Chapter 5:

Daxton's Declaration Of War!

Saved By The Bell!


(As the festival was continuing to go on, there was an ongoing tournament for all four schools as Kyudenki Academy's Student Council was able to battle in along with the other student councils. As the festival stretches into its final day, all four schools were tied with nine to nine to nine to nine and prepares for the final match which will determine the winning school of the festival. As Kyudenki was then welcomed by Yokohama's news team as they was given permission to stream the fight festival live. Meanwhile as the festival was advertising the Fatal 4 Way street fight between all four schools, Tashiro was visiting the still injured Daxton whom heard about the fight himself but is ashamed he cannot represent the academy.)

"Daxton: So the final match is today."
"Tashiro: Yup. Also means the new meat shows up tonight."
"Daxton: New meat?"

(Tashiro then puts out his cigar as he prepared to light another.)

"Tashiro: They call him "Indiana." From the sources I heard about, this man fights with a whip. The moment it cracks and hits an open body part, it'll hurt like pissing on a jellyfish sting. He's not a cowboy I can assure you, but he knows how to fight pretty damn good."
"Daxton: Anything else?"
"Tashiro: Uhh... He's not known in many fighting schools, but he did win several tournaments. Along with learning several lethal martial art tactics, I can't say how good he'd be against Ms. Yumori though."
"Daxton: Sometimes I wonder how you get all this information."
"Tashiro: Please, I'm the biggest threat in Kyudenki Academy. Everyone there, even the student counsel and disciplinary committee have no choice but to follow my orders."
"Daxton: Hmm..."
"Tashiro: Anyway, that's not all. He's currently carrying his father's legacy as he fights. He's experienced with a sword and knows how to fire a gun too. If you ask me, I'd say he could go against numbers twenty and nine in the global fighting world without breaking a sweat."
"Daxton: Okay... Now what is this "global fighting world?"

"Tashiro: Damn you really have a lot to learn... Okay. So the Global Fighting World means all the active, inactive, retired or currently out of action fighters across the world. Martial artists, pro wrestlers, karate experts, masters, street fighters, kickboxers, MMA combat artists and so on. The list goes on and on about all kinds of fighters. As of right now, you're actually unknown Daxton. To climb up that list, you need to take your fighting career seriously if you wish to get back home to the United States. Otherwise, you'll be stuck here in another hospital bed."

"Daxton: ....Then how do I get out of here quicker and start fighting again?"
"Tashiro: You can't rush a recovery but when you get out of here, you're going to start training with me twice a week to get you up to fighter code. Then I can hook you up with my agent, he'll get you a live pay-per-view fight once you keep your undefeated streak."
"Daxton: I see. I don't have a choice?"
"Tashiro: Well, it's a way to represent your school and graduate quicker if you had an agent to book you for open matches."
"Daxton: Then I'll do it."
"Tashiro: Alright. Also, just a heads up, Senri's coming over after school. Might wanna say hi while you're still awake."
"Daxton: Okay."

(As Tashiro then left Daxton's hospital room, hours then goes by as Senri then visits the hospital later on as Daxton was still awake.)

"Senri: Hunter!"
"Daxton: Oh, Hi Nakamura."
"Senri: How you holding up?"
"Daxton: Well, here and there. I won't be able to leave for another few weeks."
"Senri: Aw. Well, I actually brought someone who wished to see you."
"Daxton: Hm?"

(As Daxton looked at the opened door, two members of the student counsel whom was the severely injured Kuroda along with the Disciplinary Committee's leader and 2nd Student Counsel secretary, Kin Yoshimura.)

"Tch. You. And Miss Yoshimura?"
"Yin: I was granted permission to see you, the entire Student Counsel sends their regards."
"Daxton: I see. How's the festival?"
"Senri: It's pretty fun! The final match is tonight!"
"Daxton: Mhm."

(Kuroda tried to speak but still couldn't as she then wrote down what she was saying.)

