Chapter 1:

Trip To Flandre

Ice-Cold Vampire Princess

"Are you seriously going to keep following me like this?" I asked the pestering princess as I continued to speed up my flight in hopes of losing her.

"It's my duty to escort a rude princess like you to the academy sadly." She sighed as she suddenly disappeared and then reappeared in front of me. I stopped flying and floated at eye level with her to talk.

"You know how to teleport too?" I questioned.

While appearing through other people's shadows is basic darkness magic advanced users can completely dissolve into darkness and reappear in another place as long as it's within the users' range. I mastered that magic about a year ago when I was about 7 years old. I haven't heard of anyone who isn't in the grand academy that can use it though.

"It's really basic magic. I'm sure you think so as well." She said smirking.

"ehhhhhhh I'm not getting what you mean," I said starting to sweat and fiddle with my index fingers.

"Really with you being the genius of the Vampire tribe? The girl who mastered intermediate Darkness magic at the age of 4. The girl who at age 8 has already mastered advanced Ice magic?" She prodded my side as she laughed.

"How..." I started.

"Hmmm?" she responded giddily.

"Not even my parents know about it so how could you know about all that? I even made sure nobody was watching me when I practiced my magic." I said flustered.

"Eira, since you were a baby, many royals have been observing you because of the immense magical power that radiates off you daily. You learned how to conceal it recently, but demon nobles can see through it." She responded.

"So, you have been spying on me." My eyes started to spark with anger.

"I have on your mothers' orders..." She blushed and looked away for a moment.

"My mothers?" I said confused.

"Since Nobles found out 5 years ago that you could use intermediate magic a lot of them wanted you to be married to the Royal Demonshire family. Your Mother did not want that and eventually, we reached an agreement where you would be observed by the Demonshire house to monitor your strength." She explained.

"All you need to know is that I am not your enemy, I am very fond of you actually." She giggled.

I sighed. "So, because I wasn't careful, I was almost used as a political tool just for strength alone. This world is very scary." I thought.

"Don't sweat it Eira. Also, my name is Vasati." She said smiling.

"Did you just read my mind?" I asked her troubled. "Don't tell me that's also a magic in this world." I thought frightened.

"Nah. You're just easy to read Eira, you always walk around with that cool face, but it's nice to see that you have vulnerable moments like this." She laughed.

"I mean I'm not all that, people just like to make up rumors about me. People always want something to gossip about." I laughed in response.

"Oh really. There are some rumors that you have rejected every boy who has offered you a hand in marriage, Is that true?" Vasati grinned.

"Well, if someone comes around with a dainty letter saying they want my hand when they never have met me then it's an instant no obviously. Plus, boys are a no go I will only marry a woman." I puffed my chest out proudly.

"Even though I'm a woman now I still only like women." I thought.

"That's a very bold thing to say at your age. Especially as a princess" Vasati said.

"It's just what I think at the end of the day," I said shrugging.

"Well, we're going to be late if we keep talking like this so let's get a move on it." She responded.

We both started flying full speed to Flandre the academy's capital. I'm surprised she was able to keep up with me, but she also still seems to be holding some power back. She may be stronger than me.

As we approached the city of Flandre I noticed there was a group of 4 fighting off a magical beast. Magical Beasts are Beasts that live in areas dense with Mana and over the years evolved into beings that live and feed off that magical energy. Most of these Beasts are pretty tame so they usually won't try to attack unless they are agitated so it's likely that the group was partaking in a quest to subjugate the Beast.

Vasati prodded my side and pointed to them below.

"Hey, should we help those people out? It looks like they're getting slaughtered down there." She said giggling.

I took one look below and they were indeed losing the fight. The party consisted of a blonde-haired Dragonoid girl, A grey-haired elven girl, and two male demons. They were battling a Zeonite, a wolf-like creature that shoots out sparks of lightning through a singular horn on its head. The two Demonkin had already broken their swords and the Elven healer had likely run out of mana to heal the rest of their party members.

I sighed "Fine, but we have to do this quickly." I said rolling my eyes.

