

"Excuse me."

"Hm? What's up kid?"

"Hold stil. Give me strength to heal the wounded and cure the sick. CURE!"


"Hey Boss. Our wounds have been healed."

"Oh you're right. Thanks kid. Unfortunately we don't really have anything we could give you."

"Naah, it's fine."

The three men then walk to the furthest table in the Guild's back.

Suddenly the Guild's door opened. Jeroth was there and he was gasping with an exhausted look.

"Ayumu, there you are!"

"Eh? What's wrong?"

"No time to explain! You'll know when you see it."

"Eh? Um, okay. But I would..."

I wasn't even able to finish my sentence when Jeroth just picks me up and dashes out from the Guild with me. This speed is way too insane, I'm surprised that Silva's even able to keep up with Jeroth. Hm? We're heading towards the castle. I'm guessing they're needing me there for something, but what could it be? Jeroth seemed to be really worried, so I can at least tell it's an emergency.

We pass the castle gates guards and head through the front yard inside the castle. From there to the left and up the stairs.

"I have brought the boy who can help!"

Jeroth then places me on the ground. Man I'm quite a mess from all that speed, but it has to wait. Ah! I appear to be in front of the Royal Family.

"Young Mage! Please, save my husband!"

Ah! The King is lying on his bed and he seems to be in immense pain. This is why I would've appriciated Jeroth filling me in with necessary info, but it can't be helped since he was in a hurry. I walk beside the King's bed.


*Heavy/Strong Poison. If not cured the person will die.*

"Hmm, it appears the King has a strong poisoning. I would've appriciated if you had told me about this Jeroth."

"Sorry Ayumu, I didn't really have time for that." (Jeroth)

"Yeah, yeah. But now I don't have my cauldron with me."

I then feel a light knock on my shoulder. It was the Princess. She was wearing a blue shirt along with a same coloured dress. She had a golden necklace with a ruby shaped like a diamond. She has emerald eyes and long purple hair. Most of the hair is in a topknot which is decorated in different coloured flowers. She is holding a purple umbrella. She is also wearing blue stockings and dark purple high heels. She also wears white gloves.

"I am Princess Flora. I luckily have a cauldron at my room's fireplace. Let me just go get it."

"Ah, thank you Princess."

She then rushes off and comes back quickly. I guess her room wasn't really far.

"Here you go Sir Ayumu. I hope it's to your liking." (Flora)

"Thank you Princess."

Now let's see. Let's fill the cauldron with water and light the fireplace. And now let's start creating the potion. Luckily I have the required ingredients in my bag. I should do this carefully because I don't have too much of the required ingredients with me at the moment.

After some time later, the potion is complete. It was quite nerve-racking because this is my first time creating this potion. Well, I am the one who made it despite Goddess Mana gave me the recipe.

"It is complete. I call it the Potion of Strong Poison Healing."

"You created it yourself? That's amazing."

"Thank you."

I then walk over to them and give the potion to the king. The kings painful expression immediately fades away after he had drank the potion. The King then sits down on his bed. Jeroth then immediately bows down. I should do the same then.

"Father you're alright!"

"Bwaa! I thought you were a goner!"

"Honey! I was so worried!"

"I'm sorry that I worried everyone."

As I glance up, the Kings family is all gathered up to him.

"My King, I'm relieved to see you that you've recovered quickly."

"I'm assuming this young mage is the one who cured me."

"That is correct."

"Young one, tell me your name."

"My name is Ayumu. I am a mage that is aiming to become a Sage of Healing. With me are my familiars, Silva the Silver Wolf and Snow the Rabbit."

"Well then, I sho-"

"Father no. You still need to recover!"

"Ah, I guess you are correct Flora. Then you and Freyr should do it instead."

"E-Eh? U-Us? I-I don't think that I'm capable in doing something formal like that."

"We are obiviously doing it together Freyr. No need to worry."

"I-If you say so."

I am then instructed to head to the throne room. Jeroth is kind enough to show me the way there so I won't need to worry getting lost.