"Kin: Kuroda says: "She apologizes for being abusive of her powers and attacking you randomly on school grounds, it was not right of me."
"Daxton: It's fine."
"Senri: Hunter, I've also noticed something."
"Daxton: Hm?"
"Senri: When you was fighting Kuroda..."

(He then remembers the graphic details as the blood was splattering across the ring as him along with some of the audience was staring at his bloodlust eyes as he did not hesitate to continue beating her face in.)

"Senri: It was like you was going to kill her, why is that...?"
"Daxton: ... You wouldn't understand, Nakamura."
"Senri: Well, you're my friend! So I want to understand, the best I can."
"Daxton: ... Kin. I want you to close the door and lock it, don't have anyone listen in."

(As Kin did so, the three of them were listening in to Daxton's story.)

"How long before the festival's last fight?"
"Senri: Uh... About an hour from now."
"Daxton: Alright. Now... I am born from the United States and I had a family... Before we all separated from each other."

-Daxton's Backstory, Year: 2013-

"Senri: (Narrating): It started when I was six years old. My family and I were proud to be together and all in public. But when we're at home, its like we don't even exist. My brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, even my mother and father, all hated one another. The hatred from all of them was then affected me. Then comes... my time in elementary school."

(As young Daxton was reading a book by himself, he was then kicked by a soccer ball on purpose as he was picked on by his school's junior soccer team. The young Daxton then kept his emotions hidden as he didn't let it bother him.)

"Senri (Narrating): For months, I've kept everything hidden to make sure I don't hurt them. Until.. One day, it was Show and Tell at the school..."

(Young Daxton then reveals his pet parrot to the class which mocked everything he did and caught the class's attention.)

"Young Daxton: His name is Valentin, Valentin has been my pet for about two years now and I've always wanted to show him to you guys!"

(Almost all of the class was curious with questions as Daxton answered them except for three of Daxton's classmates.)

"Daxton's Teacher: All right, one at a time class!!"

(After answering all the questions, the class was dismissed for the day as Daxton returned from the bathroom to collect Valentin. Suddenly, he'd notice he was out of his cage as his feathers was plucked along with its wings clipped and was stomped on the floor which dropped Daxton's entire happiness into sadness as he noticed how hurt he was.)

"Young Daxton: VALENTIN...! WHO DID- WHO DID THIS DO YOU...?!"

(Valentin was squawking weakly as he then gave one final breath in Daxton's hands which forced his eyes to produce tears as he was then being laughed at by three other classmates of his who mocked his parrot's death. Before Daxton could get up, he was then kicked by another soccer ball which the force knocks him off his feat as two of the other classmates was then beating up Daxton out of their own will. As Daxton was then bruised and huddled into a ball on the floor, the three then spits on him and laughs as they left the class as the heartbroken Daxton was sobbing quietly at what he went through. As Daxton was then home, one of his caring bigger brothers was checking on the mentally deranged Daxton who has trashed his own room for the purpose of heavy workouts and increasing his endurance. The next day arrives at the elementary school as the motionless Daxton was then sitting at his ruined desk which reeks of rotten eggs left by the bullies. As half of the class enters the classroom, Daxton was then being harassed by the three again which Daxton then grabbed one of the bully's hands and did not let go as his grip was tight on his wrist.)

"Cameron Kaur (Daxton's 1st Bully): Hey! Let go of my arm you stupid fuck!"
"Misael Dawson (Daxton's 2nd Bully): Listen to him!"

