Chapter 14:

Respect #1

St. Clover's Golden Academy [Cancelled, to be reworked]

"The suspect is driving backward in Liverpool port! I repeat the suspect is driving backward in Liverpool port!"

"We have 'em cornered!"

Alexandre shook Arthur's shoulder.

"Boy! The water is freezing! And it's getting closer."

Arthur smirked. "Don't tell me you can't swim"

The gear shift went into neutral causing the engine to stop pumping torque for a second, and Arthur slammed on the accelerator.

The rapid speed of the wheels toasted the rubber, causing smoking on all four tires.

The policemen slammed their brakes too, but they were too late.

All three slid on the concrete ground trying to stop, tires burning and smoking, but only the two police cars fell off the edge and into the freezing cold water.



Alexandre gasped for breath, the rear tires were halfway off the edge of the dock.

"You're crazy."

Arthur turned around and pats his hands.

"You're welcome."

He drove away to the safe house, a small pub with many customers.

The lights were still on, which meant that there were still customers.

"I'm not sure how long I've been driving for but I probably need to head back to the academy."

Arthur jumped out of the car and dragged Alexandre into the pub.


The door swung open and the bell chimed. Arthur was carrying Alexandre with his arm over his shoulder.

The bartender, white-haired and dressed in an all-black suit, immediately dropped the glass he was polishing.

"Alex! What happened?!"

He yelled, pulling a break action, two-shot, short-barrel shotgun from underneath the counter.

He pointed the gun at Arthur, who pulled the stolen revolver. Alexander had to put his arms up for a parlay, he cants have them shooting at each other.

"Wait! Vincent! He's a friend! He saved me!"

The gray-haired gentleman just sighed.

"I told you your criminal enterprise would get you killed one day."

The man exited the concierge and assisted Arthur in helping Alexander up the stairs.

They arrived at an office on the second floor, a fancy, mahogany wood office.

The walls were lined with guns on racks and ammunition, the windows were twice as thick as the car's, and the place was both fabulously furnished and armed.

The bartender dropped Alex on a red-leather reclining couch.

"What happened this time?" He asked.

Alexandre coughed. "Rats… Traitors… there were traitors in my security detail Vincent…"

Arthur helped himself to a bottle of whiskey, he was an adult now.

"So the guy's name is Vincent, also the flavor is astonishing."

"I was passing by when he was getting jumped. Recognizing the old fool, I jumped in to help him."

Vincent gave Arthur a calculating look.


"Because I heard rumors about how loaded he is."

He opened a medkit and pulled out three bottles. The first bottle had red liquid, much like wine; the second had a blue liquid, and the third was a Violet-liquid.

"A health potion, a stamina potion, and painkillers."

Vincent sourced another bag and pulled out medical tools and equipment, scissors, needles, syringes, and medical string.

He gave Alexander a healthy dose of painkillers and the whole two bottles before he started to perform surgery to extract the two bullets lodged into his friend.

"At least he's honest, but unfortunately, if Alex had been in an assassination attempt this elaborate– then his Great wealth has already fallen into the hands of his competitors."

"That makes a lot of sense. Shit. Then all of that was a waste of time?"

Arthur sighed, leaning onto the wall. "Well fuck, but just we're clear– you owe me big."

Turning to the door, He halted and left the revolver on the coffee table.

"Wait," Alexander called, slightly high on morphine.

Arthur turned around, his hand in the doorknob of the open exit. "What?"

"I can still offer you something better."

"And what's that?"

Vincent looked at Alexander in disbelief.

"Well I'll be dammed, after fifty fuckin' years– Alexandre the Great has finally done it."

Arthur looked at Vincent, completely puzzled.

"What is he going to do?"

Alexander smirked.

"I choose you as my successor."

Vincent looks between the two individuals intently, curious as to what will happen.

Arthur tilted his head before taking a seat.

"Explain." he sighed.

Vincent just raised an eyebrow.

"Nonchalant and confident– it's like I'm looking at Alexander's younger days."

"Shit" Vincent scoffed. "We've grown old, old friend."

Alexandre drank a glass of whiskey.

"First of all, as a successor– I will pass all my knowledge and resources to you."

Arthur just sat there, patiently listening.

"If he meant what I think he meant– he wants me to be his heir?"

"I want you to be the heir of my businesses, to succeed after me. As heir, I will pass onto you the knowledge, power, and wealth of the Romani Family."

Arthur nodded.

"Before I can complete that promise, I can only provide you with knowledge and power as of right now."

Arthur nodded. "Perks aside, let me guess, you need me to take revenge for your betrayal?"

Both men looked at each other.

"You catch on quick."


Arthur got up, disgruntled.

"What else can I gain from you?"

"I have the knowledge of all the best items in this world– what could a mere gangster give me?"

Vincent and Alexandre chuckled.

"Are you aware of how I got my nickname?"

Arthur scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Of course, I know how you– wait– You're going to teach me 'that?'"

Vincent crossed his arms and smiled.

"I'll sweeten the deal for you. I will also make you my successor."

Arthur frowned slightly.

"They got me good, I thought he just wanted to make his successor take over his criminal enterprise— but to pass on to me his personal combat—style?"