The Throne Room is humongous. A red and smooth carpet has been laid down the floor. From gigantic windows you can see outside and on the center is a door which presumably takes to a balcony. There are also blue see-through silk curtains placed in the corners. On the front is a small staircase leading to the King and Queen's thrones. They're quite elegant. Over the seats appears to be a family portrait. Since this world has no camera, it's obiviously painted.

"Um Ayumu."

"Ah! I'm sorry Jeroth. I'm still progressing it over my head that I'm at the castle."

"I understand. Anyway, Princess Flora and Prince Freyr are coming now."

The two siblings then arrive to the room with some trays. Uh, are they going overboard with this? I guess I shouldn't decline on them.

"Ah uh um, M-Mage A-Ayumu..."

Prince Freyr suddenly stops his speech. He seems to not have much confidence on himself. I'd like to help him somehow. He also seems to be wearing a tuxedo. He has brown eyes and blue hair.

"I-I can't do this Flora. P-Please do it yourself."

"Oh fine, I'll help you out. *Ahem* As a thank you for saving the king, and our father, we want to offer you a medal for your heroics Mage Ayumu. With this you will be one step closer to your goal of becoming a Sage of Healing."

"Ah, u-um also, we will also offer this cute pink ribbon for your familiar Silva and this bell collar for Snow. W-We also want you to accept these Quills."

"Thank you. I'll gladly accept them."

"You are allowed to move forward with your familiars."

I then walk over to them along with Snow and Silva. Freyr attaches the medal on my robe while Flora knots a cute pink bow on Silva and puts the bell collar on Snow.

The fabric of my medal seems to be be quite durable and the latter half appears to be made of silver and it has a Shield as an engraved design.

Now then, what shouldvI do now? Should I head over to another kingdom? I do have to leave eventually after all. I then stand up and start leaving.

"Eh? You're leaving already?"

"Uh, yes? I was thinking of continuing my journey."

"You don't have to leave so soon, Ayumu. We can show you around the castle. You're even welcome to eat with us."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. We don't mind at all."

"Hmm, sure why not."

After that, Princess Flora grabs my hand and starts dragging me. She seems to posses quite alot of strenght. Prince Freyr is following behind us. He seems to be troubled by something just from looking at his face.

We then enter quite an elegant room but not too girly. Princess Flora then let's go of me.

"This is my room. I love to look at the scenery I can see through my windows."

"I expected your room to be a little more princess like but this feels more comfortable. Also, what is that large wooden puppet."

"Hm hmm, I'm not just a princess that sits in her room doing nothing all day like reading books and drinking tea. I also train alot in the Training Grounds where our guards practice."

"That explains your strong grip. Also what are you training?"

"Using magic of course."

"Really? What is your wand you use?"

Princess Flora then starts spinning her umbrella around and then throwing it in the air and then grabbing it again on her other hand.

"I use my umbrella. It's not just for show you know."

"Wow, that's amazing."

"Someday I want to go traveling around the world. That's one of the reason I train, but also I don't want to be seen as a weak helpless Princess."

"Well you certainly seem strong."

"I-I also want to meet someone I met during my childhood. There was a festival and I got lost, but a boy was kind to me to take to the guards. He gave me a memento of himself as well."

"Oh? Love at first sight."

"Eh?! Mmmmm, probably."

Oops, I must've said something a little embarrasing. I should change the subject.

"Do you train as well Freyr?"

"Y-Yes, but I'm not very good."

"Nonsense. I'm sure you're strong."

"Mh, I don't know."

"Uh, I've been wondering, what's troubling you Freyr?"

"Freyr, hasn't been able to use magic despite having aptitudes for Fire and Light magic. I myself can use Electricity and Water. I've always been encouraging him."

"Aah, I see. You see yourself as a failure because of that then."

"Y-Yeah, instead I've decided to just use swordsmanship."

"I believe in your ability Freyr. It might take some time, but eventually you are able to cast magic."

"Th-Thank you."

We then leave from Princess Flora's room and head inside Freyr's room. The room has alot of bookcases.

"Do you read alot Prince Freyr?"

"Y-Yes, there is alot of things to learn about. I-I've always been interested in reading ever since I was a child."

"I've read quite alot of books myself when I had the chanse."

"Really?! What kind?!"

"They we're difficult to understand unfortunately."

"Ah, I see."

