Chapter 2:

Chapter 2

Meeting Through a Chat

A new day. As I open the window curtains, the sun's rays shine inside my room lighting it.

After dressing up in my school uniform and eating my breakfast I head towards school. Such a lovely day, if I hadn't school today, I'd draw the beautiful scenery of trees that Iwakuni has.

Since Iwakuni is a small town, it doesn't have that many people living here. I still don't know if I'd like to move away from here since it's so peaceful. I probably wouldn't fit it in at Tokyo as an example because I feel like I'm a country bumpkin.

Katsu on the other hand is going to move to Tokyo after graduation so he can join a big team, and obiviously Airi is going with him while I stay here. Eh, enough with these negative thoughts, I'll just think positively like I always do.

As I arrive at school, I head straight to my classroom which appears to be empty. Nothing abnormal there since I'm usually really early.


Oh! It must be Jewel.

[Heya Shun.:)]

[Morning Jewel. Sleep well?]

[Yeah. And you?]

[Like a log. Anyway need some help with something?]

[Naah, not now. Thank you anyway. Since I'm early at my classroom I felt like chatting with someone, and you're the first person that came to my mind.]

[I'm actually early as well.]

[What do you usually do during that time?]


[Ah ha ha. Sorry to disturb you then.]

[It's not like I'd die if I don't draw.]

[Lol, I guess that's true.]

"Morning Shun!"

"Ah! Morning Katsu!"

I then say good byes to Jewel.

"It's surprising to see you on your phone. You're usually drawing when I arrive to the classroom."

"Would I die if I didn't draw something?"

"No, but it's rare to see you fiddling with your phone. What's the occasion?"

"Weeell, yesterday when I went drawing the Kintai Bridge I accidently got a text message from an unknown number. The messager turned out to be a girl."

"Oh ho hoo, I see."

"No. I don't even know her Katsu so there's no reason for you to think that way."

"Did she give you her name though."

"*sigh* Yes."

"So how did she accidently message you and why?"

"She must've written the number wrong and she needed help with a question in Physics from a friend of hers. I helped her instead."

"Now I understand."

After that Shun sat on his own desk and the other students arrived as well.

Few hours later the school day ends and I say good byes to Katsu and Airi.

Airi has a long pink hair that reached to her feet. Her front hair was in bangs. She was wearing her usual off the shoulder sweater with white, pink and red stripes and the female uniforms red skirt.

Shun has red messy hair and purple eyes. He is wearing his usual training clothing. A red sleeveless shirt and blue shorts.

"Aah! It's Katsu! He's going to go train again!"

"So dreamy!"

"Hi Katsu!"

Ahaha, Shun is as popular as always. Well I don't really mind, I'm not really ready to get a girlfriend yet either way. On the other hand, the other boys get more and more jealous considering he's already dating Airi. Hmm, guess I'll draw what's happening at the moment for laughs.

"*sigh* They're at it again."

Oh it's the student counsil president Noriko. Despite being stickler to the rules, she's kind to all of us students and listens to our problems.

"Alright everyone, move along now! Stop blocking the path!"


Noriko then looks towards me.

"Yukimura, you should leave if you don't intend to do anything here."

"Understood, I was going to leave anyway until the crowd showed up making it difficult to leave."

"Hmhm, I see."

I then say good byes to her and leave school.

It has become slightly colder than it was yesterday so I guess I'll go straight home.

When I arrive home, I go straight to my room to do my homework. I wouldn't want to leave them unfinished.

_30 minutes later_

There finished. I guess I'll read today instead.


Nevermind then, it seems that I've received a new message.

[Sorry to bother you Shun.]

[Not at all. I wasn't really doing anything at the moment.]

[Soo, sorry if this is personal but where do you live? The bridge you showed me yesterday seemed familiar.]

[Oh! That's Iwakuni's Kintai Bridge."

[Ah I see. I've seen photos of it. Would be nice to visit someday.]

[Where do you live then?]


[I see. I haven't been there. Must be pretty lively.]

[It is, have you ever wanted to visit here?]

[I don't know. I feel like a country bumpkin that wouldn't fit in there.]

[Why is that?]

[I don't know. Probably because it's so peaceful here. But I could try visiting.]

[Understandable. It can become really hectic here. Especially during holidays.]

[Any specific reason you want to come visit Iwakuni?]

[Hmm, to get a break from my eventful life. I'm not just a gamer after all.]

[Seems personal so I won't ask.]

After that we say good byes and I head downstairs to eat. This time my fater, who is very busy with his work, and my 22 year old sister are home eating with us. She immediately starts hugging me. She is also wearing her pink pajamas with bunny patterns and pink slippers. Her hair is light blue in two ponytails and her eyes are peach colored.

"Kokoro please stop."

"Aww, but hugging you makes me feel comfortable and safe after studying so long to become a nurse. And you know full well how nerve wracking it is. And I won't change it. I want to help sick people."

"*sigh* Understood, but I would appriciate it if you let me eat."


"*ahem* Anyway, have you found a girlfriend yet Shun?"

"Ah, I haven't yet dad. I'm not really ready to be in a relationship."

"When I was in your age-"

"I know, you and mom were already dating. You seriously don't have bring that up dad, I just haven't found the one for me."

"Hmhm, well when you meet the one, do introduce her to us."

After eating I immediately head to my room and start making some sketches, but I just can't concentrate for some reason. Maybe I should just head to bed.

"A girlfriend huh?"

After that I fall asleep.