Chapter 15:

Respect #2

St. Clover's Golden Academy [Cancelled, to be reworked]

The buildings were bleak and darker than they'd ever been. Sick people lay on the sidewalk underneath any cover they could find.

Arthur heaved, navigating the streets as they got more and more crowded with large gatherings of people.

They were mobbing in front of a group of white relief tents.

"I need a cure!"

"Get out of my way!"

"In the distance, I saw big relief tents of patients being treated."

Arthur pushed through occasionally falling.


But he didn't care about himself, he was desperate and focused enough to ignore the cold.

"I pushed through the mob and slipped past the stationed guards."

Ellis watched him, his face and voice were normal, but his eyes displayed sadness and worry– as if he was watching the memory again.

"I kept calling out for a doctor to help my adoptive mother. Most ignored me or told me to leave, after witnessing my good health."

"My mother needs help!"

"Get this kid out of here!"

"Guards! There is a trespasser!"

Francis observed the boy talk, stunned and attentive to every word.

"Go away! You're disturbing the patients and doctors!"

"Funnily enough, it was not a doctor who heeded my pleas– it was a young maid in her mid-twenties. She had brown hair and kind eyes."

Arthur looked at Ellis, the sadness and worry disappearing and turning into happiness and joy.

"What is the matter?"

"She knelt down on the muddy ground, dirtying her uniform, and she took my small hands."

"Oh no! You're wet! We need to dry you so you don't get sick!"

"Miss! My mother is sick! She needs a doctor. "

"She listened to my pleas, and against her superior– or whoever that stressed out the man was– she took a small bottle of medicine and looked at me."

"Get back here! Don't leave your post! "

"Show me the way!"

"T-This way miss!"

"–she said. We ran through the streets until we reached the small orphanage."

"I dried myself with a spare towel and watched in worry as the lady administered the medicine."

Lady Amy's pale completion disappeared and her breathing returned to normal.

"Will mom be alright?"

"She will be fine. Just a bit of rest."

"The lady dropped her handkerchief and she promptly picked it up and dusted it– like it was the most precious thing she owned."

Francis started to piece together the picture.

"On that red handkerchief, was the Simmons Family Crest."

Ellis nodded. "I see…"

"He respects me and my house just because of what she did"

He looked at his calloused hands and closed them as if he was holding the maid's hands.

"She boasted about it being the greatest house in all the land."

"The Simmons house is the best! They help the unfortunate, they venture and protect the capital– Oh! I'm proud to be a maid of this house."

Arthur got up and stretched. He snapped back to reality and coughed. "Ahem! Anyways–"

"That was the day I promised to respect the Simmons house."

Ellis nodded, the sober topic woke her from the leftover tiredness.

"I see. No wonder you said it was personal… I'm sorry for prying."

Arthur started to walk backward and to the dorms.

"Don't be! If you ever find that maid! Tell me her name! I would love to meet her!"

Ellis nodded, getting up and dusting her uniform. She looked at Francis, who was in deep thought.

"What is it?"

Ellis looked at her butler in confusion.

"No wonder he felt familiar. He was that boy."

"You– You were the stressed-out man in the story?"

Francis nodded, remembering the image of a stubborn boy calling out for a doctor. He was muddy and wet.

"He changed so much in just eleven years. He is also Milady's age."

"Milady, If I may."

"What is it?"

"That boy, he has good character. If you want, he would be a great friend."

Ellis started to walk away, digesting the somber story. She remembered all his good deeds and compliments.

"Perhaps he is."

Ding! dong!

"I'm sorry."

"I apologize."

Patricia and Bianca apologized, holding in their smiles. There were large welts on their heads, welts that came from Ellis's fist.

Ellis pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Because of you two girls, he tries to hold in his laughter every time he catches sight of me."

Patricia shrugged.

"In fairness, he doesn't seem all that bad. He's a softie underneath all the smack-talking, who knew?"

Bianca filled her teacup with lemon tea.

"Oh also! I've heard that he's pretty mediocre with swords and spears, and somewhat decent with shields. I think it adds to his character!"

Ellis just nodded, remembering the time when Arthur threw the training sword by accident, nearly hitting prince Albert.

Professor Leonard instructed him not to touch the training weapons ever again, and to just use his hands on a punching bag.

"Yes, it does."

Patricia took a cup of tea as well.

"Oh! Is it true that he punched a teacher in the face? and taught in his place?"

"It was in math class, right? He was good, I heard."

Ellis stared at her two friends. "He's interesting, I will say that."

She checked the clock and there were only twenty-three minutes until the bell rings.

"Ugh, An hour for lunch is too short– I'm sorry but I have to head to class."

Without much thought, Patricia and Bianca stacked the cups and coasters. They both leave the room after pushing in their chairs.

Walking through the halls, Ellis turned through the doorway and entered the classroom.

The large auditorium was sparsely occupied, and the lone occupants were the Royal guard talking with Evangeline and Arthur in his seat, writing something.

She looked at both groups and decided to approach Arthur after fetching her things.

"Oh hi!" Evangeline brightened up.

Ellis fought a frown from her face and nodded.

"Good afternoon, to you." She gritted out.

She turned to Albert and Evangeline. She procured her math book and walked over to Arthur.

"Excuse me."

He looked up at her confused and hid the notebook he was working on.

"Well hello, how may I help you?"