I can't really tell them about my old world's literature. I did read alot of technical books while I was at the hospital though normal literature was my most favourite. And I did study while I was hospitalized.

As I walked around the room, I noticed that there was a book with blank papers and a quill pen was next to it. There was also a candle which was entirely melted to the candlestick.

"Hmm, since you like reading Prince Freyr, have you started writing your own book?"

"A-Ah, um yes. I-It's about animals on a journey."

"I'd like to read it when you've finished writing it."

"A-Are you sure?"


We then head out of Prince Freyr's room.

"So where now?"

"Let's head to the Training Grounds. The guards and soldiers usually are finished with their daily training at this time."

"Lead the way Princess."

She then grabs my hand again and we head over to the training grounds. We pass by many maids along the way that were cleaning the hallways and stop to greet us as we pass by.

As we arrive to the training grounds, the soldiers and guards are still at it. They sure are working hard.

"Listen up everybody! Princess Flora and Prince Freyr have arrived and they're not alone!"

Ah, that guy must be the captain. Hm? Many of the guards and soldiers seem to be injured. They seem to be taking this seriously, as they should since they are working for the Royal Family. Some are also practising by attack a puppet.

I should heal them quickly. I then run over to them and heal them one by one.

"Well we have a hard working young lad here, just what I like to see! Tell me your name youngun."

"Ah, yes! My name is Ayumu! I am a healing mage and I'm aiming to become a Sage of Healing!"

"Quite an ambitious one here. I like that. And you alredy have a start for helping our King. Thank you for that kiddo."

"Yes! Thank you very much!"

Princess Flora then walks up to us with Prince Freyr.

"Ah, is it that time already? The field is all yours now Princess Flora and Prince Freyr."

"Thank you very much."

"Th-Thank you."

"Ayumu, check this out!"

Princess Flora then grabs her umbrella and starts spinning it again. She then starts chanting.

"Oh, Goddess of Life, give me the power to fight off evil and protect the people I love and care about! LIGHTNING ARROW!"

Multiple arrows then come flying down from the sky into one of the training puppets. The puppet's fried after that attack and I bit of the ground was destroyed along with it.

"Whoa! That was amazing Princess Flora."

"Thank you very much. I've been mainly using electric attacks so I have the hang of it the most."

"That felt really strong, so I can see why it's strong."

"By the way Ayumu."

"Hm? What's wrong?"

"I would appriciate it if you just called me Flora, no need to be so formal with me."

"Ah! Um, I-I would appriciate it too."

"Really? Why? I see you two with high regard."

"Well, we're friends. I wish you'd do that for us."

"Aw, thanks."

After that Flora takes a thin but sharp-pointed sword which looks like a rapier from a nearby stand.

"And of course I need to train my sword fighting skills. I'm not very skilled at it though. Freyr on the other is doing amazing job."

"E-Eh?! U-Um yeah, that's right."

"I'm not really good on a fight. I can mostly cast low level fire and water magic and I mostly use them when I make potions. On the other hand I'm a great healer with many helpful healing spells and other helpful protection spells. I think it's important to notice your strength and weaknesses. Since I can't fight, I need to rely on Silva and Snow. They protect me and I protect them."

("That is correct. Me and Snow protect our Master from dangerous monsters and he heals us after that.")

"Aw, that's nice to know... Wait I understood Silva!"

"I guess it's because we're friends."

I then look towards Freyr who seems to be mumbling to himself about something.

" So it's... important to notice your strenghts and weaknesses. Hmm, I'm better swordfighter than a mage, but could there still be a way to fight with magic?"

Oh I see. It seems that he is thinking if it's possible to fight with his sword while also using magic. I guess my little speech was able to get his confidence back s little.

_Freyr POV_

Let's see if I focus really hard, could I surround my sword with flames and attack with it like I always do but with fire. Focus, focus, focus! Focus harder like never before! Imagine a warm fire surrounding my trusty sword with an intense burn.


I then see my sword bursting in flames. Aaah! I did it, I did it!

"Whoa! That's amazing Freyr! You just surrounded your sword with flames to attack with!

"You did it brother! You can use magic!

"Thank you Ayumu."

"Hm? I didn't do anything really."

