Chapter 2:

As It Was, Part 2

Every Side of the World

“Do you have any proof?” Demonity angrily asked.

“You told me that the First Ancestral wanted to meet you yesterday,” Humanim announced. “You wanted to be the next leader so bad, so you made the First Ancestral disappear!”

“That’s preposterous! I only said that the First Ancestral wanted to meet me, but I sure didn’t commit a crime,” Demonity declared. “Elfin and Dwarfitch, who do you believe?”

“Don’t call them for help!” Humanim yelled. “Not after what you did.”

“What do you mean, Humanim?” Elfin asked.

“We all know that Demonity gets frustrated easily and grows out a horn that gives an insurmountable amount of power,” Humanim yelled. “Well, Demonity had to let the frustration go somewhere, right? Like possibly damaging something important.”

“Are you talking about the trees and the mountain?” Demonity asked confusingly.

“I didn’t say anything about trees or mountains,” Humanim said almost solemnly.

“Wait,” Demonity responded quickly after feeling like a trap was set. “I seriously don’t know anything.”

“Forget it,” Dwarfitch said. “This was never told to anyone.”

“We have our answers,” Elfin said.

Dwarfitch and Elfin sided with Humanim, and it was now three Ancestrals against one Ancestral. After all of the kindness and assistance Demonity gave, all the Ancestrals easily brushed it off. It was terrifying, scary, but most of all, it was lonely.

“I’ll give you two choices,” Humanim declared. “Kill yourself at once, or exile yourself from us for all eternity.”


It was no use as Elfin and Dwarfitch gazed away, seemingly showing their trust towards Humanim. Demonity held back tears at the deceit, lies, and betrayal from those that were considered family.

“I will exile myself,” Demonity answered calmly.

“Good, then you-”

“But not for all eternity!” Demonity declared.

“Huh?” Humanim asked.

“Through the trials and tribulations, we will all be together once again! There will be a time where we can talk again with one another, laugh with one another, and be happy with one another. I don’t care how long it takes, but that day will come. We might not be able to see it, but our descendants will. They’ll fight, kill, and have plenty of tears just like today, but it won’t be for eternity. Everyone will finally be happy, they for sure will. I guarantee it on my life,” Demonity said with two horns popping out.

“See,” Humanim yelled. “The horns have come out once again. Demonity is angry and will even use the power of the horn to go against us!”

“But,” Dwarfitch said while turning to look at Demonity. “Why is he crying?”

As tears rolled down Demonity’s face, the biggest smile formed. It wasn’t a smile of anger or defeat, it was a smile of what Demonity hoped the future would hold.

Elfin and Dwarfitch gazed away again, but the sounds of droplets hitting the ground signaled how they truly felt as well. Humanim stood there silent. After one last look, Demonity turned around and roamed the vast land, alone and faced with false accusations. However, Demonity didn’t care. All Demonity hoped was that those that were considered as family would all continue to be well.

“Wait, how come Demonity didn’t say that Humanim did it? It sounds like Humanim did it. Dwarfitch and Elfin are poopoo heads for not staying with Demonity. And why did the leader disappear? Is that why the land is separated into 4 now? How come we get the south area? I think the north area would be cooler. And why is there water everywhere now? Did a giant fish break the sea apart? I bet a sea monster jumped out and started breathing fire out of their mouths. Wait, can a monster from the sea even breathe fire? Nevermind, this story sounds dumb. Only a baby would believe it,” I said.

“Stop interrupting!” the storyteller said as she hit me over the head. “And you are a baby!”

“Ouch! You can’t hit me, Mya,” I rubbed my head in frustration.

“This is the story passed on from generations to generations,” Mya let out a deep sigh. “This is the truth about this world. Even if the other nations believe differently. Now let me finish the rest, because it’s just as important!”

“Truth, smooth, poop,” I stuck my tongue out and ran out the room. “It’s boring, and I don’t wanna listen anymore!”

“That is no way for a baby to act!” Mya tried chasing me.

“Don’t call me a baby!” I turned around and gave a smile. “I’m Kizou, Prince of the Demon Kingdom!”

Every Side of the World