"Why would you also want me to be your successor?" Arthur asked, turning to Vincent.

Vincent recalled their first meeting, down at the pub, guns pointed at each other.

"You're not afraid of guns, hell– I doubt you fear death. Those two qualities are what compels me to make you my successor."

"Oi! Vincent! Don't go stealing my successor!"

Vincent turned to Alexander.

"Stop bitching ya' old fool– not a lot of people have this kid's guts and confidence. I want a successor too! Someone has to inherit the TrickHead-hunter name!"

Arthur looked at the two men.

"Holy shit. I thought Alexander was just the important guy. I'm standing in the same room with two of the most infamous Underworld figures."

Arthur was pondering when both men were still bickering

"I found him first!"

"Fuck you!"

"No, Fuck you!"

"Alexander and Vincent were members of the infamous Three Musketeers– they terrorized the capital a long time ago. Why should I refuse?"

"Ahem!" Arthur coughed loudly. "I accept both of your propositions."

Both men to stop their infighting and look at him with surprised faces.

"Well, that settles it then."

"Too bad."

Alexander sighed. "It will be hard."

Vincent nodded. "It will be exhausting."

Arthur rolled his eyes. "Try me."

Taking a seat, all three men enjoyed the company and drinks until Arthur had to leave.

The bright light emitted by the early morning sun was refreshing to Francis. Today was just another day of escorting Lady Ellis to the Academy.

Looking at the rear-view mirror, Francis scrutinized the lady's face.

They arrived at the academy and Francis helped her exit the vehicle.

"She's nervous… but, that is not my concern unless the lady speaks about it." He thought, observing her steps.

Ellis looked at the old butler.

"If I may ask Francis, how do you reject a boy?"

Francis felt like his ears had gone senile.

"P-Pardon?! Milady? Are you planning on rejecting a boy?"

She shook her head.

"No, but I've received credible intelligence that this boy harbors feelings for me. Unfortunately, as I am an engaged lady, I must give him my firm answer."

Francis felt his heart swell.

"Well Milady, make sure it is done in private and your voice must be soft and kind. Be understanding, rejection is a painful thing."

Ellis nodded understandingly. "Alright, Francis."

Both of them looked to the tree and noticed the boy from yesterday, he was sweaty and heaving on a bench.

Ellis calmed herself and approached him, Francis following a good distance behind her.

Arthur opened his eyes and combed his messy hair back. He noticed Ellis coming.

"Good morning Milady, we meet again."

"Good morning Arthur."

She sat on the opposite side of the bench. Arthur turned to her and nodded, and he turned to Francis and nodded too.

"You're up early."

"That I am. Yesterday, I was unable to speak with you in the hall– I think now is the best time to talk."

Arthur got up and stretched his arms. "I'm all ears."

Ellis inhaled before looking at him with a straight face.

"I am thankful for all your help and support, both from the banquet and the classroom incident– but, I must tell you that I am an engaged lady."

Arthur tilted his head in confusion. "Yeah I knew that, what does that have to do with anything?"

"Don't play dumb. Your compliments and advances are commendable but we're all for naught. As I said, I am an engaged lady."

Arthur looked at Francis, still confused. "What–"

Ellis exhaled again.

"My point is, I recognize your feelings but unfortunately I am–"

"HAHA– Ahem, keep going– pfft…. Hehehehe''

Ellis frowned at Arthur, who had a hand on his lips. His shoulders were shaking and he was holding in a laugh.

"What are you laughing about? This is serious business. Unrequited love is a serious thing–

Arthur couldn't take it, a loud laugh escaped his mouth and he continued laughing, clutching his sides as they were sore.

".... Oh my god… my back… it hurts… Haha– wait, I can't breathe."

Arthur leaned on a tree for support as his back was aching. He turned back to see Ellis, clearly upset and unamused.

"Okay now let me get this straight." Arthur chuckled, catching his breath. "Did you misunderstand my friendliness for love?"

Ellis crossed her arms. "Yes, was I wrong?"

Arthur put his hands on his waist and smiles. "Yes, you are."

Ellis bit her lower lips and clutched her skirt. He lowered her head down and gazed at her shoes. The heat of her face was burning with fury and embarrassment at the situation.

"Ahhhhhhh– that is so embarrassing! Patricia and Bianca! You two are so dead to me!"

Arthur looks at Francis, who was trying to hide his second-hand embarrassment.

"If you're this curious, let me tell you why."

Ellis raised her head, her cheeks still slightly red. Her hand played with her pigtails and she frowned, almost in a pout.

"... Damn, she can be cute too, huh?"

"I don't feel love for you exactly, it's more akin to admiration and respect."

She squinted at him.


He exhaled a heavy breath before taking a seat on the bench. He looked in the distance, with no particular distance in mind, staring into nothing.

"Well let's just say when my adoptive mother fell ill to the Crown Plague."

A memory played as vividly as it was happening. The clouds were dark and murky, rain containing so much soot and dirt that the water turned grey.

Footsteps of a small child splashed through streets filled with two-inch water.

"I ran through the streets, as fast my five-year-old legs could carry me."