Chapter 2:


we hate this city ( kono machi ga kiraidesu )

Ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance , ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance ,ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance , ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance .ignorance of her ignorance of ignorance…

I fear I wouldn`t be able to state just how ignorant she really is, if a novel was to be written based of the exploits of just how ignorant she really was the novel would have no end as her ignorance has no end.

Ikari doragon`s red hot ignorance. Ignorance that burns so bright it rivals the sun itself.

Anger that burns so bright it rivals the sun.

Hatred that burns so bright it rivals the sun.

Ikari`s hatred. Ikari`s anger. Ikari`s ignorance.

Let me clearly state this fact to clear up any and all misconceptions I may have caused, Ikari is by no means lacking in intelligence actually if I had to say one or the other I’d say she`s fairly intelligent far more intelligent than me by comparison.

No what Ikari lacks is understanding, understanding of other creatures, understanding of her own ignorance.

Even so Ikari Doragon`s ignorance pales in comparison to that of Mu chi who embodies ignorance, personifies it rather.

If Ikari`s ignorance was endless then Mu`s ignorance went far beyond that endlessness.

If Ikari`s Ignorance had no end then Mu`s very being was ignorance.

Every form of ignorance if I had to guess could be traced back to him the very word ignorance was made for the purpose of describing him. He who is unknowing incompetent ,detached ,slothful ,useless purposeless and above all else incredibly ignorant.

Let me clearly state this fact to clear up any and all misconceptions I may have caused Mu is by all means lacking in intelligence if I had to say one or the other I`d say he`s not that intelligent it`s not as though he doesn’t have any intelligence he is simply lacking in the end.

Mu chi is ignorance personified a complete opposite of the violet haired woman covered head to toe in purple ropes as though performing a bondage display, the violet haired woman sitting at number one, the violet haired woman who had brought us all together the playful god Yoro kobi who does everything for the purpose of her own childish pleasures.

As far as Osore Hideaki goes whether or not she was ignorant was unknown to me as is everything else concerning her.

“Before you go one with that monologue you three are late explain yourselves!” Ikari yelled with her razor sharp teeth in full view

That cat and Osore both looked over at me and gave me a nod having complete faith that I’d thought of the perfect excuse I couldn`t betray their expectations I mustn’t betray them

“The reason were late is because a meteorite happened to be falling from the sky.” I gave the cat a nonchalant thumbs up.

“You just betrayed our expectations myaa!!!”

“I see well meteors are dangerous try not be late next time.”Ikari huffed

“She fell for that myaa could Ikari actually be an idiot myaa —she wagged her tail side to side —then what was all that nonsense about her not being ignorant myaaaaa!!!”

“Would you stop complaining you stupid cat!” She huffed “I didn`t fall for such a flimsy excuse I`m just choosing not to make a big fuss of it.”

Osore turned over to me from her seat and flashed a quick thumbs up my way and whispered “Nice one Danny I always had faith in your excuse skills.”

“Don’t mention it.” I whispered back.

“Why the hell are you two whispering we can all hear you myaa!”she yelled “what do you mean nice one, Ikari didn`t even fall for he`s stupid lie myaaa!!”

“Nice one Danny your lying skills are just as impressive as ever.” Ikari huffed

“Wait… wait wait what do you mean impressive myaa” Cat said showing visible confusion “what exactly did you find impressive myaa? why exactly are you complimenting him myaa? what exactky are you saying Ikari myaaaa?!”

“Don’t mention it.” I whispered back.

“Stooooopp myaaaaaa!!” Cat yelled “You guys aren`t making sense myaa!!”

“Hey little girl and Ms Boss you’re being awfully quiet myaa,” she said aren`t “you guys going to say something about this idiocy myaa?”

“It`s rather bothersome to narrate more than two characters talking you know Tora.” Yoro giggled it’s less taxing on the writer.”

“That`s right multiple characters talking can be taxing on the writer and this light novel is already beyond saving no need to make it any worse.” Osore said with an eerie grin

“That`s a pretty weird reason not to talk myaa.”

“Enough of the meaningless chatter young master, why exactly did you call this meeting?” Ikari huffed.

“Oh why exactly did I summon all of you?” She wondered aloud

“I remember,” Yoro exclaimed. “It was to introduce our new member that girl seated over there at seven!”

We all turned our attention to the unfamiliar face seated at seven tge person sitting right next to me all except for the silver haired idiot sleeping drooling on the table in all his ignorance. The person seated at seven the person there was a shy teenage girl with long drooping turquoise hair and evergreen eyes.