"I know but hearing you say something inspirational made me feel confident again, even if just a little bit."

"Ah ha ha, you're welcome."

Now then let's use this attack on our training dummies.

_Normal Ayumu's POV_

It's amazing to see Freyr feeling confident on himself. I have a feeling that he's going to be a great ruler someday.

"Hmm, what should we call this profession though? I can't seem to come up with anything. Any ideas sis?"

"Unfortunately no. How about you Ayumu?"

"Well, why not just a Mage Swordsman/woman or Spellsword? Or both."

"I guess both will do."

After that, Flora and Freyr continue their training untill they start sweating from their foreheads. They train really hard and it can be seen how quick witted they are with their actions.

"*Phew* That's todays training. Sorry to keep you waiting Ayumu." (Flora)

"Ah, it's okay. It was interesting to see you two training so hard. Really amazing work guys."

"A ha ha. Thanks Ayumu." (Freyr)

"So where would you like to go next Ayumu?" (Flora)

"Um, if there's a garden, I'd like to see the flowers and maybe the castle's library."

"Alright then! Let's head on over to the garden!"

Flora then grabs my hand with less force while Freyr, Silva and Snow follow us from behind.

As we arrive to the garden, I'm astonished how beautiful it. Hundreds of beautiful and colorful flowers everywhere along with fluffy looking hedges and trees. There also seems to be multiple statues. Two of the statues I reconize easily. The hero Yuudai and Jeroth. The other 4 I don't recognize at all.

"Well what do you think Ayumu?" (Flora)

"It's such a beautiful garden. I don't even know where to start."

"The one who takes care of our garden cares deeply about the flowers. She keeps this whole place clean and tidy." (Freyr)

"Ah, there she is. Melissa!" (Flora)

"Oh! Good day Princess Flora! Good day Prince Freyr!"

A young woman, probably the same age Flora and Freyr, was at the center of the flower field. She had dirt all over her long blue skirt, short shirt, which had a pink hoodie and a little bit of her stomach was showing and she had wrapped her sleeves. She had long wine red hair with a pinkish ribbon. Her eyes were purple. She had short brown high heel like shoes.

"Oh dear, your beautiful clothes have become dirty yet again." (Flora)

"Ah ha ha, I get too excited when I'm working here." (Melissa)

She then turns her head towards me.

"Is he the young mage that saved our king from the poison?" (Melissa)

"That is correct. His name is Ayumu and with him are his familiars Silva and Snow." (Flora)

"It's a pleasure to meet you." (Melissa)

"Ah, same to you."

"Hmm, hold on!" (Melissa)

She then runs off to a the other end of the flower field and starts taking off some plants from the ground. After that she comes back.

"Here Ayumu. These flower herbs work perfectly for your potions. Like this small blue Sindroll. It can be used to make a Tonic of Empowerment. Like the name suggests, it's a potion that makes the one who drinks it stronger for a while when fighting monsters. Don't mistake it with normal Potion of Strenght. It only makes it easier to carry heavy objects. And this yellow Solandris. It can be used in when you make Vial of Light Feet. This potion makes you run faster." (Melissa)

"Wow, thank you."

After that I decided to walk over to the statues of the 6 heroes. A light breeze of wind flowed through my hair as I walked over to them.

"These 6 statues are the heroes that defeated the great evil many years ago." (Flora)

"I can recognize Jeroth and Yuudai that I met while coming here. The others I don't."

"Ah, was he at a tower?" (Freyr)

"Yeah, he told me it wasn't really for me. I gave some potions that the people who do go there can take some."

"That's very kind of you." (Freyr)

"Ayumu, this petite and beautiful woman is Sage Satomi when she was young. She has kept her beauty throughout the years. (Flora)

"So this is her. A friend of mine told me about her last week."

"Really? What did they tell you about her?" (Freyr)

"They told me how she became a sage when she and her friends had defeated that great evil many many years ago. Also they were the one's that suggested that I'd become a Sage of Healing."

"They sound like great friends, but why didn't you join them Ayumu? (Melissa)

"I want to become stronger first."