"Is that seat beside you taken?"

"Nope, wanna sit?" Arthur asked, glancing at the Royal guard, who had their attention on the two.

"Why is she there?" Shawne whispered to Gabriel, who turned to Albert.

"Did you perhaps anger her?"

"Yes, if that is acceptable," Ellis replied

"If you want to sit, then sit. I'm not going to stop you" Arthur shrugged, procuring a separate notebook, and started to continue with his work.

Ellis sighed at his nonchalant attitude. "Might as well."

Ding! Dong!

The lunch bell rang and Mrs. Smith entered to teach the class, brimming with energy and positivity.

Her class was attentive and excited to learn. Arthur scooted past Ellis with his notebook in hand and the rest of his classmates.

"Don't be late now, The professor might hit you in the head with another stick of chalk!" a random student joked.

Arthur looked at him and rolled his eyes. "I'll try not to, ass-wipe."

Walking down to the bottom exit, Arthur soon disappeared from sight.

Ellis didn't think much of it until a handful of quiet minutes passed.

"Where's the professor?"

"He's running late…"

"I hope he is, I don't like how he stared at my chest. Pervert."

Ellis eavesdropped on the whispers until a man with black hair walked in.

He was wearing a white shirt, sleeves rolled back, tucked into his slacks and the first two buttons undone. The top part of his hair was messily and combed back and he was wearing large-rimmed glasses that reveal his blue eyes.

Ellis was both shocked at his appearance and imagined background of flowers and shining light– but she remembered she was an engaged lady.

"Good evening class." He said.

Ellis choked on her own fantasy, she would recognize his voice anywhere.

"Arthur!?" She blurted out. Her surrounding classmates did a double-take and noticed the similarities.

Arthur smirked handsomely before tossing the notebook on the podium.

"Yep! That's me! Anyways, I got assigned as a temporary hire to replace Mr. Cranberry."

The student in front raised her hand.

"So you're going to teach us?"

"Pretty much. Anyways! Let's start with class!"

He opened the notebook and feigned surprise. "Oh no! Surprise quiz! Everyone take out a sheet of paper and answer these five questions."

Picking up a piece of chalk, He started to write down the questions, each question progressing on difficulty.

"Alright! Ten minutes to answer!"

"What!? Ten minutes!"

They panicked at the small amount of time allotted, but seeing as Arthur wasn't the compromising type, no one could argue.

Looking at the wall clock, Arthur watched as ten minutes trickled down to ten seconds before he started to count down.

"Three!...Two!...One! pens off the paper!"

A few were ecstatic, others morbid and some outright disgusted with themselves.

Arthur then listed the answers in red chalk, watching how the expressions on their faces turned for the worst.

"Check your own papers and submit them in front." He said, with a small grin.

"I'm excited to see the results."

The piles of paper grew and as they finished, Arthur skimmed through them.

"Three out of five, two out of five, one out of five, zero out of five–"

Arthur grimaced at the piles upon piles of papers on the desk, all filled with x's and errors.

"Okay, what happened?" He just exasperatedly asked, sighing at the class.

They had no words to say except complaints.

"You didn't give us enough time!"

"That was way too fast!"

The annoyance at the results made a vein bulge on Arthur's forehead.

"I thought you had no complaints yesterday!" He clarified.

They glared daggers and Arthur glared back, making them retract their complaints.

"Alright, some of you didn't even make it past the second question."

The students practically burst out with profanities so colorful, an artist could create a masterpiece out of them. Arthur promptly sighed plugging his ears.

"I almost gave a singular fuck of what you guys just said. As a teacher, it is my responsibility to teach and you're all supposed to listen. Your error is nothing short of your responsibilities."

They quieted down, deflating and calming down. Arthur just picked up the chalk and turned to the board.

"Well then, let's review." He said, beginning to scribble. turning around he pointed to the stick of chalk. "What are you lot waiting for? dismissal?! Hurry and take notes!"

Ding! Dong!

"Augh." Arthur vocalized. "My voice is almost gone from repeating that lesson over and over."

Walking through the hallway two hours later than the previous day seemed odd, as the sky was darker and the sun had already set on the horizon.

"Grammar and Etiquette aren't too bad, the teachers are barely noteworthy or unsavory. The classes were mundane and only the interested were paying attention."

Clutching his growling stomach, Arthur chuckled. "I should stop by the cafeteria and get some grub, I'm starving."

As he proceeded through, a light and an almost hesitant touch were felt on his shoulder.


"How can I help you, Milady?"

The boy turn to the lady, who was hesitantly holding her bag and math notes.

'I-I… uugh… need your help… professor.''

Arthur was confused to either laugh or cringe, so an awkward laugh exited his mouth.

"ha… ha… ha… Please don't call me professor outside of ciphering classes please."

Ellis just sighed, face-palming.

"I will reimburse you for it, so please help me." She corrected, much firmer in her request than before.

Arthur shrugged. "Sure why not, though, I want to eat first. Meet you in the library?"

Ellis brightened up in relief. "Thank you. I promise to repay this debt."

Arthur tilted his head in confusion, slightly smiling. "No need, helping each other is what friends do."

He turned around to leave for the cafeteria. Giving a farewell two-finger salute, he said goodbye. "See you by the library, Milady."

She was left in the hallway, stunned for words. "I made a friend…"