Chapter 22:

Fuck Up The Party Before It Even Start

Machine Heart

Kei promptly set out in pursuit of the thief.

Despite his frightening speed, he could't catch up with him.

Who the fuck was this guy? Kei was supposed to be the strongest person in the entire metropolis, and now a man who came out of nowhere could stand up to him.

He chased him far and wide, through narrow, dark alleys that all seemed to be the same.

To try to outrun the boy, the man would suddenly change direction, throw garbage cans behind him, and use other little ploys, but they would not allow him to get rid of him.

Kei was always on his heels.

At one point, the man stopped and began to climb up an emergency ladder outside one of the buildings.

When he reached the top, he found himself in a dead end, so he decided to stop and wait to be caught up.

"Pant, pant… Man, you're fast, to be able to stand up to me like this, you certainly mustn't be a normal person.

Who the hell are you?"

"Ehehe... You finally made it I see.

It's no good though boy, what were you going to do with this?"

"None of your fucking business, give it back to me and maybe you can go home with a few bones still intact."

"Nahh, I really don't think I will.

I gather it's something important if you dare threaten me like that, though, after all, I would be your superior, dear K-111."

"I'm no longer K-111.

My name is Kei, you piece of shit."

"Is that so then? May one know what you have been up to? C.C is furious with you, when he finds you you will be in biiiiig trouble."

"When I find him he will be the one who'll be in big trouble, but first I'm gonna kick your ass."

Putting his hand in his pocket, Kei noticed it was empty.

He had stowed the knife on the counter before getting scanned and during the chase had completely forgotten to take it back.

"Well, never mind, I'll beat you up with my bare hands."

The man had remained motionless with his arms folded, seeming to have no intention of responding.

In the meantime he fiddled with the chip by bouncing it around in his hand.

That one had become the ticket to freedom not only for Sophie and Kei, but also for all the other Machine Men, and surely he wouldn't lose it to a C.C. thug.

He ran toward him, with such speed that it almost seemed as if he was teleporting.

He came up behind him, ready to take the chip back, then landed the man with a blow on his neck.

Then he tasted blood.

With a very quick elbow, Kei's nose broke, and he fell to the ground, losing his balance.

The man crushed his head against the cold, sharp asbestos of the roof.

"Uff... I honestly thought you were better than that.

You are easily subdued, dear successor."


"That's right boy, my name is K-110!

And I'm the former K, that is, your predecessor."

"What? But that's impossible, I'm the only K around, there can only be one per generation!"

"You are the only one still being used, let's say it's like me being retired, funny isn't it?

C.C. didn't think I was skilled enough and discharged me, however, apparently he needed my help to find you.

When you disappeared from the gps he was afraid someone had killed you, but then looking at the last signal, he went to the place and found out you had been to that scientist.

You should see what he did to that place hehehe.

From there he had figured out that you had done something crazy and now I have confirmation.

You are no longer a Machine Men now, am I wrong?"

"I am a free man now!

And I plan to free everyone else from the tyranny of those government bastards, too."

"Free everyone else? Did they ask you to do that?

Who tells you that the other Machine Men want to be freed?

If you consider them human, you should know that the concept of freedom is not objective but varies from person to person.

Some might be happy about it, while others would find themselves in a world that hates them without a purpose to live for anymore."

"Shut the fuck up! Once they are freed they can decide for themselves what they will be or what they will do, I will implement the plan for sure and if you try to stop me, I will make a bad end of you."

"Wipe the blood from your mouth before you talk tough, young boy.

All right, then I will give you a chance to face me in a fight.

If you win then I will return your chip, but if I win, I'll break your legs and take you straight to C.C."

The man backed away for a few meters, then turned, with his face still covered.

The boy stood up again and replied.

"Now I'm going to get serious, get ready."

His heart; he could feel it as it overheated, pumping blood throughout his body.

After a few seconds, he had turned completely red, his blood boiling noisily.

He had begun to figure out how to control his blood pressure to enhance his already incredible abilities without risking being killed by his own Machine Heart.

They both launched themselves into the attack, beginning to exchange blows so hard that they created small air currents around them.

Kei's skin began to burn, but he still couldn't hit the thief.

He decided to push himself further, going beyond his self-imposed level.

His veins swelled, and his entire body seemed about to explode.

Then all of a sudden, the skin of his face returned to its original color, and so slowly did the rest of his body.

All except his right arm, which instead became gradually darker, until it turned a deep purple.

He unleashed a punch with all the strength he had, striking his opponent in the stomach.

K-110 flew away, slamming violently against the wall of the nearby building, and then fell into the street.

Kei, on the other hand, after the immense effort he had put himself through, fell to the ground, fainting.

He awoke a few hours later, lying on one of the warehouse tables, from a bucket of water Sophie had thrown at his head.


I say, are you crazy? Did you want me to die of a heart attack?"

"Kei, you're okay!"

The girl hugged him tightly.

"You have to stop scaring me like this every time..."

"I apologize… That wasn't my intention.

By the way, what happened to that guy?"

"You mean Kyle? He's over there with Big."


"Well after we found him, Big figured he might be under C.C.'s control so he decided to use your code to free him.

When he came to, he explained the whole thing to us so we gave him a name, he also asked if he could talk to you, he's waiting in the next room."

Kei hurriedly got up and headed into the next room, throwing the door wide open.

"Hi Kei...I wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier, I didn't mean to hurt you, i'm seriously."

"Said with that shitty balaclava on your face you don't have much credibility, and avoid apologies, tell me everything you know and I won't do anything to you."

"Sorry, it's just that my face is entirely burned, I just can't take off this mask..."

He then showed a piece of his chin, which was in fact completely disfigured.

"Alright okay, I'll pass you this one, now tell me where C.C. is."

"I don't remember unfortunately, I only know that he had told me that if I didn't obey orders he would kill me....

But now Big has freed me, and I have no intention of harming you.

In fact, if possible I would like to help with the revolt."

"Help with the revolt you say? Big, what do you think about it?"

"He's reliable, no doubt about it.

He is now free from mind control, so there should be no problem if he helps us.

He will lead the uprising from the inside according to your orders."

"Wait, there's one thing that doesn't make sense to me.

Why did it take the harshest intervention for Sophie and me and not for him?"

"The scientist you and Sophie went to was probably not very skilled with electronic systems.

It was so easy that I don't even understand how it could be possible for that guy to cut you open like watermelons for such a simple process."

"Like I said, he's such an asshole.

Whatever, let's just leave it at that.

Big, Kyle, Sophie, let's officially start the project freedom!"