"Ah, that is understandable." (Melissa)

We then moved to the other three heroes. There was an Elf, a Demi-human and a Dwarf. The Demi-human seemed to have a wolf like appearance and she seems to have a hammer as her weapon. The Elf has a bow and appears to be male. The last hero seems to be a female Dwarf with an axe.

"This Demi-human is Ylva. She may be rude, but she can be really kind to others once she gets to know someone. After that she wants to keep her friends safe from danger." (Flora)

"This Elf is Orvar. He can be a bit of a ladies man, but when there's danger he gets really serious and makes sure everyone is safe." (Melissa)

"The Dwarf is Kumiko. She's a friend to all children. She wants to have an influence on the children so she usually plays with them. She won't never let anyone hurt a child when she's around. She will make sure that whoever hurt them is sorry. (Freyr)

"I would really want to see rest of them. I think I would learn alot from them."

"I think you would easily become friends with all of them Ayumu. Your personslity gives this safe feeling that I can't explain what it is." (Freyr)

"Aw, thank you."

After that we decide to relax in the garden for a while. The flowing wind feels great on my hair and face. It makes me feel quite tired but I shouldn't really start sleeping here. I shouldn't fall.... asleep.

_An Hour later_

"Ayumu, time to wake up." (Flora)

"Wha? Huh? Oh no, I'm sorry for falling asleep."

"Ah ha ha. It's fine. You must've been a little tired, that's all." (Flora)

"How was your nap Ayumu?" (Freyr)

"It was relaxing, huh? Where did this pillow and blanket come from?"

"I decided to retrieve them. It was better than letting you sleep without them, even if your robes keep you warm." (Melissa)

"We have some time before dinner so do you want to head over to the library?" (Flora)

"Sure. I guess I should leave after that."

"Oh no, you're welcome to eat with us Ayumu." (Freyr)

"Thank you for the offer."

We then leave the garden and let Melissa continue her work. The scent the flowers were giving was really pleasant.

As we arrived to the library, it was obiviously filled with books. I'm guessing they're filled with knowledge of this world, magic spells, info of the wildlife, all of the different species and so much more. There was also a few tables with chairs you can sit on and read.

"Well Ayum-… Never… mind, he already went to pick some books." (Flora)

"Ahaha, he must really enjoy reading." (Freyr)

Hmm, let's see. What type of book should I read? I guess I should search something that can tell me more about this world. Maybe I could search a book that tells me about who created potions? Or maybe history. Hm? What's this book? The evil Witch? Maaaybe, I shouldn't read that. Sounds scary. Hmm? Creation of potions. Aah, this seems perfect. I should sit down and read about it.

_3019 years ago there was a young woman who couldn't use any magic. She tried and tried but with no success. Yet she was still very knowledgeable without it and it didn't get her down. One day her little brother became very injured and there weren't any mages around to heal him. Desperately she gathered different types of plants and put them in a cauldron. She failed many times until eventually she succeeded in making the very first healing potion. This was revolutionary because before this, the only way to heal injuries was to use healing magic. The creation of potions meant that when magic couldn't help, the potions were able to deal with the problem. The news of the young womans success reached all around the world and eventually she became the Master of Potions. Also known as the Sage of Potions._

Aah, so this is how the potions became to be. It was a young womans trials and errors so she can save her brother. Hmm, the other pages tell how this young woman created the potions.

"Ayumu seems to really enjoy reading huh." (Flora)

"Should we read something as well sis?" (Freyr)

"Sure, it won't hurt if we read something along with him." (Flora)

_Some time later_

"Master Flora, Master Freyr, the dinner is ready. Sir Ayumu is welcome to join everyone as well."

"Thank you for informing us Reina." (Flora)

"It is my pleasure as a personal maid for you two." (Reina)

"Hey Ayumu, it's time to eat." (Freyr)

"Huh? Oh, yes. Thank you for letting me dine with you two."

I was actually getting quite hungry. As I stood up, I left the book I was reading on the table and followed Flora and Freyr to the dining hall.

At the dining hall, the King and the Queen were already waiting us.

The King was wearing a dark blue jacket with a purple shirt underneath it along with a blue tie. He had black pants. He had short purple hair and blue eyes. The Queen was wearing a dark purple shirt with white puffy sleeves. Her skirt was light purple with four buttons at the top. Her shoes were brown with red ribbons. She had long blue hair and her eyes were lavender.

