Chapter 25:

Lost in the Dark

The Devil I Know

I tread slowly through the darkness, arms out to prevent myself from bumping into anything. It would be hard enough to see even with my glasses, but this is another issue entirely. I continue to limp along, straining my eyes to adjust to the gloom. I don’t have to see distinct shapes as long as I can recognize the colors. Differentiate the hues.

The tones.

The shades.

Evi's shirt has red. Ayano's cardigan is purple. Akira's sleeves are green. Evi’s shirt and horns are white. Ayano’s wearing a white dress. Those should be slightly lighter, easier to see. Akira has beige shorts, those should also be lighter. Blur is fine. You don’t need high definition. Separate the values. Look for the lighter shades of dark.

The things shaped like people.

Same for the train. It was largely white and silver.

It’s big. It should be easy to find.

Ayano and Akira are likely near it.

I shouldn’t be that far away from it either.

It’s the biggest landmark. If they’re able to move then that’s probably where they’re headed too. Plus their eyes are all better than mine.

Evi is fighting.

What does that mean?

I guess the thing that crashed into the train was a creature?

But. But— it, it crashed into a train.

It hit Evi.

Separated her from us.

But she’s fighting. She’s alive. Whatever that voice was, it said she’s alive.

That she won’t die.

But Ayano and Akira— No. No I’m going to help them. We’re going to help them. They’re all going to live. Even if it kills me.

A sword. I have been gifted a sword. But what does that mean? Where is it? How do I use it? How will that help in anything other than Evi’s fight? Ayano and Akira might die! Swords can’t heal people.

And there’s nothing here. I don’t have anything. Am I crazy? No. No, it felt too real. There’s no point in denying some magical voice or sword or anything really. You saw that thing go through the train. You saw Evi get hurt. You felt all of that pain.

You still feel that pain.

My face is slick with tears. The night air whips them around my face, stinging my cuts with saltwater. Every ounce of me still aches. All of my muscles groan with exhaustion. This is real. This is very, very real.

Listen. Listen for any sound you can.

The ringing is lessening. My hearing is coming back.

Feel it. The impacts upon the ground. It’s reverberating from a decent distance away. Combine that with the dampened sounds you’re hearing and—


That must be where the fighting is.

But wait. Do you go there first or look for the others?

The voice made it seem like Evi was in less immediate danger.

But I have a sword. What can that do besides fight?

If Evi’s able to fight right now after being directly struck through a train by some mysterious creature, and in fact, not just fight something, but fight that specific creature, then she’s probably in better shape than the rest of us right now.

Please don’t let me be wrong.

Okay. Okay. If the fighting is over there, then given that the creature pulled Evi through the train… and how the train rolled… it should be…

Not too far along that way, actually. Assuming the fight hasn’t moved too far afield, the train should have been pulled in that same general direction.

But should I still go for the train? With this information, given our relative seating positions on the train… if I base the estimate on where I landed then Ayano and Akira should be closer back to where I came from.

My hearing is coming back. Theirs probably is too.

I can breathe again.

I can yell for them.

And then if— if the monster comes for me I’ll use the sword.

If it finds me then Evi can find me and we can find them.

I can shout for all of them. If the monster hears me then let it. Don’t overthink it. If nothing else I might distract it from Evi for a moment or two. Here goes.

I take as deep a breath as I can.


Nothing. My voice scratches at my throat like sandpaper, but at least I’m making sound. Everything already hurts. What’s a little more, really?


I empty my lungs into it. A scream more primal than I’ve ever given.

I think I hear something.

“…riiiiiiinnnn…” Off in the distance, it’s a shout. Hoarse and weary.

Anguished. And yet in some sense relieved. Akira!

It’s quieter than a healthy yell should be.

I head towards it as fast as I can. Whether it’s magic or adrenaline I don’t know, but Akira’s voice has shot my energy up even stronger than the strange sword-giver. I can find her. This is really possible.

As I haphazardly sprint towards her, desperately trying not to let my failing legs stumble, I scream out for her. “AKIRAAA!!! KEEEPP YELLIIIIING!!!!”

I know she’s meant to be louder than this. We just did karaoke.

“…rrRIIIINNnnnn!” I follow the sound of her voice.

I don’t need my eyes.

“KEEEEPP GOIIING!!” My lungs are burning. My legs are burning. I don’t care.

“…rIIINNnn!!” Closer. So much closer. Just keep running. Straight line now.

I can see her! I think that’s her. That’s her— That’s definitely her!

Slight patches of green, just a shade brighter than the grass.


Her back is towards me.

I can see her head turn. “…rin…?”

I close the distance.

Purple. Purple and white.

And red.

Akira is sitting on her knees. 

Ayano is resting in her lap, a pool of red staining her side. 

Soaking through the white fabric of her dress. 

It is growing.

Steward McOy