(As Daxton was then slapped across the face, his eyes snaps open as he flips his desk over, wristlocks Cameron and slams him on top of his overturned desk right on top of his back as Daxton was fighting off Misael and Luciano. Daxton then swiftly dodges a jab and purposely punches Misael in his liver which forces Misael to collapse on to the floor and gasp for air as Luciano then notices a pair of scissors nearby and stabs Daxton's blocking arm which did not affect Daxton one bit but triggers him to use the scissors on Luciano and slash a huge slit across his hand, grips him by the shirt and throws Luciano towards the window as the rest of the class was terrified of the dangerous, bloodlust Daxton. As Daxton then noticed Misael trying to get back to his feet, Daxton then purposely punt kicks Misael's head into one of the legs of his desk which causes it to collapse after an uneven balance. As Cameron was then crawling in pain to the front of the terrified class, Daxton stomps on his ankle as Cameron was forced to stare at the monster-like Daxton. Suddenly, school security arrives moments later to see a bloody Daxton stare at the three brutally beaten bullies but was carrying a bloody pair of scissors in one hand and the other hand was drenched in blood. As he then turns around slowly, security, even the class was still terrified of Daxton now.)

"Young Daxton: Oh... Can I fight you too...?"

(After the incident at the elementary school, Daxton was not just expelled, he was sentenced to five years in prison for third degree murder while being given an adult charge at the age of six. As Daxton's prison time then went by, he was free to go but was transported home by a police van in handcuffs. As Daxton was transported home, his family greeted him back as Daxton was now neglecting his family who changed their ways and was more loving and caring.)

"Erika Hunter (Daxton's Mother): D-Daxton..?"
"Daxton: ..."

(The still handcuffed Daxton continues to ignores his entire family and storms to his newly furnished room as Daxton continued to workout without a care in the world. As his family was worried, Daxton then eats dinner with his newly turned family as they prayed for the food to be blessed as he did not partake in it.)

"Kyile Hunter (Daxton's Father): Um.. Daxton..? You didn't pray over the food."
"Daxton: So?"
"Kyile: We should all pray over the food so we can thank the lord for gifting us the ingredients needed for your mother to cook such a wonderful feast for the family!"
"Daxton: ... I see."

(As Daxton continued to eat and didn't care, one of his bigger brothers was worried as he then finished up and went back to workout. As a few days went by, Daxton then was hearing shattering items as he then noticed two men forcing themselves on one of his older sisters.)

"Karsyn Hunter (Daxton's Older Sister): NO! NOOO!!! LET ME GO..!!"

(As they stopped to see Daxton, Karsyn was crying and begging Daxton for help knowing that they're the only two in the house.)

"Karsyn: D-DAXTON... PLEASE...."
"Daxton: You beg of me to help you after you broke my nine hundred dollar game console? Seems kind of ironic, considering I begged you to stop right? Besides, you call me the family's "dog" it seems like the pet owner got two hungry hyena's ready to feast."
"Burglar #1: So you're not helping your sister?"
"Daxton: Nah, this happens in prison cells anyway."
"Karsyn: DAXTON..! NO..!! DEAR GOD, HELP ME...!!!"

(As Daxton then closes and locks the door from the outside, noises of screaming along with crying for help, endless loud thuds, glass shattering and loud clapping while he smokes a cigarette and did not care what was happening in her room. As the noises stop and the door suddenly then unlocks, the two burglars left Karsyn's room which was completely destroyed as she was lying on the ground, crying that they both finished inside her. Before they could leave the house, a gun was fired into one of the burglar's heads which forced the second criminal to turn around and realize it was a motion detecting trap. Daxton appeared behind the terrified criminal, dodges his backhand strike then tackles the burglar through the door and in the middle of the night, begins to pummel the burglar's face onto the concrete pathway as blood was then splattering on both the concrete ground and all over Daxton. As he then stopped moving, Daxton looked down at the brutally beaten burglar who was unmasked to be Karsyn's ex boyfriend.)

"Daxton: Oh. Lucas Trevino. Oh well, in your next life you'll learn not to rape my sister."

(As the neighbors noticed, Daxton was immediately caught red-handed as he was seen murdering an "innocent man" from the neighbor's perspective in front of his own house. After the Home Invasion incident, Daxton was then placed on probation by the state after invading several different schools, beating up as many students and teachers as he could until he recent expulsion from his final school in America as he then concluded his story for that incident is what started his "Declaration Of War".)

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