"Father! Are you feeling much better now?" (Flora)

"I am. I want to thank you young Ayumu for saving my life." (King)

"Ah! You're welcome. I'm happy to see you feeling much better now King Vreadronyth."

"Oh yes. Me and my wife still haven't introduced ourselves. You may call me Florus. (Florus)

"And my name is Honoka." (Honoka)

"It's an honor to know all of you."

The chefs then arrive bringing the food they have prepared. Uh, that's quite alot isn't it? I wonder what we're going to be eating? I'm quessing it's something elegant.

"Todays dinner shall be: Steak in different spices, Lobster Bisque, Chicken with pasta and for dessert there is some chocolate cake." (Head chef)

Wh-Whoa. This is quite alot. I wonder if I can eat all of it. Um,uh I wonder where I should start. Hm? Well they're starting off with the steak. Uuh, what cutlery should I use?

"Psst, Ayumu. Use this sharp knife on the steak and the longer fork." (Flora)

"Ah, thank you Flora."

This steak is really delicious. It's not often you can eat food prepared by the royal chefs. It's so good.

"So Freyr, we heard from the Captain of Guards that you were finally able to use magic. I'm very proud of you." (Florus)

"Ah! Yes! It was thanks to Ayumu. Though it's a little different than normal magic usage. I didn't really use chanting." (Freyr)

"Really?" (Florus)

"My fire magic surrounded my sword and stayed on it until I attacked the training drummy." (Freyr)

"Hmm, interesting. Well you created a new fighting class. Have you given a name for it yet?" "(Florus)

"Ayumu named it Mage Swordsman/woman or Spellsword." (Freyr)

"Quite interesting names Ayumu." (Florus)

"Ahaha, I guess."

"Hm? Is something on your mind Ayumu?" (Florus)

"Ah! I just started to think who poisoned you and why would they do such a thing."

"Honestly I don't understand why Count Asher would do such a thing. He and me were friends for a long time so I don't understand why he'd do it. Unless something happened to him 8 years ago." (Florus)

"Ah! Do you think the evil Witch is behind this?" (Freyr)

"It is the only possible reason for his actions. He did start acting weirdly shortly after he returned." (Florus)

"Um, can you tell me more about this Witch? I guess you can say that I lived under the rock for quite a while."

"Huh? You haven't heard about her Ayumu?" (Flora)

"Um, sadly no."

"*Ahem* Eight years ago a certain Witch started attacking people, cities and other areas with her monster army. Many people died because of her and many lost their families and homes because of her. The six heroes eventually defeated her and she lost her life. We don't really understand why she turned evil because she was trusted by every single Kingdom in the world. Was she only pretending to be our ally and she always had evil intentions, or is there more to this story than we know. Unfortunately we will never know now." (Honoka)

"Ah! That is truly tragic. How did I never know about this?"

Obiviously I would have never heard about her since I'm not even from this world to begin with.

"Honestly, I am very happy that you never really heard about her Ayumu. The Witch was very scary according to Satomi and Jeroth." (Florus)

After that we decide to change the subject into something more lighthearted while we also continue eating.

When we are finished eating, King Florus, Queen Honoka, Flora and Freyr is seeing me off in front of the castle.

"Have you decided where you're headed next Ayumu?" (Florus)

"No, not yet."

"I'd suggest you to head to the Kingdom of Musea then. I'm sure you're going to enjoy the atmosphere it has when you arrive there. The path to the left leads there." (Florus)

"Kingdom of Musea. Alright, thank you very much."

As I climb on top of Silvas back and I'm about to head out the king stops me again.

"Ah! Before you leave Ayumu, I would like to ask you something. (Florus)

"What is it?"

"After your journey is over, would you like to work here at our castle?" (Florus)

"I don't know. I have to think about it."

"I understand. It can be hard to answer at this point, but when you have thought about it, I accept either one of your answer. " (Florus)

"Understood. I'll think about it."

"Oh, Ayumu. I would also like you to have this book about the Sage of Potions." (Flora)

"Ah! Thank you for this."

After that I leave to the Inn to pack my belongings and journey towards the Kingdom of Musea.