Chapter 1:

Monsters gathering

we hate this city ( kono machi ga kiraidesu )

What exactly makes a truly terrifying monster? What exactly do people themselves find most terrifying? What exactly is a monster? None of that matters after all people are the ones that fabricate monsters people are the ones that become monsters. What exactly does each individual find terrifying? That very question itself is nonsense as what can be expressed as terrifying is astronomically different for each individual. The correct question would be

“What exactly do you yourself find terrifying?”

“What exactly do you yourself find unnerving?”

“What exactly makes you feel uneasy?”

In my case what I find terrifying? What I find unnerving? What makes Danny Kusho feel more uneasy than anything else is the unknown. When you lack proper knowledge of something or someone it becomes impossible to predict and react to it. It becomes impossible to qualify them as friend or foe. When you lack the knowledge of someone’s goals, intentions and motives they become an enigma.

Osore Hideki who to me was the personification of that unknown the personification of that terror I feared most in the world. Her goals motives, action and words were inconsistent, random and often meaningless. One thing about her was constant, unchanging and always intact no matter what the situation her belief that everything and anything that happened was all according to her plan.

That cute little middle school girl with a cute little pink bag who for all intents and purposes appeared ordinary was for all intents and purposes not ordinary, Osore Hideki was an even scarier monster than that black cat an ordinary HUMAN…

“That`s enough you two,” Osore said grinning at the both of us.” We were all willing to let you both blow of some steam for a bit, but if the both of you unleashed attacks like that I`m afraid “nowhere” might not handle it.”

“Now then shall we all go attend the meeting?”Osore said with an eerie long grin across her face.

“Myahaa haa!” “You`ve got some real guts little girl when talking to your elders Children best show some respect!” Cat huffed.

Osore looked genuinely puzzled by what that black Cat said. She had a genuinely puzzled look on her face. The look on her face could only be described as a what in the hell are you talking about look. Osore put her cute little pink bag on the floor and took out a pink cup and tiny purple kettle with a star pattern, and then she slowly turned and grinned at me

“Oh that’s right children should show respect to those who are mature.” “Yes that’s absolutely right but —”

“But what girl?”

“But which one of us exactly is the child?”Osore said “What exactly is a child and what exactly makes one mature?”

“what makes one myature eh, that would be” — she placed both her hands on her chest and squeezed them against each other as though taunting the underage middle school girl —“ your size.”

“Just as I thought you really are a stupid cat.” she whispered

For a second or two that cat and I stood completely dumbfounded.

“Hmmm myaa my ears are ringing did you say something little girl?” cat pondered wagging her tail back and forth. “Boy did you hear something?”

“I`m not really sure if I heard anything I think I heard something, but it could be my imagination?” I said those words to cat with a sense of unease I was certain I heard Osore say something at the same time I wasn`t certain almost as though she had and hadn`t said anything. This feeling of unease I couldn’t shake it off I don`t know why and that’s what`s most terrifying to me.

“Listen up you two especially you cat” — she twirled, her little middle school uniform —let me impart some knowledge on you both on what it means to be a real adult and what it means to be really myature.”

“She just used my speech quirk myaa right?” cat whispered into my ear to which I nodded in reply

“I already told you girl to be myature to be an adult you need to grow in size simple as that!” She yelled “And don`t use another characters lines in chapter two it’s going to confuse the readers!!”

“Sorry I bit my tongue”

“No, you did it deliberately myaa”

“Can you both stop with the monogat*ri reference. Osore you were about to impart some nonsense.”

“Telling us to stop when he`s like a walking zaregat* reference myaa”

“Listen closely to be a real adult you neither need to have huge breasts or to be old in age, you simply need to have knowledge no matter how much you grow and grow if you don`t learn anything you`re no better than a child.” She grinned at me and grabbed her purple cup and began to pour herself a cup of tea.

I got a feeling of unease as though something was different as though something had changed but nothing did or rather it felt like nothing did.

“You could wrack your brain the whole day but you still wouldn’t know?”

“Hey little girl why did we even start this argument I can`t remember?” Cat wondered aloud as she slowly wagged her tail side to side

“You forgot your speech quirk” — she twirled, her little middle school uniform —“and the reason were arguing can`t remember?

“Hey boy do you think the readers remember myaa?”

“They probably don`t we got way off topic.”

A door suddenly appeared

“The other nine stars must be really mad you know we were supposed to arrive there in the beginning of this chapter we will need a good excuse you know”

“I`ll handle the excuse let`s just get on with this nonsense”

We all walked through that door and before us were most of the other nine stars sitting alongside each other around a star shaped table with nine chairs lined up around the table each table numbered one to nine sitting at one was a violet haired woman covered top to bottom in purple ropes she looked roughly thirty but her personality seemed like that of a child her name was Yoro

Kobi also known as the playful god, Osore quickly ran to her seat seeing as she was sitting at two Osore Hideki a cute little middle school girl in a cute little middle school uniform who for all intents and purposes seems ordinary but is for all intents and purposes not ordinary anything more about her is simply unknown , sitting at three was the red hot Ikari Doragon a beast in human form with short dark red hair tied back the last true dragon which you could probably tell if you saw her razor sharp teeth her body completely up for display as she wasn’t wearing any formal attire or any attire to speak of, sitting at four was Mu Chi an idiot who was completely passed out drooling on the table he gave meaning to the word idiot it`s almost as though the term was created singularly for the purpose of describing him his light silver hair was probably the only thing worth mentioning about him, sitting at five was Taiga Tora great spirit of gluttony one of seven true spirits a spirit inhabiting the body of a high school girl a cat with deep red crimson eyes her long straight black hair stretched to the bottom of the flaw like a neat little river on her head that went well with her sundress ,sitting at six was myself Danny Kusho or rather the Danny Kusho that shouldn`t exist I was in a high school uniform even though I`m not a high school student, with a sword at my hip a sword that should never be used outside it`s sheath, Sitting at seven was someone a unfamiliar face she introduce herself as

“Hello I`m fuari ren theirs been a mistake I`m not supposed to be here.” she murmured “could someone help —”

“Before that why are you three late explain yourselves!” Ikari yelled with her razor teeth in full view

That cat and Osore both looked over at me and gave me a nod having complete faith that I’d thought of the perfect excuse I couldn`t betray their expectations

“The reason were late is because a meteorite happened to be falling from the sky.” I gave the cat a nonchalant thumbs up

“Were dead myaa” cat thought to herself “and my names not cat its Taiga!!”