"Alright, Eira! Let's Go!" She grabbed my hand, and we teleported down to the ground right between the party members and the beast.

The moment we landed I casted a healing spell on the group of 4. I then turned towards the Zeonite and materialized a sword from Ice mana. Mana is the essence of magic and also is known as Magic Power. Those who are skilled enough can make their mana materialize physically. I already reached that level a while back and I'm sure that freak princess has too.

"Ohhhh, you have learned how to physically materialize your mana! How impressive!" Vasati said proudly.

"It's really not that impressive" I rolled my eyes blushing.

"Don't fight that Beast!" the Elven girl shouted towards us.

"We appreciate you young girls healing us, but you guys should run away and let us handle this." The black-haired Demonkin said.

They were starting to get on my nerves so I casted a barrier between us so they wouldn't get in me and Vasati's way.

"Barrier" I lazily said, and I entrapped me and Vasati with the beast.

"Nice work Eira, now no one will get in our way!" Vasati said with her dark black eyes swirling with excitement.

"Sure Vasati," I said rolling my eyes.

"Watch this Eira!" Vasati shouted.

Vasati used mana materialization as well and she materialized dark mana into a sword as well.

"Alright let's go kill this thing!" She yelled and started to run towards the beast.

I sighed and followed her and ignoring the cries of retreat from the party behind. The Zeonite shot out a huge lightning bolt in our direction, but me and Vasati simply just teleported behind the beast using dark magic.

"Freeze" I used Deep Freeze a tier 3 Ice magic spell that I learned a while back to keep the beast entrapped in Ice and leaped into the air to deliver the final blow, but Vasati had beat me to it.

"Black Hole" Vasati entrapped the beast into a Black Hole in the sky about the size of a small cloud. After it swallowed the Zeonite It disappeared into the sky.

"Seriously, Using tier 5 dark magic on a Beast that weak. You're such a showoff." I flicked my silver twin tails over my shoulder and rolled my eyes.

"Are you jealous, Eira?" Vasati mocked.

"No, I'm not" I responded sighing a breath of annoyance.

"You so are" Vasati teased.

"Not!" I shouted walking away from her.

"Are!" Vasati shouted following me.

"Who were those people?" The party asked themselves as Vasati and Eira walked away.

"That silver-haired girl was insanely powerful and she used advanced tier 3 Ice magic without a chant." The Dragonoid girl said.

"That dark-haired girl was no doubt Princess Vasati. No one else in the demon empire can use chantless tier 5 dark magic like that." The red-haired Demon commented.

"That silver-haired girl is a vampire. I saw her fangs." The elven girl commented.

"Either way those two made us look like E-Rank adventures," A black-haired demon said.

"Those two barely look of age to enter the lower academy. The Princess Vasati is only 9 years old, and they look pretty close in age." The Elven girl said.

"Either way they both were wearing our academy uniforms so they're probably new students for this year." The black-haired Demon said.

"I hope I can be friends with them..." The Dragonoid girl said.


15 minutes later

"Finally, we're arriving in Flandre," I said chirpily dropping my altitude as we landed in front of the huge Gate of Flandre.

"You are such a downer," Vasati said as she dropped down right beside me.

"I'm tired of you talking. Please stop." I said with a fake smile. As we walked toward the two security guards at the gate.

"You're such a weirdo," Vasati said shrugging her shoulders.

"Get used to it. Since you decided you want to follow me around" I said frowning.

"Are you finally accepting me?" Vasati said with a grin as she wrapped me in a hug. She was taller than me, so my head only reached slightly above her shoulders.

"Kinda," I said blushing. Pushing her away I handed My ID card to one of the guards. Vasati then quickly handed hers to the other guard.

As the Gates opened, I looked into the city of Flandre and it was insanely vast. Hundreds of stores were on the streets. Looking up towards the top of the city I saw the Great Academy, Friaize.

"Hurry up Eira! We're going to be late!" Vasati said grabbing my hand and starting to run, pulling me along with her.

Hopefully, I haven't started up my next life making troublesome friends.