In my opinion she wasn’t quite dressed well for this event seeing as her pink bunny pyjamas didn’t fit with the type of meeting. She almost looked terrified to be here probably because she was.

“So bunny girl care to introduce yourself myaa?”

Hello I`m Fuari Ren theirs been a mistake I`m not supposed to be here.” She murmured. “Could someone please help me get back home?”

“Boss this girl doesn’t seem all that impressive!”Ikari huffed

“I`m not.” She murmured.

“I have a feeling she’ll be just as amusing as all of you!” Yoro Kobi replied in an overjoyed tone giving off a faint smell of arousal….

“Since you`re so amusing girly why don`t you and I go a few rounds!” —Ikari grinned showing her razor sharp teeth —“Let`s see what makes you so damn amusing eh!!”

“I`m not amusing or great really I`m not even supposed to be here… so p-ppplease don`t do anything to me.”

“Please calm down Ikari myaa the girls no threat to you so you don`t have to —“

“Who the hell are you to tell me what I can and can`t do Cat if you Say another word I WILL KILL YOU!!”She huffed and glared at Cat

Cat trembled a bit

“Now then let`s go all out”

She sounds like a shonen protag when she says that I thought to myself

“Wa- wa-wait” she began to frantically say to no avail then with break neck speed similar to that of a certain D* character with a lightning bolt on his chest who’s name can`t be mentioned due to copyright infringement she grabbed me and began to mummer

“That uniform you`re from my high school right I hadn’t noticed it earlier but you`ve gotta be right please help me out as a favour to a school mate please!!?”

“You do look familiar and this uniform probably is from your school” I said, “but unfortunately for you I`m not your school mate I finished school about three years ago.”

“Then why the uniform” she murmured sounding a little disappointed and confused

“A certain friend told me to cosplay a high school boy that`s all.”

“I see.” She murmured. Her eyes looking blank and desolate

“Just how long do you intend to keep me waiting you trying to screw with me!!!” she huffed “Or should I come to you!!”

“Isn`t someone acting a bit immature.” Osore said with an eerie long grin across her face.

“What did you say brat!!”

“You’re upset that someone weak has been made a member because you believe that it makes you subpar to be in the same group with her truly just how childish can you get” she said with an eerie grin.


Before anyone knew what`d happened Ikari tore through the table and smashed Osore`s small cute little body into pieces with her bare hands her body exploded like a small balloon filled with red paint drenching us all in red paint and scattering Osore`s innards across the place it was quite the grotesque site.

Fuari let out a horrified scream “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!”

She fell to the ground and began to vomit drenching herself in vomit and Osore`s blood

“In just a while that’ll happen to you right.” I said

SHE TREMBLED AND TREMBLED AND TREMBLED AND TREMBLED and suddenly we all heard it a voice and saw it something uncanny something beyond reason it was her

“You really are too childish Ikari far more childish than our playful god Yoro you know.” She said with an eerie grin.

“ Didn’t I just kill you —”

“What a wild imagination you have, right Danny.”

I was certain she had died I saw it this whole place even myself and everyone else was covered in her blood.

“Your blood it`s—”

“My blood, what blood I don’t see any?” She said with an eerie grin

Ikari began to shake and grind her teeth

I smashed through the table and —”

“And what Ikari” she said motioning her hands to the table that was perfectly fine.

That’s right everything was fine and nothing had happened, that’s the truth isn’t it.

Ikari simply went back to her seat knowing full well something was wrong but pursuing the matter any further made her feel eerie and uneasy. I couldn’t help but feel frightened of Osore she hadn’t done anything and yet I was terrified of her this feeling of fear without reason made me even more afraid.

Where did it go? what had happened? why is everyone acting like it`s okay?! Fuari Ren asked trembli

“I saw it,” she murmured “I was covered in vomit and that child with the bag was dea —”

“I`ll stop you right there saying anything more could make you my enemy remember that”

“Well this settles it doesn`t it!” Yoro yelled with an excited expression “Ms Fuari is capable of being a member if she can remember right Osore?”

“Yes indeed.” She said with an eerie grin.

“I pass?” She murmured

“That`s great myaa but can you end this chapter already where already passed the word limit myaa.’’

“Okay.” I said as I nonchalantly gave Ikari a thumbs up

“Why the hell are you giving her a thumbs up myaa is she supposed to end the chapter myaa!!”

“I hate having to do something so stupid but just this once I will.” Ikari huffed as she struck a cat pose “The chapters done myaa thanks for reading myaa.”

“What was that myaa! why is Ikari getting to use my lines and make such an obscene pose that goes against her character and why not let me end the chapter with a myaa!!!”